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HH, may The Lord touch both of you during this difficult time.

May you both receive courage, strength and wisdom to face this challenge.

So sorry, HH. Sending you hugs.

Hothouseflower - ((((hugs)))) for you and your friend. So sorry about the diagnosis. Prayers for both of you for strength, peace and healing.

I'm sorry Hothouseflower, I lost my brother to glioblastoma.

So sorry for you and your friend, flower, we are here to listen ❤️‍🩹

Hothouse Flower. Your friend is lucky to have you in her corner. She has a lot of decisions to make now about what kind of care she will and will not accept in fighting this. Support her and let her use you as a sounding board. Don't complicate things with your own opinions about her options unless she specifically ASKS for it. As one who has done the Big C. twice I can tell you that the opinions and advice of others is one of the most complicating and confusing parts of it all. She's going to need the advice of a good medical team who gives her ALL the options. Support her choices and love on her. There's a lot to learn that enriches us on ALL of life's journeys, even this one.

My beautiful friend who is more a sister to me than my own was just diagnosed with a malignant inoperable brain tumor. Any prayers be would welcome. I’m devastated.

I’m exhausted when my granddaughters leave after a weekend. I cannot imagine having to raise kids into my 50s and 60s.

Nature has its reasons for what it does.

Okay I just read an article from Yale University and the idea behind delaying menopause was not to prolong fertility indefinitely, it's about having the ability to preserve the hormonal benefits, in addition this could also possibly benefit women who experience early menopause or have to delay having children because of cancer (or other) treatments. Of course we don't have to look hard to find lots of unethical doctors who might take such treatments to the extreme.

"they want to prolong menopause so women can have babies later in life" It's not only wrong it's stupid. They should work on a menopause pill for men to stop them from remaining fertile until they die.

Just heard on the news , they want to prolong menopause so women can have babies later in life , this feels so wrong to me.

I'm picturing 30 year olds taking care of there parents there while adult life.

I am curious doggiemom, why you want to get diagnosed for the autism spectrum disorder. If being diagnosed will get you more help

Because I have an undiagnosed son, he is awesome, and doesn't need help, but my undiagnosed step son. He does well, but works as a janitor, lives with us. I don't mind, I enjoy his company, and he dosent bother us. But I worry about him and his future, would love to see him socialize more, and get a better paying job for his future. His dad gets frustrated with him, and sometimes I'm all he has.

So any information you get may be helpful to me.

That's what I thought cwillie, but wasn't sure if it was state or all states, I'm wondering the same thing why to get tested,

Also it can be called niro divergent.

Margaret that's really interesting about vestibule deases. I suspect it's not as uncommon as they say. I've wondered if there was at times a relationship between anxiety and vertigo. It seems some people get vertigo at times there stress is really high

AFAIK Asperger's is no longer a recognized diagnosis, instead it is now considered part of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Doggie, why do you need a diagnosis for Aspergers? You aren’t looking for a pension or benefits, and it isn’t life threatening. Why not start by doing your own research on the net (I just started, and there is plenty there), and following the suggestions that you will find. It says that you will need routine and may have difficulty socially. Considering the people you have had in your life, that may be a very sensible plan for getting a better life and something to work on before you spend a lot of money for a diagnosis that may not change anything.

I am doing this myself for what seems to be a vestibular disorder – not vertigo, but stress-induced balance problems, which is much less common. I’ve had every test the doctor can think of (I’m still waiting for full-spectrum blood test results and my new spectacles), but I’ve actually done better with the net. I’s a 6 month wait for a neurologist appointment. I’m about to take what I’ve found back to my very good GP, because he’s stumped.

Twenty years ago, my previous GP was highly offended if we seemed to know anything - “Where did you get YOUR medical degree from?” was his line. I knew an old one who really resented a new requirement for compulsory update sessions, “after 6 years study” and “the human body hasn’t changed”. Now most new research is on the net, and intelligent sufferers can do a lot themselves in a field which is changing so much more. Try it for Aspergers!

@ DoggieMom86
You may need an advocate to get you through the paperwork of it all. An advocate would be a social worker, a geriatric case worker, or an attorney. etc.

I don't know you, but it was not that hard to get diagnosed for my loved one.
The psychiatrist took one look in a 45 min. session and diagnosed him, even though he appears 'normal', or typical. He could not have done this on his own, even though he is high-functioning.

After that, you are correct, he went to a psychologist for testing to qualify for disability, and it was either free or under $25.00, because SSDI sent him.

BTW, no one should be living in the presence of black mold. You should also not be cleaning it, or in the presence of any toxins at all. It would make anyone sick, but with aspergers, it could increase your symptoms and lead to: (poor coping behaviors)?

Please join a support group if you can.

Wow, trying to get a diagnosis for my Asperger's (I was diagnosed five years ago but can't remember the name of the psychologist and Texas doesn't give that info for some weird reason). I made an appointment with a neuropsychologist but had to cancel because the testing would be $2,000 (yes, with my insurance!). If a a regular psychiatrist can diagnose I will go that route as I am not trying for disability right now.

Yeah, last year we were going away on a road trip, before we left I developed "allergies" the allergies went away the second day of the trip and on day 3 hubby got sick with covid. So I suspect I had covid.

Just a friendly reminder to those with unusual cold like symptoms to be careful around the vulnerable people in are life.

Feel better soon, Evamar!
Might be a cold or covid? Some people start covid like that.

I think I experienced spring allergy or any allergy first time in my life.
Came home yesterday and all the sudden had runny nose and bit of headache, sneezing even today.

Allergies are on my mind🤧
If it would just warm up a little I wouldn't mind so much, it's just wrong to be shivering while the trees are pollinating.


How fun! Aerosmith is great.

Way, ST is a good smoocher.


It is an even better story if you could hear my DH tell it . DH is pretty good at impersonations . So he impersonates Steven Tyler . DH is a very good story teller and funny . He thought about writing for comedians part time for extra $$$, when he was young . But he didn’t have time. Comedians don’t all write all their own stuff that they perform in stand up . They purchase material as well . DH would have stage fright , he could never perform .

DH has many stories from his travels which include , tornadoes , hurricanes , earthquakes , blizzards, and many years ago a (minor ) airplane crash on takeoff when the airplane was about 30 feet off the ground when an engine decided to die so they came back down hard on the runway and then ran out of runway before the brakes could stop the airplane . They crashed through a fence and ended up in a cornfield .

It’s no wonder I have grey roots !

That's soooo Awesome 😎, love Steven Tyler!!! And Aerosmith

@Way that's a great f--***g story!

Back in the “90’s my husband traveled by airplane ALOT for work . One time he almost missed his connecting flight due to weather . These were the days they would hold a small airplane and wait for a passenger who had Premium Platinum frequent flyer status .

So the airplane takeoff was delayed waiting for my DH to board . My DH ran through the terminal , 3 piece suit , wool overcoat on and briefcase ( again , early 1990’s ) . He got onto the airplane , he was tired , hungry , hot , etc . He sits down and he hears a voice behind him say “. Nice of you to F***ing show up “.
My DH was not in the mood for an A**hole. DH turns around and that voice was…………Steven Tyler , lead of Aerosmith , and the whole band was with him .

DH said “ what are you doing here ?” Steven Tyler said , oh we had to reroute because of a F****snow storm . ( DH said Tyler uses that word at least once in every sentence )

Steven Tyler asked DH “ Who are you that they were willing to hold the airplane , I thought the King was coming “. etc etc . DH said he was so nice. They talked the whole flight .

Anyway Steven Tyler said he would leave DH 2 tickets at the box office for the show the next night . They were playing at some smaller venue in Iowa near where my husband was working that week , he told DH it won’t be sold out, Iowa wasn’t where his big fan base was.

The next day DH is working at the facility and he asks another person if they wanted to go to the concert and that he may have free tickets, or they may have to buy them because , DH realized he never told Steven Tyler his name ……..

That night he went to the box office at the venue and he starts telling the woman his story , the woman stops him and hands him an envelope that says on it “ To the man on the airplane “. Inside were two tickets.

The reason I know this story so well , is DH loves to tell it. 😂😂😂

Thinking about groups getting better as time goes on, it depends on whether they can stay together and stay ‘on the same page’. Queen did it, the BeeGees did it, both in spite of difficulties. The Beatles didn’t, and the end stuff they did individually didn’t always ‘gel’. I remember reading that Freddie became very difficult to deal with towards his death, that the rest of them decided to give him anything he wanted (particularly credit for all of it, including Bohemian Rhapsody) just to keep it going. Interesting! Who else might have gone stellar if they had stayed together? Or even more stellar - like Led Zepelin.

Yes, it was great, but I must have been about 30 (after coming back from London and before babies, I think), so 45 years ago. They were great, but they did get a lot greater in later years. I don’t think Adelaide would have lured them towards the end!


What a thrill it must have been to see Queen live! I agree that Brian May is a phenomenal guitarist and of course, Freddie was amazing.

Queen was unique. They really had their own sound.

It’s interesting how certain bands appeal to many different generations. My kids like Queen. One daughter is 35 and the other one is 28.

When I went to see Paul Simon at our jazz festival here in New Orleans I expected the audience to be mostly my generation. Plenty of people in attendance were my age, but there were tons of younger people who were enjoying his performance too.

My kids grew up listening to the music I love, plus younger artists that they enjoy.

I saw The Rolling Stones at LSU assembly center when I was 18. All these years later and they are playing at our jazz festival here this year. Mick is 80! 😁

The Beatles came here when I was 9 years old. They played at City Park. Tickets were $4.00. I had seen them on The Ed Sullivan Show and begged my parents to take me. They said they didn’t want to be in the crowd with all the screaming girls. I said that I wanted to be one of the screaming girls. They still said no.

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