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Worried, the "crumple zone" worked, then! They're designed to scrunch up and absorb impact so that the forces don't get transferred to the important bit of the car where people sit. It looks terrible, but it is what's supposed to happen :)

At least this time MIL had something to give you The Look for?!?!?! - better than not knowing what you've done this time 😟

So cal wildfire season

utilities are cutting power as a precaution against wind

Tweety bird is not going to like it if the fire smells get too close.

Not sure which scares me the most, EQ, wind, or fire....

In a power outage, I would be so grateful to own an RV.

It's 7:45 but I've had enough of this day, I'm going to bed. ☹️

Goodnight cwille.

Sorry y'all will miss Madame Secretary/Madame President, Sun. nights.
Ginger cookies too.

i get agitated sometimes driving past our detectives offices . theres usually 2 personal trucks that the detectives own and precious little appears to be going on .
i envision them in there watching youtube funny cat videos . it isnt true though . the cases they are preparing often have tens to hundreds of thousands of pages of documents when its time to go to trial .
they are dedicated , brilliant , and hard working people - we just arent in a position to know whats going on .
i trust them but it isnt a default frame of mind . its a constant struggle to right my skeptical ' weak moments of doubt ' .

Hang in there, Captain. Sounds like you have faith to me. Normal for doubts to pop up every now and then. It isn’t always in our best interest to get caught up in the ‘What if’s?’

If I could change anything in my life I would erase many of the ‘what if?’ moments because they created more anxiety than I needed in my life.

My whine moment is that I woke up in the wee hours of the morning with a hellish nightmare. It’s almost like a haunting experience.

It always amazes me how our subconscious mind works while we are sleeping.

My husband says if I spoke to a dream annalist they would be totally baffled. I’ve had some bizarre dreams that I don’t know if they could easily be interpreted. Some say that our dreams are messages or our subconscious trying to work it out, especially lucid dreams which I do have. Not sure how I feel.

My husband is one who doesn’t even remember his dreams upon awakening so he can’t truly relate to what I feel. That’s interesting to me also, how some are able to vividly recall their dreams and others cannot.

Our subconscious minds are fascinating to me. Some even feel dreams are premonitions. We can have strong premonitions any time though.

Once while traveling through New England I asked my husband to drive down this beautiful winding road. He asked me why. I told him I didn’t know why but I knew that I had to see where it led.

You have to understand that my husband is a ‘decisive planner’. He’s an engineer. He sees things in black and white. He drives with a direction in mind and follows a map!

I am not at all like that. I tend to fly by the seat of my pants. I see gray areas. I am an explorer at heart. Anyway, he reluctantly took the detour for me. It led to an amazing sight just at the foot of Mount Washington in New Hampshire where we found our favorite bed and breakfast.

Hahaha. Sometimes my annoying ways with my husband pays off. They say that opposites attract. I’d like to think we balance each other. His logic has grounded me at times and my carefree nature has allowed him to be more flexible when needed.

strangely . when were having the most intense dreams we are in the deepest stages of our sleep cycle . hard to believe one could be battling dragons and getting the most beneficial rest at the same time .

i sure had a funny one here while back . some cops were getting lectur - ey with me about some pills . i said " just arrest me , im not into your yap" .
a cute girl cop said she would do that , turned her behind towards me and told me i could even get the cuffs off the back of her belt . this started smacking of a dream so i chose to slow down time and play it out . my oldest son was there and sternly told me to " just get the damn cuffs " . i told him to totally fk off with his ' moment sullying BS .
guys such a buzz kill .


Yeah, sleep behavior is interesting. I have been known to sleep walk some. Freaked my husband out! Hahaha

Of course, I didn’t remember any of it. He travels with work. Early in our marriage we rented a two story apartment and he would fear that he’d come home to me crashed at the foot of the stairs.

He said my eyes would be wide open. I looked totally awake but did not answer him speaking to me and he realized that I was sound asleep, then suddenly would turn back towards the bedroom and get back in bed.

Don’t know how long I have experienced sleepwalking but as a teenager my mom placed extra locks on the doors. Hahaha.

You know how they say not to wake them because the sleepwalker will be startled? That’s true. Once I was in my kitchen and there wasn’t air conditioning in my parent’s home them. We only had a window fan in the kitchen. I was raising my arm and the tip of my finger hit the blade of the fan and woke me up. I didn’t know how the hell I got there or why I was there. I turned around to look at the clock and it was 3:00 in the morning. That was the only time that I awoke myself during sleep walking. What causes up to walk during sleep? I’ll have to research it.


Hahaha. You and I should keep dreaming journals!

One time when my daughter was an infant I had a dream that I was breast feeding my daughter and instead of milk she was drinking coffee with milk. Hahaha. My husband said, “Okay, that’s an easy one. You’re a caffeine junkie!”

I cut back on the coffee! Actually I gave up coffee during the pregnancy all together but my little stinker didn’t sleep well at night so I needed a jolt of caffeine to stay awake to care for her!

A hotel (Hard Rock) being built here in New Orleans has collapsed. So horrible! It’s on our local news right now. Unfortunately, deaths occurred at the construction site and one person has not been located yet.

It’s a challenge to find him because of the danger of the building collapsing again. So sad. Search and rescue are trying to figure out how to get to the construction worker.

i enjoy wild dreaming . im always in character so it tells me that i know who i am and that i approve .

Lord, we have a second boil water advisory here in New Orleans. We have crappy drinking water here. I buy bottled water. Hate having to buy water. Are bottled waters regulated closely enough?

What states have good quality drinking water?

NC water is safe to drink

my town is google renowned for polluted wells . ( dry cleaning solvents ) . im not about to drink the sht . i switched to rainwater off the roof .

Nasty crap in water! Ours isn’t good at all. Yuck!

Dry cleaning solvents. That’s awful.

the town near me has to drill new wells . they will be charging about 150 a month for water and sewage soon . people are drinking toxic sludge and being robbed to do so . -- well , the dumb ones are . out here in the hills we have a tendacy to think for ourselves .

Okay, wheels are turning in my head about the tragedy in our city right now. Hard Rock Hotel site is live on television right now. It’s just so sad.

The hotel was under construction and unfortunately collapsed. Sadly, deaths have occurred and one construction worker is missing. Search and rescue are desperately trying to find him. It’s dangerous because they don’t want to risk another collapse.

How do these buildings collapse? Engineering issues? Builders issue? They had a question about the concrete. Just a mystery at the moment.

Right now the engineers are working on a plan to secure the building? The construction company could not be reached for comments. Man, what a tragedy.

when indiana was busting unions , union wages , and sht canning prevailing wage laws in our state a few years ago , i remember a big construction company ( wilhelm ) appealing to the state representatives . their message was ; we dont necessarily want 9 dollar an hour kids on our dangerous jobs .
of course they were ignored .
when youre paying 30 bucks an hour you can demand high standards .

these engineers .
im working on a 150 foot long shop building and the engineers couldnt seem to make it work ' block ' .
my math is so poor i get a different answer every time i count my balls but i've never had a problem making something fall on either 8 or 16 inches. its , kinda , denoted right there on the tape measure .


My grandfather was a shipbuilder. I know there is a difference between building a ship and the construction of a hotel.

He was a true craftsman though. He could build anything. I agree with you. Indeed qualified individuals make all the difference.

NeedHelpWithMom, have you ever watched The Craftsman's Legacy?  It's carried on one of the PBS channels, and addresses those people who like your father are true craftspeople, true artisans working with their hands.   

Thus far I've seen episodes featuring a canoe builder, basket weaver, metallurgist, saddle and hat makers, Windsor chair builder, weaver, quilter, and more that I can't remember.  Oh, yes, chocolate makers!  How could I forget chocolate?


When does that come on? I definitely want to watch. Haven’t seen it. I love to see the creations of others. I will do a search to look it up. If our local PBS channel doesn’t have it I wonder if I can view online.

My grandfather could build anything.

He worked in the shipyards building the large wooden ships. He had to wake up early in the morning to go to work because he had a long commute.

In his off time he was always building smaller fishing boats for individuals.

Speaking of carpentry. North of the city there is a beautiful seminary. The monks started doing different things to earn money.

One program is baking bread that they sell. They raise chickens to get the eggs to sell and so forth. They grow berries to make preserves. The money goes to the needy in the community.

They also started building caskets and wooden boxes for ashes if a person is cremated. They are very talented and do quality work.

I was shocked when the funeral homes became very disturbed about the monks building caskets and said they were taking business away from them and went as far as to sue them.

The judge ruled in favor of the monks, praised them for doing quality work and earning money for their needs. The judge is correct. They do take a collection in mass but that doesn’t meet all of their needs. I too praise them. They aren’t just asking for a hand out.

I go to mass there when I feel like going for a drive out of the city. The grounds are just beautiful, the church is lovely, extraordinary stained glass windows, an artist was commissioned to do incredible murals, it is just gorgeous. Very peaceful.

They have a bookstore/gift shop on the grounds that serves coffee after mass. I will buy gifts on occasion.

They sell handmade soy candles that are lovely. Beautiful crafted wood objects and several other items. There is something special about handmade items that aren’t mass produced.

They have CDs with music recorded from the choir. Their choir is phenomenal. The pianist and organist are accomplished musicians.

Occasionally they have guests speakers or musicians for different fundraisers. A local artist gives painting lessons on the grounds. Gorgeous creeks that are on the property. That area has a river near the property.

NeedHelpWithMom, I loved your post!  It's so refreshing to read of people reaching to the community.   I'm wondering if this seminary is Franciscan?    I'd love to have one like that in my area and offer people the option for REAL crafts project instead of mass produced junk from China.

It also is a lovely building (from the street; I've never been in it), set in a beautiful, serene setting.   I believe it was sold to some commercial outfit several years ago, but I don't recall for sure.

It must be a real mental relief to visit a beautiful building like that seminary.    Years ago when I joined the Jane Austen club, we had occasional meetings at a similarly lovely seminary.   The architecture, furnishings and craftsmanship were so inspiring.   One of the rooms had a lot of Pewabic tiles.   It was sooo beautiful.  I felt as if I had been transported to somewhere in Europe.

As to The Craftsman's Legacy:

Here it's on 3x daily on Tues and Thurs.   You can check "local listings" on the home page, right hand side.   Hopefully you can get it in your area.   If not, there are some videos of the shows:

Here's a video of the program on making Windsor chairs:

Here's one of my favorites:   a boat (kayak) maker:

Put on a pot of coffee, wrap up in a warm quilt or throw, and settle down to be entertained.

BTW, I'd like to learn more about your grandfather's shipbuilding career, and the building of wooden ships.   That's an art - selecting the right woods, preparing them, bending them...

I found a place I want to visit in a neighboring county:  Motawi Tiles.  I saw their display at a home and garden show and fell in love with the tiles.   Some are in Art Nouveau designs, my favorite art style.  I nearly became apoplectic when I saw those files.   Fortunately, I was broke, but I did leave with a lot of dreams.

Maybe we should start an Arts and Crafts thread???   We could copy our posts to it.  

NeedHelp, I was skimming this thread and saw your post about the hotel that collapsed in NO.    I'm certainly not an engineer but I'm thinking the subsurface  and water tables might have been a causal factor.    It's no secret that there are stability issues in that area.


Thanks for the info on the show. Will see what I can find out. Sounds like a wonderful show to watch.

I am not sure which wood grandpa used but anything he built was top notch. He built toys for me with the scrap wood. My favorite was the pair of stilts that I had so much fun with. I was a tiny kid and I felt so tall walking on those! He was larger than life to me. He taught me a lot of ‘life lessons.’

The seminarians are Benedictine. I am like you I love the Franciscan order as well. Have you visited any of the missions in California? I went to one in Carmel with an interesting history. Lovely serene place as well.

The seminary near me also occasionally does spiritual retreats. I know others who have participated and really enjoyed it. They have meaningful topics that they select. I would like to attend one. Time away in a peaceful setting can be healing.

They just added a library on the premises that is open to the public.

I walk the grounds sometimes. They have a large parcel of land. Way in the rear of the property is an old cemetery. The monks, priests and brothers are buried there.

You know, I thought about a thread like you suggested too. Yeah, good idea. Art is therapeutic. God knows caregivers and former caregivers like myself and others that are hanging around need something that grounds us. Would be fun to see what pastimes, planned projects that people are occupied with.

I love the ‘What’s for dinner?’ thread. Cooking is a creative outlet too.

got some achilles tendonitis going on . google has the audacity to suggest its ' old age ' related .
i think its pushmowing on a 35 degree incline related .
regardless im off to work with the ' freedom challenged ' again today .
SSD ( Decade ) . :)>

I think you're right, Captain. Though possibly "pushmowing on a 35 degree incline - at your age!" related?

If it's any comfort (not at all sure about this) if they're going to snap I don't think you get any warning signals to speak of. So aching is good? Maybe? Hope it eases up, anyway.

My whine moment is the headache I have trying to educate my satnav.

Pick the quickest route! - here you go, as long as you drive at 60mph on single track roads between high hedges while the potato harvest is going on and there are tractors round every corner.

Okay, let's try the shortest route. Found it! - you don't mind unsurfaced tracks through farmyards, do you?

How do I make it pick the most *sensible* route?

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