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You were organized! My daughter isn’t very organized when it comes to shopping for mix and match clothing or packing! She ends up packing too much stuff.

Plus, she shops when she reaches her destination. She buys more stuff and she has to figure out how to rearrange her suitcase to bring it back home with her.

I have seen her have to take clothes out of her suitcase at the airport and start tying sweaters around her waist to get onto the plane! She is a mess when it comes to packing.

I am going to pass along your travel tips to her for her next trip. If you would have seen how she packed for her trip to meet her boyfriend’s family for Christmas, I guarantee you would be shaking your head like I was. I had to leave the room.

She asked for my help with packing but ignored everything that I told her to do. She is an awful packer. She really is! 😆

When I traveled every week for work, I would sometimes use FedEx to ship a larger suitcase or realms of documents I would collect while doing audits. I did not have to carry them and the carrier kept better track of things than the air service.

My favorite holiday (just passed on Dec. 21) is Soyal, celebrated by Zuñi and Hopi tribes. It is a peaceful, generous celebration. If you are interested see


One of my daughter’s friends has a large poodle. My daughter’s dog gets along well with her dog.

They play together all the time but if she gives each dog a toy to play with they want the other dog’s toy!

It can be the identical kind of toy but for some reason they want the toy that the other dog has! I swear they are like little kids fighting over a toy.

Your cat is in competition with your daughter’s cat. They are funny!


Well my cat wants to play and my daughter’s cat doesn’t . 😬😬🙄.
I doubt I’m getting much sleep the next couple of nights until my daughter comes back from the future in law’s family . When my daughter is not here , both cats want to sleep in my room but my daughter’s cat does not want my cat in the same room as her .

My daughter got her cat when she was still living at home after college . So that cat lived with us for 2 years . She is not happy that there is another cat in our house , even though they know each other 3 years . My daughter’s cat remembers the house , every time she comes she goes right to my daughter’s old room to check it out . At least my daughter and fiancé kept the dog with them !! He will be coming when they come .


I love the photo of your cat. She is so cute.


I wouldn’t be surprised if my daughter had issues at the airport. She is stubborn. She overpacks every time she travels.

When I ask her if she wears everything that she packs, she says, “No, Mom I don’t but I want it just in case.”

You can’t tell her anything. She’s not going to listen, so I walked out of the room and let her deal with her packing.


We have the dog for a couple of weeks!

Eh…don’t think it is ring shopping at this point. They do make a cute couple. He visits New Orleans. She visits Denver. We met him and like him.

She said that his mom is excited to meet her. She is hanging a Christmas stocking for my daughter. She said that it was fun to shop for a girl. She has two sons.

Her boyfriend’s dad lives in Rhode Island.

The mom moved to Denver after they divorced. The dad remarried and had a daughter with his second wife. The sister lives in D.C.

Families don’t always live close to each other anymore. So often they are living many miles apart.

NHWM - my nephew ran into problems and had to leave a suitcase behind at the airport the last time he came home, luckily it was mostly empty because he had planned to use it to take some of the things back that were left here.

Just found the photo of my 96 y.o. Uncle driving his ATV on a film shoot long ago.

Merry Christmas CWillie!

Be of good cheer, you have friends here!

To all ,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!


Taking her shopping ……ring shopping ?
She can wear that home !!

I have a dog and cat arriving plus I have my own cat . 😬😬😬

Wow, that's such a muzak version of In My Life I didn't even recognize it.

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Oh my gosh, my youngest daughter has got to be the worst suitcase packer ever!

Oh well…

Anyone else have a kid that asks for your opinion but no matter what is said to them they ignore you? 😆

Guess how I handled it? I walked out of the room and told her to figure it out for herself.

She’s a nervous wreck! She’s in this long distance relationship and her boyfriend wants to introduce her to his family. She’s excited to meet them but I swear she packed at least twice the amount of stuff that she needs!

I don’t know what she will do if she exceeded the weight limit of her suitcases but it’s her problem, right? I decided to stay home with her dog and let my husband drive her to the airport.

Plus, her boyfriend says that he is taking her shopping for her Christmas present when she arrives.

She is going to have to ship whatever she buys back to New Orleans. There is no possible way that she can fit anything else into her suitcases.

She thinks it is ridiculous that suitcases didn’t have wheels on them years ago. Maybe that is one reason why we never packed as much stuff years ago. We had to carry suitcases when we were her age.

Liking the Beatles song in the 2023 Amazon commercial.

In My Life
Release date: 03 December 1965

There are places I'll remember
All my life, though some have changed.
Some forever, not for better;
Some have gone and some remain.
All these places had their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall.
Some are dead and some are living,
In my life I've loved them all.
But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you.
And these mem'ries lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new.
Tho' I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before,
I know I'll often stop and think about them,
In my life I love you more.
Tho' I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before,
I know I'll often stop and think about them,
In my life I love you more.
In my life I love you more.

Joy is shared....

What the....anybody heard of stunt doubles?
The film crew must have helped them up the hill again.
Those ladies were not that old.

Thanks Alva!! Court decision in February.

Yeah, that’s true, my confusion can lead to good change. I think I want something totally new.

Sending out Holiday Greetings to all who celebrate.
Sounhappy, that's actually exciting. Sounds like you will have decisions to make in the new year about career. Would love to hear your thoughts, what you have done, what you think you would LIKE to do, and etc. Change is so good for us, usually.
Also hoping you get your long awaited "just" decision.
Hope all take care and stay as well as you are able.

Confused which direction my career should take.
Merry Xmas everyone!!! And Happy New Year!!!


Well, I think I would like to be having fun if I am going to have an accident. 😝

I have never been sledding. I would love to try it! Never been skiing either.

My cousin decided to jump out of an airplane when she turned 50. That was her birthday gift to herself. She loved it.

I love the sled commercial! I want to be one of those old ladies sledding down the snow! 😝

I also like the liberty mutual commercial with the dog walker. It’s cute too.

I am sick of the personal injury attorney commercials in my area!

Oh I know they were on seat cushions . lol.
I was responding to cwillies post before mine . Having alittle fun with it . I was saying next year they could have them sitting on bum warmers on the bench and they are all daydreaming the entire sledding commercial from this year . Sort of like that old show Newhart when the last episode of the series reveals that the entire show was a dream .

Hothouse, I like to think the kids helped them .🤞🏻

I wonder how they get out of the sled.

Way, if you look closely in the commercial you'll see the lady is ordering "seat cushions" on Amazon, not bum warmers... so they don't bust their tushies on the way downhill.


Maybe they only go down the hill once or twice .
I figured the kids would drag their sleds back up to the top for them . 🤔🤷‍♀️🤪.

They have helmets on . But yeah falling off especially if going fast could still be an issue for elderly even though it doesn’t look very steep .

Every time I watch it I want to be with them !! 🥺😄 I loved sledding . I did a lot of that as a kid.

The bum warmer idea would make a cute commercial too ! They could sit on them and then all simultaneously dream they are sledding .

Maybe that will be next year . Next year’s commercial we would find out they were really on bum warmers and the sledding was all a dream !!

I actually dislike that commercial: a cushion isn't going to help anyone up to the top of that hill, my spine cringes thinking about the shock of going over bumps, and who will help them up from the sled at the bottom? Not to mention the very real possibility of falling off or crashing on the way down. In my world it would seem more welcome to be gifted heated bum warmers so they can watch from the bench with comfort.

Watched the game tonight. We lost to the Rams. Oh well…

30 - 22

I haven’t kept up with our old coach. I wonder how he is doing in Colorado with the Broncos. I only watch our guys play. I don’t follow all of the other teams.

Thanks, Way. I thought there was one more state who didn’t observe it.

The other state is Hawaii that doesn’t do daylight savings .

I Love that commercial . I stop what I’m doing to watch it when I’m in the kitchen and I hear the music when DH is watching TV .

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