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“An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.” — G. K. Chesterton

“Physical strength is measured by what we can carry; spiritual by what we can bear.”

You deserve a break Barb. And a celebration!

Congrats, Barb!! Do you have any personal projects or ideas of things you want to do...? Or are you going to settle into the new routine and think about what else you'd like to do with your extra time?

Today is my last day of work!!!!!!!!! Retirement is a wonderful concept.

Isn't that the truth, Smeshque. Can you please keep posting these? I don't know where you're finding them but I like them. Everyone could use a good word a day.

Welcome back, Lu. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have tv or internet. Probably finally read a book again, haha.

“Caregiving often calls us to lean into love we didn’t know possible.”
― Tia Walker

It was rough cwillie and my dH only wanted to watch shoot 'em up bang,bang shows on our 1 TV like Mannix and Cannon and The Fugitive that I hope I never have to watch again.I kept trying everything I could think of on the computer everyday,but nothing worked and I realized how addicted Iv'e become.I definitely had withdrawals.

Wow Lucky, no screens, you must have been going through withdrawal - I'm not sure I could survive returning to pre tech life.😲

My dear friends,here on AgingCare,
I sure have missed you~
Everything is A-ok here.We just lost 2 of our TV's,the phone and my computer for a whole week when somehow,we lost our connection to it all,the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. We still had the den TV but my dH hogged it.It was niceto have him eat dinner with me in the den though instead of him being back on his bed watching his TV in there for a change.
I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving ~
Thank you for wondering if I was alright.That's mighty kind~

“Sometimes you have to lose all you have to find out who you truly are.”
― Roy T. Bennett

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses.” 

― Alphonse Karr

Most of my family has gotten rid of their landlines. Unfortunately, the landline phones are sophisticated that … when we have power outage (from typhoons), the phone dies out, too. No power, no phone. Same applies to our work phones - all connected to the internet and the power. When the UPS dies, the phone lines die. I keep forgetting to search Ebay for the regular old fashion phones for the house. Cell phones - ugh! On the last typhoon we had that knocked out the power for days, I had to go find a coffee shop that wasn't crowded and all the power outlets taken. My cellphone and iPad batteries were dying and needed recharging. Bought a smoothie and prolonged drinking it while recharging my devices. Took about 2 hours... smoothie melted... next time, I will order iced tea...

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

– Hellen Keller

6pm and can't stop yawning. Must Not Lie Down On Sofa or will be a sorry insomniac bunny tonight. Not even for "forty winks..."

I think the On My Mind serves a purpose. It allows someone to say if they're going to be absent from the forums for awhile, and it leaves it as a pinned post. On the longer threads, maybe some read it but some do not. And certainly some (me) do not remember even if they did read it.

It's just a useful feature.

And CW and CM, I relate to the idea that the younger generation has instant solutions to everything. Eyeroll. There's a reason I have been hired into an industry I haven't worked in 20 years, and within a short time I'm assuming quite a bit of responsibility for my company. The young ones just haven't got it all quite as figured out as they think they do.

I'm not a fan of road trips to visit family, either, but I'll do it once a year... at least. What is concerning me right now about an upcoming Christmas trip away is that... I don't want to leave the cats completely alone for a week or more. All the extra food set out and extra litter box and all of that... I just don't think it's a good idea. Not sure what I'm going to do. I'm close to getting a roommate but I'm not trying to rush that decision and who knows, maybe they will want to go on their own holiday trip.

But besides the cats, I hate driving hours over the road.

So I can only imagine that it doesn't get any easier.

And landlines are helpful, they just are. As are the simpler, unbreakable landline phones.

Gershun, I read this recently and think I will revisit it. It's helpful advice to me. Now, to put it into practice... But many of these I was already doing because they help me to chill my over-thinking mind. It's an article on huffpost dot com with the title -- 17 'Small,' But Significant, Lifestyle Changes That Help People With Anxiety

Why can't the title be: "Outta My Mind"??

Heard from Luckyku, she is okay.

Keeping my land line.....
Bashing away at like, like, like.

That tapping noise you can hear from x000 miles away is me bashing away vigorously at Like, CW.

How do you put it nicely when what you need to say to your endearing little best-beloveds can only be accurately expressed as "f*** RIGHT off!!!"

I'm beginning to get a feel for what it is like when the younger generation is intent on forcing changes without taking into account the needs and desires of their elders. It is a bit much when every conversation includes an admonition to buy a smart phone and get rid of your land line followed by a guilt trip that none of us put in enough effort to visit the little one. I don't care how you do the math I am not convinced that dropping the land line phone will save any of us money, and I honestly CAN NOT HEAR half of the conversations from my younger relatives on their cell phones. As for driving to visit - the only routes that do not involve four, six and eight lane highways add at minimum an hour to the trip. Toss in driving phobia (me), health problems (BIL), just plain unwilling due to stress (sister) and it isn't as simple as they believe it should be. 😒

I've always got a lot on my mind. Too much to talk about here. In fact if someone ever comes up with a way to bleach our minds temporarily so that I can take a break from thinking and obsessing please let me know.

Meanwhile I'll just keep talking to my self.........................

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

Charles R. Swindoll

I prefer if each poster have their own On My Mind. They can post Anything that doesn't have to do with caregiving at all...a Personal Update or favorite quote they wanted to share.. I do wish AC re-instates it... BUT, as an alternative, this will work. Thanks, CM.

Happy Holidays, whatever you are celebrating or observing.!

Thanks. I needed this. It would be better to have our own "What's On My Mind " on News Feed, but this will do for now.

On my mind is "Has anyone heard from Luckylu?"

That is not what people say is "triangulation", is it?

I have to admit that even if it returns I doubt many would know or care to look for it, anyway isn't that what the various longer chat threads are doing already CM? (each with their own little following)

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