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I agree. When my uncle became older he started missing getting off exits on busy highways. He ended up driving way out of his way, sometimes getting lost in the process.

One time he was stopped by a policeman for driving too slow on a highway. He lived in a busy area of New Jersey. He also had trouble when there was construction and routes had changed.

Fortunately, my uncle decided on his own to stop driving. My cousins didn’t have any problems trying to get him to stop driving.

Where I live a license is renewed for years! Once we hit a certain age I don’t think this is good. I certainly wouldn’t mind taking additional driving tests when I hit a certain age.

You’re right about driving at night too. It’s harder to see in the evening hours.

My province requires people to do a written test and a vision test at 80 as well as a do an abbreviated mini mental test (drawing a clock). People who have had accidents may be asked to take a road test.
I think we should consider graduated licensing for the senior crowd, someone who is fine driving to the neighbourhood grocery store may not be as capable of driving on a freeway or after dark.

My 85 year old neighbor got a three wheel adult bicycle to ride for exercise. He and his wife used to walk daily. I don’t see her walking at all anymore.

He still recognizes my face and stops to say hello when I am out walking. He doesn’t remember my name or my husband’s name anymore. He’s aware that he has become forgetful.

My neighbor has always been a sweet guy. I wonder if he is dealing with dementia.

So far he has been able to navigate fairly well on his adult tricycle. He says that he wants to be able to get outside and exercise as long as he can. He still drives his truck. I see him coming and going.

I wish there was a cap on how long an older person could maintain their license. It seems like once a person reaches a certain age, they should take required driving tests annually.

I recently renewed my license and I see a lot of elderly people getting their license renewed.


I saw a recipe for Philly cheese steak stuffed potatoes that I might try.


I haven’t been to Philly to try them. People rave about them though.

I don’t like cheese steaks . Lol


Wow! Your daughter did have really high rent!


I agree that it’s crazy! Real estate has skyrocketed. So has the price of cars!

It is interesting how neighborhoods change throughout the years. We have a neighborhood, the bywater that historically was considered to be a ‘working class’ area. It has been revitalized and is now a trendy area with really good restaurants and bars. Real estate has gone up tremendously in this area from what it was years ago.


You mentioned Philly area. I have to ask you what is your favorite place to get a Philly cheesesteak sandwich? Every place has their own special sandwich. Ours is a poboy or a muffaletta.

I agree about prices and how hard it is for our kids these days! My DD bought her first condo several years ago and now has gotten a townhouse. She rents her 2 Br/Bath condo out for almost 2000.. it is handicapped assessable so the rooms and hallways are larger. So she is at least making the mortgage and HO fees and can afford her new TH. I remember when we bought our first house for 63,000 our family thought we were going to go broke! She is a realtor selling starter THs for over 400,000 Its crazy these days!

One bedroom , one bath . She moved out a year ago and moved in her fiancés condo . He charges her much cheaper rent . Lol.

Way and Beatty,

Our kids are paying so much more for everything than we ever did at their age.


How many bedrooms? Two bedrooms are at least $2000 here. My daughter only has one bedroom and one bathroom.


New Orleans is unique. Interesting history, a melting pot of people. Each neighborhood has its own vibe.

Great people, hospitality, food and music. We do have our share of crime just like many other cities.

$1000 is cheap . My daughter was paying $1800 almost half hour outside of Philadephia.


Shotguns don’t have hallways either. It’s one room right behind each other with a center door.

They were built on narrow lots. Some are single residences. Others are doubles. Some people have converted the doubles into one larger single.

My daughter is in a double so she has a neighbor on the other side of the house.

Need, gosh I would LOVE to see your city!

Your attic sounds adorable! I am so glad my own daughter is out experiencing life in rentals now - great to look back on 😍

The railway flat had the doorway in the centre, like a railway carriage. Is that the same as the shotgun flats?

I used to live near some 1960s highrise public housing flats (known as the towers). Guess they were modern & nice when built - a solution for mass low income housing at the time.

Now those folk (Housos) have their rent subsided flats, along side the new 'luxury' private owned towers with marble benchtops etc. Same size. Same view. I often wonder if future people will look back & say wow, those 'Housos' had marble kitchens!!


That was a fantastic movie! Love Sidney Poitier! Such an incredible actor.

Hey, one of my favorite rentals when I was single and on a budget was this fabulous converted attic. It was in a great neighborhood! I don’t need a lot of space. I didn’t own much, just my bicycle, stereo system and tons of albums. Those were my free spirit days!

I got a kitten when I lived there. It was perfect for just the two of us! My kitten was an ideal roommate 😊.

Get this, my rental was furnished with gorgeous antique furniture, also including a television set, a comfy claw foot bathtub, all for $75 a month. This was in the 70’s.

My daughter is paying around a $1000 a month which in her neighborhood is very reasonable. She was willing to give up space for location.

She loves being able to walk everywhere. It’s extremely dog friendly. She brings her dog with her to the coffee shop on the corner. She has a Whole Foods grocery right across the street. There’s Audubon park within walking distance. It’s a great section of the city.

I didn't know snow was so rare in New Orleans. I was there once when it was snowing. For some reason, I remember real well being on a city tour and they took us into a cemetary to show how the graves were above ground because of the water table or something. I remember the snow falling on the above-ground graves and can still see it in my mind. This was many years ago and I'm positive I've never thought anything about this since that day.

One mention of snow in New Orleans and suddenly that image from the cemetary popped to mind. Weird how our brains file things away over the course of our lives, then can instantly pull it right out of wherever it was filed!

Oh yes! I saw this fantasic film last year: 'A Raisin in the Sun' 1961 with Sidney Poitier. The whole cast were simply fab.

Anyway the whole family lived in one of these railway flats.

While our city didn't have these on mass, I believe a few may have existed. My own little 'worker's cottage' inner city rental did have a hallway. This meant every room was very narrow! The bedroom just fit the bed only - used the next room as wardrobe/study/storage.

I can understand your daughter Need! Yet bubs & burbs happened to me.. LOL. Loved that time.


I am not familiar with railroad flat architecture. I will have to look those up online to see the similarities in comparison to the construction of our shotguns here.

Oh. I think those were called railroad flats up north .


It’s called a shotgun house because if you shoot a shotgun in the house the bullet will go through all of the rooms. The houses were built on narrow lots and so the rooms are one behind the other.


Ooooooh, yes! Turn her bedroom into your she shed!

No one uses their formal living rooms as living rooms anymore. I know lots of people who now use them as an office space.

I walk with my daughter when she walks her dog. She walks from where she lives. Magazine St. area to St. Charles Avenue where all the old mansions are and drools over those houses! They are beautiful homes.

Eventually, she is going to move back to Denver. She fell in love with Colorado and she is still going strong in her long distance relationship.

She is flying to Denver to meet his mom for Christmas. His dad lives in Rhode Island. He grew up in Massachusetts but when his parents divorced his mom moved to Colorado.

He has visited New Orleans a lot to see her. We met him and like him.

shot gun house ? Why did they call it that ?
We are burb . Always were. But both DH and my parents grew up in the city .

My youngest daughter is the little Diva! She would love to have our cousin’s closet!

She is renting a really cute but small home in uptown New Orleans. The house was built in 1930. It is a one bedroom/one bath shotgun house without any closets! So, she had to purchase organizers.

She will not sacrifice location for a larger place to live. I don’t blame her. She’s young and doesn’t want to live in the burbs.


My daughter’s old room needed to be painted. I figured I’ll make it a she shed for me . ( DH has his office that used to be the old formal living room , plus he is in total control of the TV remote in the family room . Lol. ). I was going to totally change up her room then I didn’t have the heart to do it. She still stays overnight sometimes . So I did paint it a similar color , but a darker more teal color . Got new bedding and grown up wall hanging over the bed , but I sort of kept my daughter’s taste in mind . I go in there to read , and her room has the best of of the mountain .
My cat loves it in there , she sits in the afternoon sun in her hammock .


Some are really pretty. My cousin converted an adjoining bedroom into a massive walk in closet. She has a sitting area in it where she sips a glass of wine while figuring out what to wear! LOL 😆

She is a huge clothes horse though. Oh my gosh! She spends a fortune on clothes, shoes and purses. High quality designer brands.

I wouldn’t have converted a bedroom because I think it will hurt resale value of her home. She doesn’t care about that. She loves her massive closet!

I have a walk in closet but mine isn’t fancy either.


Some closets are so pretty now with chandeliers and a place to sit and it all matches !! Mine isn’t big enough for that and nothing matches .

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