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Thanks. Katie. It’s so sad. I never did like motorcycles. I know some people do. They say they like the freedom.

He wasn’t a ‘biker’ type of guy. Ordinary kind of guy. My husband’s boss who is a white collar very educated man, extremely wealthy guy just bought an expensive motorcycle that he rides to work daily. My husband says he’s having a mid life crisis.

My whine moment today is minor but I've noticed in my neighborhood everybody has these designer dogs. That's what I like to call them. You know the cute little bulldogs with the pushed in noses. The Siberian huskies. The Newfoundland, Chow Chows.

Now I have nothing against these dogs but why can't someone get a good old-fashioned mutt. Nothing pretty or trendy..........just an ordinary old dog. It seems status is everything. Even with the pets you get. My own family has always been ultra competitive to the nth degree. My sisters always get the persian cats or the ragdoll. I've got a couple of tabbies who I think are pretty darn cute. Instead of saying anything nice about them my one sister says "oh, my cat is so much cuter" Gosh, does everything have to be about one upping everyone?

Also, I tire of the sarcastic banter. I run into a neighbor and it's stupid comments that are meant to be funny. What happened to just straight talk. Why does everyone have to be amusing all the time. I know I'm guilty of this but sometimes isn't it nice to just be normal and boring?

I vie to try to be normal and boring for a while.

I'm completely with you, Gershun.

Can't believe there's such a thing as competitive cuteness, smh.

On the opposite side, to cheer you up, there's a website called "rate my dog" or something like that - people send in pictures of their dogs, and the moderators and voters come up with a score. One soulless or obtuse person complained that ALL of the dogs were getting maximum scores no matter what they looked like or were claimed to be capable of and argued that it made the exercise meaningless. The chief moderator mildly replied to him "they're all good dogs, Brett."

That's what I like, a website where you can say "look at my dog! My dog is the world's best dog!" and everybody will understand the point and agree with everybody else.

Gershun, I have noticed this too...add to this trend that everything has to be "luxury" anymore, and relationships seem to be based on competition. It is the constant comparing that some people seem to foster that makes people so unhappy. Why can't we all just be ourselves, even if that means sometimes we seem ordinary? Nothing wrong with that! Some people immediately begin sizing one up, who's got the better house, car, pets etc. Maybe someday the whole trend will change, I hope.

I believe the world has become a much crueller place since the invention of the internet and social media. Of course there was always bigotry and competitiveness but people mostly knew enough to keep socially unacceptable thoughts and actions to themselves, now everything is posted on line (often proudly!!) and all the other's feel emboldened to admit their own inappropriate thoughts and deeds and every little thing is polarized, from fashion to politics.

*** UPDATE *** from

"This is fantastic.

The guy who originally argued with WeRateDogs because he didn’t get their gimmick just got a dog and they rated it."


Brent (sorry, not Brett) has been welcomed to the fold and his dog got 14/10.

CW, I agree a much crueler place, people that have to be right all the time, people who are nasty all the time, people that consider themselves superior all the time, people that put others down all the time. The internet and the anonymity of it can sure make people feel self important and and inflate their egos.

My Whining moment,
I am an only child, my father has passed, my Mother came to live with us 29 years ago. I had only been married 10 years. It was OK as she took care of herself but is very dependent on us, but now it’s been 3 years she has Louie Body dementia, 3 years ago she woke up, like she was in the twilight zone, didn’t know where she was, decided I was her sister, and acted as if she had never been in our house before. She has never been married no children. Believing all the people in her life who have passed are alive and well, and much younger than they really are.
But she has been here 27 years. We brought her to the hospital turns out she had a UTI, ad was told she would return to normal soon. It never happened! She drives me crazy, now she is only able to walk with me assisting her with the walker, she has no balance. If we go anywhere I have to put her in a wheelchair. And if I go anywhere I must bring her, cause she will fall if she tries to get up. She is living in the past wants to go home, to her Mother & Father. She is 91, I have to diaper her, feed her, bathe her, put her to bed and watch her constantly. She makes no sense at all, she tells me the other lady just gave me food, that other lady is me. She has imaginary people around her she gives them names. Tells me someone is in her bed. When she could walk, I would go in her room and find all her things that were on her dresser in the drawers, cause they are coming to steal her things. Or she will ask to pack her things to go home. This goes on daily, like a bad dream. She has no memory I tell her that we are going to the Doctor, about 20 minutes later she will say I never told her that. Or if we go out to to groceries, later she will tell me another lady took her out.
I gave up my job to be her caregiver. I can’t go to things, like a wedding, or a show, I have to make sure she is asleep to shower. My only relief is vacation we put her in respite for a couple weeks. My 2 daughters do help out but when they do she is like a bad child who won’t listen to them and refuses to cooperate.



It sounds like your mother is ready for memory care.

if your mother is constantly hallucinating its possible she only has weeks to live . treasure them because everything will be hindsight soon . her brain is a dead short . it will fail her organs next .

eh , i have a small grumble . i wrote to my remaining son this am with a little hope regarding justice for jake and nick . havent communicated with each other for over a year . as always he takes this opportunity to send a whole lot of ' no reply ' . i believe its both him and his mothers way of making me feel alienated and insignificant . i mused to our detective that theyve never gotten atop of dad's head and never will and in fact , i would prefer more challenging adversaries than those two dolts . Ha Ha Ha ..

Gershun and others who commented on the self interest phenomenon: 

I think you're right; values have changed on many levels.   Introspection has been substituted for self focus and adulation.   Selfies are taken in situations so unstable that some hikers have even died falling off cliffs while preserving their accomplishments (and lack of common sense) through selfies for posterity.

However, Greta Thunberg is a direct opposite of the "me first" phenomenon.   I admire her concern, tenacity and dedication.   She's a role model for young people. 

Polarizaton is also I think a large function of the current political strife and turmoil.

GardenArtist, I know I was very impressed with Greta Thunberg, and her being only 16 has knowledge and caring far beyond people of her age group, and that of many adults. I sure hope there are more young people like her out there.

One thing I have noticed while shaking the family tree, all the old photos I have. Yet I have hardly any of the current generation as those photos are stored in their cellphones. Gone are the Kodak moments one use to happily get in the mail.... [sigh].

a kid jetting all over the world screaming about jet pollution . sounds like harry and smeg .

i made 3 small purchases at 3 different stores in town this morning -- declined additional plastic bags for all 3 purchases . i probably accomplished more but i dont expect much recognition for it .

humorously , one purchase was a 16 ounce bag of tobacco . they always want to put it in a carrying bag . i always tell them its already in a bag so strong it requires a box knife to open it .

I agree with what Greta Thunberg says but I must say I don't like the way the public are turning her into some kind of saving the climate pioneer. Just like people in the public eye are demonized, there is also such a thing as adolizing people too much.

She's just a kid with her heart in the right place. Her impassioned pleas are great and all that but I think it's a little too soon to be comparing her to Gandhi or Einstein.

Teeavilnor, I'm sorry you are experiencing this with your mom. Trust us, most of us have been there. I think the only way to tolerate this behavior is to remember that it's her brain deteriorating and she can't help it or do anything to stop it. When my mom would start talking about things that I knew not to be true I eventually realized debating it with her was a complete waste of time. Instead I just started to smile and nod and act like I was in agreement. I know it's human nature to want to protect and get your mom to see sense. But unfortunately the human brain isn't a snow globe. You can't just shake it and have everything fall into place again. Oh, that we could.

Gershun, I agree on Greta. What about the kids who are out weekly cleaning up the shores of streams and lakes. They’re doing hard physical labor and the most they get is local people who buy them pizza and soda at the end of a long hard day hauling trash. I live on Lake Erie and the trash and litter that wash up is tremendous. The kids who are concerned about this litter and the environment are not idolized and jetting from one place to another. They’re just steadily picking up trash. I also think she is at times disrespectful to those in higher up positions. They may not be perfect, but like all people they do deserve respect which seems to be in short supply with Greta.

Yes UsedupDIL, not to mention there have been tons of people out speaking up about environmental changes and how the politicians need to do something. The politicians already know this or claim they do. It's all about priorities and unfortunately most politicians are too busy disclaiming one thing or another and worrying about building up the infrastructure etc. as opposed to doing anything about the climate.

While I admire Greta's tenacity, she is just one of many.

My posts are not working on a thread I'm on. All I see is the option to edit which I don't need and it doesn't post. I have contacted the AC people.

I wish people would not high jack threads but focus on trying to help the OP.

Yoda, did you hear a response from AG about your posting? Glitches can be annoying. I have seen where people have had issues with their posts disappearing after they posts.

Hope it’s resolved.

I didn't hear from them, but it got resolved. I've been somewhat busy here today and on other places online. Thanks for asking!

My depressing moment of the day, not exactly a whine moment: Dad has made the decision to stop all meds (except for ones that make him feel comfy) and go into hospice. The doctors are working on getting him on some new meds to help him and mom signed the papers to put him in hospice. The good news is that he gets to stay where he is and we like the place that he's staying in. The bad news is that his time is drawing to a close, but not sure when that will happen. My mom has been very depressed over this and to tell you the truth, I haven't been too happy about this myself. I know this was going to happen sooner or later but it is still hard. Watching your loved one get old and sick sucks...

I’m sorry anonymous. Yep, it is hard. My heart goes out to you. Hugs! 💗

I wrecked my MILs car tonight! I am mad at myself!!!!! I’m incredibly thankful neither my son or the other driver were hurt but damn does this sting :(

it was totally my fault. I was taking my son to football practice. I have to drive down a road with (2) two-stops. I got to the 2nd intersection with a two way stop, of course I had the stop sign. I was going west and could see that traffic going north to my right was backed up pretty far to the left and that’s unusual. The car in front of me was waved through the intersection by a driver nice enough not to block it. He turned and I moved up & stopped ar the stop sign. I looked down the street to my right thinking there was an accident or somethin but it was all clear, just a lot of people heading north. Southbound traffic was very light, only a few cars coming that way. Then north bound trafffic l, which was already moving slow because they had a stop sign at the best block, stopped moving and a car stopped so as to not block the intersection. I made eye contact with the driver who again was on my left and he waved me through. And for some damn reason I didn’t to look to the right before I accelerated and I collided with a car going south! Didn’t see her until it was too late. Smashed in the front of MILs car. Her car wasn’t too badly damaged, I hit her by the drivers side front tire. But I feel awful!!! I just can’t believe I did that!! AND the woman I hit is my daughters former pediatrician. SMDH. She was very nice about it but damn! I can’t even put in to words how bad I feel! Hubby isn’t even speaking to me which is par for the course. Normally i’d have some unkind things to say about him over that because it’s emotional abuse but I wrecked his late mother’s car which was a gift to us and I know badly I feel so I can only imagine how he feels!!!!

Ah Worried, I've learned to distrust anyone who does you those kind of favours on the road, too often the results are like yours. That driver should have never waved you on when they should have seen better than you that there was traffic approaching from the other direction, IMO he was just as at fault as you.

Sorry about the accident, Cali. I’m glad no one was hurt. Your husband will get over his anger. Hugs!

Don’t be too upset with yourself. It was an accident. You aren’t a bad driver.

worriedinCA - I'm sorry you had a car accident. You probably still feel shaken up. Do you have full insurance coverage? If so, it will take care of the other driver's car as well as yours. Do you think the damage to your car can be fixed or will the cost be more than the car's worth?

When I had my car accident (my fault, too) about 4 years ago, the damage to the car was too much, so the insurance took it and paid me the FMV for the car. It was enough for me to buy a used van, and still had some money left over. I was thrilled because we finally had a van for more space for the kids, and put away some money into savings. So, there was some good that came out of the accident. I hope there will be a silver lining for you, too.

Worried -

1. Nobody hurt! Nothing else really matters.
2. You know what happened and what went wrong, lesson learned, you'll never do that again. Next best thing to its not having happened at all.

What did your MIL ever say when somebody had a bump? Even if she wasn't always totally sympathetic, I doubt if she'd want you to beat yourself up indefinitely. These things happen :)

I hate when the cool weather rolls around my 90 year old mom who is healthy and pretty sharp which I totally am grateful for she gets crazy with the heat she lives with us and has her own apartment attached to our house but the heat is controlled by our house I get that she gets cold but it's only Oct. and by the way she only has 3 rooms and is set at 73 what really bothers me is that she won't put on additional clothing like a sweat jacket she wears a very thin shawl and not to mention she also has an electric fireplace and an electric shawl that she doesn't put on or wear I keep telling her to start dressing warmer and to use the electric it's much cheaper than using the propane gas I can't comprehend that logic and refuses also at night to keep the electric blanket on low I totally understand your body gets colder when you get older but really try to help yourself i'm just venting

Thanks all! Yes I’m definitely shaken up. Doing better today but still mad at myself.

CM I’m sure MIL is sitting on her cloud giving me THE LOOK. I can totally see her face, she gave that look many times over the years!

Polarbear, yes we have full coverage on the car. It’s a 2017 model so I don’t think the cost of repairing will exceed the value of the car but we will soon find out! For a low impact collision, the front end is really smashed up. I called the insurance last night and filed a claim. Found out our deductible is only $250. It’s always been $500. Hubby must have changed the coverage which explains why the monthly premium is so high! I just noticed it’s $230 a month, I don’t recall it ever exceeding $180. (We have 3 cars on the policy).
That was definitely something good that came out of your accident! I don’t think we will be that lucky, if the car ends up being totaled out, I think it’s worth $17k at most? It was in perfect condition except for the shattered mirror. I wouldn’t mind getting a used SUV, with 2 kids in sports it would be nice to have extra room for all their equipment.

Cwillie, yep it’s a lesson learned for sure. I won’t make this mistake again and I’ll think twice about being the courtesy driver who waves others through. I mean I will still do it but I won’t wave until I can see that traffic is clear and it’s safe for the other car to go. I keep thinking to all the times someone has waved me through or I’ve waved them through, and not given a second thought about whether traffic was clear!

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