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I am not anti-gun BUT

my mentally ill BIL is planning to buy an AR-15. He’s officially diagnosed and on medication. Of all the things this state is is doing to address gun violence, they still haven’t done anything in regards to mental illness & guns. I just.....I thought it was bad enough my own mentally ill brother and cognitively declines father having guns. But now my BIL too? Wtf man. This scares me.

I have no business commenting on American gun laws but I was blown away by how many people on this forum have mentioned they have guns, it's inconceivable to me why a bunch of middle aged women living in ordinary neighbourhoods should be armed. IMO it isn't any wonder that there are so many tragic stories of your cops shooting innocent civilians, they must go out on every call scared out of their friggin minds.

Just this morning on the news, an elderly woman was shot by a suspect, after the police were already on premises, called for a domestic dispute. It was at the home of the former Tarzan actor, he is not the suspect. Maybe it was one of those dangerous caregivers????

Disclaimer: Almost joking, tongue in cheek, dry humor, not serious, not funny either. It is sad.

Of course it is your business to comment. How is the world going to find a solution to the fear and hate if others don't weigh in? Here in the U.S.A., comments from our Canadian neighbors are welcome, especially from civilized persons. Everyone is afraid, imo.

Cwillie a lot of people live in dangerous areas with understaffed police forces. Understaffed LE agency=slower response times. So some people feel safer having a gun because they rightfully don’t believe the police will arrive in time. Then there are the pro 2nd amendment folks who have guns simply because it’s their right. But fact is, a lot of people still have them for safety.

What I don’t understand is why we don’t require a mental health exam before allowing someone to buy a gun. We have to go through a criminal background check in order to buy bullets. But no one questions our mental health. Criminal background checks tell us what’s in the past, they don’t predict the future. All those years my brother spent as a drug addict and a criminal and he’s got no felony convictions so he can own guns! He’s not diagnosed unless my family is hiding it, but he’s displayed symptoms of schitzophrenia for years. My MIL is a nurse and used to say she thought he had it. I know he’s on anxiety meds. My BIL is diagnosed bipolar and on medication. Luckily we don’t see either of them often but this still doesn’t sit well with me. Lately my BIL has turned to the conservative side. Ever since his wife dumped him. He used to be liberal, anti trump, pro illegal immigration. Now he’s posting anti-liberal memes on Facebook and buying guns & wanting to teach his 9 year old about them. I know that a sane person with a gun is just as capable of mass destruction but I strongly feel we need to address mental health issues in this country.

My current home was broken into TWICE in the last 5 years. And the house I lived in 20 years ago was also burglarized and robbed. Thankfully no one was home at those 3 times. Had I been home, I'd wish I had a gun to protect myself because those thugs would sure have attacked me. And I live in ordinary neighborhoods.

Tomorrow is also the 30 year anniversary of the loma prieta earthquake. I was 8.5 when it struck and it’s something you don’t forget. We’ve had a few small quakes over the last few days. The biggest, I believe, was a 4.6 that struck at 12:45pm yesterday. I did not feel it. I went on a field trip with my sons class to the planetarium and we were all getting off the bus when it struck. The older kids were at the end of their lunch recess and I am bit unhappy with how the yard duty staff handled the situation. I know there were a lot of kids outside but they really didn’t control the situation well IMO. We were half way across the playground before we heard all the commands to stop and get on the ground. They did not let the kids get under the lunch tables which is what we were taught in my day—get under a desk or a table or to the nearest doorway and take cover. One yard duty lady told the kids it was the real deal while another one a few feet away way saying it was just a drill. So some kids were confused but I did hear a few kids tell the yard duty it WAS a real earthquake. After they deemed us all safe, we went to the classroom and I noticed a large tube on the ceiling, that’s the best I can discribe it. It’s painted blue and looks like a tube slide. It’s at least 2.5 to 3ft wide. I hope it is secure and won’t come down on the kids, should the “big one” finally hit!

Good point polar, and I am very sorry that happened to you. A lot of people have had their sense of security ripped away after being the victim of a crime & that’s another factor. 2 times in 5 years is just awful! I remember when my MILs house was broken in to shortly after she & her partner left to work. She was upset for a long time. It happened in early December and Christmas was pretty much cancelled that year. No gifts, no Christmas morning breakfast, we still went over there but she didn’t even put up her tree! My grandparents house was burglarized a few times in the middle of the night after my grandpa went in to the nursing home because my uncle was deaf in one ear and couldn’t hear them. It was obviously the same person/persons each time.

Well this day has gone to chit! The insurance just told us they are totaling out the car. It holds a lot of sentimental value and I still can’t believe I wrecked it. Time to go have a good cry and get it all out before I go out to the tow yard & get the rest of the stuff out of the car.

many cultures cant understand why germans have the right to drive 150 mph on their highways .
kinda the same with america and guns . culture / tradition .
my son lost his life to senseless gun violence . you know why ? he was forbidden from having guns to protect himself because of a past ( 2nd ) dui felony . when you take an americans guns away you effectively toss that person to the wolves . our society has a huge percentage of ' bad elements ' . the only thing a bad element understands is a BADDER element .

i live very rural . anything that comes up my driveway is my problem alone . govt has no right to tell me to throw rocks to protect myself .
americas guns arent going away any time soon .

Tech and "not paying attention " moment today led me to delete EVERY THING I have DVRed.. And I mean everything! Oh well.. as hubs said now I can start fresh. Guess if I hadn't watched that series from 2015 so far, I was never going to..LOL But I am going to have to read how a few series ended!

ive lost ALL pics so many times pam ( when pc's crashed ) ive about given up , BUT , i read some sap recently about a google cloud service that im pretty sure is free . im sure i wouldnt like the fine print but it would be nice to save photo's indefinitely . in the meantime i send them to myself in an email . yahoo has pretty unlimited photo storage too .

I do use a Cloud service for my photos,, but this was stuff from my TV service.. and I am sure not paying to back that up!! Like you we are very rural.. sat service for TV and internet.. When we get free high end channels I record movies, and with my job I am normally in bed by 830.. LOL so I record series I might like. time to find some new ones!

i dont care for movies . sorting the lies and propaganda out of documentaries seems to be a full time job . :)>


I do the same. I only have basic cable but when the free promotions are on. I will record what I choose to.

Pam, do you have Netflix? More variety and you can watch some of the old classic programs. Plus some interesting shows that focus on human interest. Like the best sushi chef in Japan. His restaurant costs an absolute fortune to eat at an there is a very long wait to acquire reservations.

Need I have looked into Netflix, but I am not sure my Sat service will support it.. although I have a decent package. I guess I am just too cheap.. LOL I do have a free service called Hoopla from the library that carries a lot of films and british TV shows.. I like them. Hubs and I mainly watch Travel channel, discovery,, things like that. Mom watches the gameshow and cooking channels,, and endless CNN..


I adore British humor! My grandfather’s family came from England.

Grrrrr. Crappy weather coming our way. Strong winds and heavy rain. Workers still trying to figure out how to best handle to Hard Rock Hotel construction site where the hotel has partially collapsed.

Oh wow, they just announced on television that the cranes will be moved. They will demolish the building so the whole area will have to be evacuated to avoid accidents. So sad injuries and deaths have already occurred due to this collapse.

The contractors are still not responding to media requests. An investigation is being done to determine if criminal charges will be made instead of only civil charges.

I know just how you feel. Dish box went out courteousy of lightning strike. Now we will wait for re-runs to know how "The Big Bang" ends. A full season of junk t.v. I hadn't gotten around to yet. Rest in peace Real Housewives of Orange County. Look at it this way.....we have hours for new shows. I see the RH of New Jersey will be back soon! So you see Pam, "These are the Days of our Lives." "This is us." It is our "Manifest." I better go to bed now ,my blonde is showing. Goodnight loves!


My whine is about all of the commercials on television. Geeeez, seems like its half of the shows. Oh, and the personal injury attorneys are constantly on!

Also the life alert ones? Just a bazillion commercials. Auto insurance too.

Same with radio stations. Commercials galore. That’s why I listen to our local jazz and heritage festival station. They play a lot of our local musicians. WWOZ (public radio station).

It can be streamed online also. Check it out if you like jazz or blues.

I cut the cable a few years ago when I realized I hardly ever watched anymore and I don't miss it at all. It's weird though because shows and even the ads are so much a part of our culture and I have absolutely no idea what or who people are talking about.

That’s true, cwille

Ads are a big thing. So do you not watch any television at all?

No TV at all. Except when I am at sister's place, she is one of those people who always has it on even when she is not watching. (drives. me. nuts...!)

im with cwillie here ,
imo hollywood is a pile of crap that is poisoning the minds of anyone lame enough to watch it . every gd movie is the same -- somebody gets wronged then spends the rest of the movie enacting vigilante justice . justice comes from a court of law and it requires indisputable evidence . its a frigging PROCESS .

Speaking of movies don't you especially love it when some "bad ass" 115 lb woman beats the crap out of her 225 lb male opponents? As if.

like you previously said -- cwillie . theres not much need to ask me about movies because i dont watch the crap . the only ' mood music ' i need is my two different tones of tinnitis .

I've been spending half my time living in denial and the other half binge reading about cancer, of the two I think the land of Egypt is much easier on the nerves. I'm posting this here because the online support groups suck.
(god, Tuesday can't come soon enough)

Thinking of you cwille. 💗

pretty scary cwillie ,
this aint 1970 though . medicine imo has earned every bit of confidence you can muster for it . confidence in your medicine is a good policy going in -- anyway .
negativity and stress arent conducive to the healing process .

it took me and the VA 15 years and 4 treatments to beat hepc . giving up never entered my mind .

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