
Did anyone see any part of the presidential election debate the other night? Not to get into the various pros and cons of either candidate and their policy positions but WOW was it disheartening, dismaying, and frankly sickening. I couldn’t watch it and could only bear to listen to snippets (cutting them short a few times as it was too painful to listen to).

I just kept thinking of my dear father’s frailty at the end. Similar to the spectacle of Dianne Feinstein’s last days, I cannot understand how family members can expose a supposedly beloved elder like this.

I have to call it elder abuse.

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Also, if you watch Fox News, they never show Trump’s word salads. Trump is very very bad off plus a very terrible person plus someone who has said on truth social he will suspend the constitiution. That post is still there from 2022.

They could have rolled Biden in there on a gurney hooked to life support and on hospice and I’d still vote for him.

He was fine the next day, still had a raspy voice from his cold but much improved.

Right now at this moment if it was Nikki Haley and Biden, id probably go with Nikki. But it's always a never Trump for me

One more symptom of Bidens dementia, that hasn't been mentioned is the masked face

I just re-watched the video of Jill telling Joe how good he was at answering all the questions at the debate and he just stands there with his mouth agape staring at his wife. It is tragic. There is also a video showing Biden's debate from 2020 and comparing it with 2024. Just so sad to see how much this disease has taken from him in 4 years.

Since it looks like the Biden family is doubling down on keeping Joe in the race based on the advice from Jill and Hunter it is up to the American people to stop the further elder abuse of Joe Biden by not reelecting him as President. Seriously the man needs to be in a rocking chair on his front porch enjoying his favorite chocolate ice cream.

I'm an independent, but never Trumper as I suspect way is.

I would probably vote Republican over Biden if it wasn't trump I was voting for

So @AnnaBanna wrote: "When a powerful nation like the US offers up a politician struggling with age related decline and a felon who appears to be mid-stage dementia or mentally ill (laughing stock around the world) you have to appreciate that the rest of the world is very concerned."

Tell me you are a democrat without telling me you are a democrat. Saying Trump has mid-stage dementia BUT Biden just has age related decline and he is struggling. Give me a break. I don't care about either candidate but the debate clearly did not show Trump as having dementia. Trump has always been an exaggerator and lies to make himself sound better than he is. Plus he believes in many conspiracy theories and doesn't bother to check anything out.

On the flip side, Biden is also a liar and has been caught many times telling "exaggerations and lies" too. So to not say they are both cut from the same cloth is disingenuous.

Does Anna not believe that Biden isn't also a laughing stock around the world too? I mean come on man...come on.

And for the record I am registered as an independent and do not vote along party lines. And I agree @Way neither of these two should have been offered as the nominees for either party for 2016 or 2024.

Waytomisery, 💯 👍 🤐🤗

There is that generalization again that if someone has concerns about Trump’s mental health / cognitive status that they are a Democrat .

It is far worse than his ego and personality. His ego and personality can be part of the reason people are not seeing it . People all the time don’t realize a family member has dementia because of their lifelong egos , personalities , and mental illnesses .

Some of us including myself do not vote based on party line . We are independents , and like Ana said, for years have seen the age related and dementia problems in both these candidates, as well as mental illness in one . But some either don’t see it , or have blinders on , or refuse to see it .

The rest of the world sees that neither of these candidates should be running . I can’t understand why our country does not collectively see it .

Just like Diane Feinstein , It’s sad that BOTH these men are subjected to being on the world stage and lose their dignity . I would not have wanted my father to be a laughing stock for the world . And as a country it’s embarrassing and shameful that we have allowed this to happen .
It’s not just the fault of the families of these candidates.

Uunfortunately @blickbob these old coots are the ones who would need to vote in age limits (same with term limits) so the chances of that happening are slim to none. 👴👵

The people are the ones that need to impose age limits and term limits by not voting them in on the next election cycle. But try and get people to vote against their chosen political affiliation and the chances of that happening are slim to none too.

PeggySue that makes sense about him not wanting to leave the debate stage. I saw the video of Jill leading him down the steps like a child after the debate instead of just walking off the stage to the back with dignity. I suppose she didnt want to risk him having a meltdown if she didn't do what he wanted. I wonder what behaviors the cameras dont catch or are not shown on TV since there are so many videos online with Biden's sad decline and clear dementia.

I know Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's but we didn't have social media back then so his behaviors and deficiencies could largely be covered up and not shown to the people. Plus I think with Alzheimer's it can be easier to hide that you have it longer than dementia.

He needs to drop out. His elder issues have been there for 5 years. If he had an R by his name, he would've lost in 2020 because of the senior moments. I've long viewed him as an old coot and he belongs in a nursing home.

Regardless of how the election goes in 4 months, I hope it'll lead to age limits regarding president and vice president and potentially for legislators.

OP's post was sincere about not taking sides about the Candidates, but this has largely degenerated into political comments from people who made their strong views well known years ago. The thread should be shut down now.

LBJ declined to run before the 1968 convention. There is still time for Biden to do the same. AP reports he is soon to go on a family retreat at Camp David soon. The only agenda item should be a frank discussion between him and Jill. We are electing a president, not Worlds Best Grandpa.

This just in from London Telegraph

“One Democrat official said the US president could not be “dragged off stage”, and needed relatives and trusted advisers to convince him to “walk off” on his own terms.
“Senior Democrats and friends of Mr Biden pushed for this conversation to happen over the weekend.
“However, his family are said to have urged him to stay in the race when they met on Sunday, while expressing frustration with aides who prepared him for the debate.
“Mr Biden was expected to spend Sunday and Monday surrounded by members of his immediate family, including Jill Biden, the first lady, and their granddaughters, Finnegan and Natalie Biden.
“Among those pushing Mr Biden to keep fighting was his son, Hunter, who wants to repair the damage done to his reputation by Thursday’s debate, the New York Times reported.
“A Biden campaign source downplayed the significance of the gathering, insisting the stay had been planned some time in advance, adding that discussions about his re-election bid would be “informal or an afterthought”.

Ok then. Now I blame his family and their enabling.

Trump’s cognitive issues were obvious 8 years ago. He, too, cannot get better. Made up words, speaking gibberish, delusions of grandeur, unsubstantiated claims of achievements, absence of self-awareness... the globe was appalled that he was voted into a position of such power.

Perhaps, besides implementing age limits, medical and cognitive testing, our world would benefit if people were able to run for office without requiring so much money. Politicians shouldn’t be bought and left beholden. Nor should they beg money from cash-strapped voters who can ill afford to finance their aspirations, because they are unwilling to spend their own money. Identify their sponsors. End emoluments. Make politics honourable. A service of sacrifice, like the military, for the benefit of the country.

I felt sad for President Biden and to be honest, upset with his loved ones that did not protect him and allowed 50 million people to witness his cognitive decline. This decline did not just happen on Thursday. They’ve know about it for quite some time. Our country is suffering because President Biden is sick. He didn’t just have a bad debate as they claim and sweep the reality under the rug. Today I heard a statement on the news that President Biden knows he has to work harder and will keep fighting. So sad. This man cannot work harder and get better. He shouldn’t have to keep fighting. So so sad.

Thank you for your post Annabana,

I agree that the US citizens need to really look at the candidates we have . And not even consider policies or party .

It’s obvious one has cognitive decline which is what prompted this thread .

However, in the other there are many examples of mental illness ( from an earlier age as well ) and now early dementia with really good showtiming . It’s scary . BTW a cognitive test means squat sometimes. ( My FIL was proof of that ).

Multiple articles have been written by psychiatrists about it . Historians have also written articles of concern. Citizens of other countries can see it as well .

I have never been one to be interested in politics at all , but it’s hard to ignore what is going on .

No, I do not fear nacy.

I am sorry that you have fears. May The Lord deliver you.

So you don't have any fear?

I have fear and if you have fear then we have something in common

Sorry nacy but, I totally do not agree that fear is our commonality.

The thing is , the division, that we are seeing here and now is exactly what some politicians want. They want to devide and concor .

And we, as well as me plays into that.

We all have one commonality.

We are all scared, your scarred, I'm scared, we are ALL scared. For what ever reasons. Some because of lies we have been told. Some because of conspiracys. Some because of aging demented president, fear of inflation.

But fear is are commonality that I wish we could all see , that we are actually not all that different

When a powerful nation like the US offers up a politician struggling with age related decline and a felon who appears to be mid-stage dementia or mentally ill (laughing stock around the world) you have to appreciate that the rest of the world is very concerned. I recognize that some people prefer to have their biases confirmed (perhaps only watching curated news that favours their candidate) than face facts about their candidate. Hold your candidates to a higher standard! It is not a popularity contest but a choice made to advance your country for the better of everyone.

CNN isn’t at fault for putting Biden in a physically bad light. He did that all by himself. Having a cold shouldn’t have affected his ability to accurately define the issues he is campaigning on. Biden literally cannot read the teleprompter without verbalizing its instructions aloud, such as “pause.”

Dianne Feinstein was my mayor who became my senator. Her last campaign was when she was 83. It ended with her being told by another Dem senator to “just vote aye” after getting wheeled into Congress wondering where she was. So really, any decisions made through her were the will of any number of nameless family friends and/or aides that I didn’t vote for.

Isthisreal, yup or how Germany felt as Hitler started to rise

@Skelley ,
It should not be assumed that people who don’t like Trump are Biden supporters either .

Some of us just want 2 different candidates to vote for other than the two that were in this debate .
Neither is suitable for the job .

I watched the entire ch!show.

I am so sad to see how power positions in our government do not have any stop gap measures for "aged out mentally" elected officials. Doesn't matter why he hasn't stepped down, it is a very sad situation for ALL of us. He should be forced before we end up with a President we didn't elect.

I wonder if the Roman's felt this way as they watched Rome burn? Same situation just different aged leaders.

I can’t believe how political and divisive the Biden supporters made this post and site. You just couldn’t help yourself sticking to the OP topic. I don’t come here to hear political opinions of leftists and Trump haters. Some of us love President Trump and his policies.
That being said, Biden’s shows signed of advanced mental decline and it is only getting worse . It reminds me of seeing my dad decline with his Alzheimer’s. I get mad at Jill for allowing her husband to go through this. He should be in a recliner enjoying a good book or show and a cup of tea. Not this pressure. Bring in another candidate

Way your right, the fact that we haven't had a woman president yet,

The fact that if they replace Biden I think it should be a man because, the gola is to beat trump, and I think a man would have a better chance at doing that.

Shows me how poor women's right really still are. And there is a lot of work to do to make women equal


Caregiver support and rights are needed for sure .
But considering most of them are women …………I don’t see it happening soon .

I agree with the stubbornness over driving, when there is Uber and online shopping . I think to them it’s a symbol of independence .

The other issue is people like my MIL , who have no technology , no computer , smart phones. She’s totally paper old school .

"Bring about denial to provide a protective shield."

Way, that is such an apt and elegant way to put it!

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