Replacing the much lamented 'On My Mind' profile option, this thread is for musings, jottings, whimsies, preoccupations and the rest of the thesaurus for anyone to jot down anything they please.
I can't remember what the maximum character count was before, can anyone else? But anyway it wasn't very many so let's keep to that.
5/6 11:50 a.m. PST
I have an old kindle too. Never replaced it, the troubles pop up, and I learn to deal.
I will ask my dH to check my storage. Thanks!
I hear you! Never want those disasters to happen again.
That is when I tell myself, "Nothing bad is happening now" .
In my mind, I answer: "Yeah, but"......
A thunderstorm is on it's way. I believe this contributes to insomnia.
For me, anyway.
Typing this from my Chromebook, my back-up tech, since my techie dH is not reliable.
got a piñata in the shape of a bull - mom's been feisty past couple of days - ole
trying to decide if I should go get tamales and hot chocolate or just donuts and horchata for breakfast at hoca
I'm so exhausted and insomnia isn't helping
I love the group 'QUEEN' so I gave your recommendation a view.
I LOVED them, they were fantastic.
(Pentatonix Bohemian Rhapsody)
on my mind - having flashbacks to the fire 3 years ago I had driven north for 8 hours and taken refuge in a work camp. The fire was ranging to town and outlying areas. I knew my kids and grandkids were as safe as I was for now, but I also knew if the fire came in our direction nothing could stop it. I never want to be in that situation again.
Google: Pentatonix Bohemian Rhapsody
SIL's family says he CANNOT keep the kids & had already discussed dividing them amongst themselves within two days after our daughter's death. Social services have been doing home visits & arranging assistance for him so he can keep the kids. The caseworker says he can do whatever he wants with the children once he is cleared from this incident as he is their parent. Unless some challenges him in court.
I got all the drugs I could find out of the house. I drive the children to & from school & after school activities. Come to find out SIL's licence has been suspended & revoked for 2 years but he was still driving. SIL does seasonal work & collects unemployment the rest of the year. He worked his last 10 days for the year end of March, first of April with me & DH doing 24/7 child care, cooking, cleaning laundry, shopping, etc. Once his job was done he retreated to his bedroom with the baby & emerges only to eat, smoke or take the baby & go someplace with friends. The other two children join him in bed to watch TV or play video games when they are at home. They emerge for meals & sleep in their own rooms on school nights.
DH & I live a 12+ hour drive from here. Last August we rented this house for ourselves, our daughter & grandchildren while our daughter underwent cancer treatment. SIL is not on the lease as he has felony drug convictions & is not supposed to be here more than 10 days a month & never without a lease holder here.
We gave him 30 day notice he had to find his own place & he blew us off. We gave another 30 day notice & he is again blowing us off. We are terminating the lease 2 months early & going home. He has many relatives in town who could help him, but they think we should take care of him.
Our daughter's ashes are on the shelf in our closet. SIL left her body at the hospital morgue more than a week because he had friends calling around to find the cheapest cremation. I finally researched & called & made the arrangements. There has been no memorial. SIL was going to arrange something but he just hasn't.
We have had enough. We are so exhausted my brother may have to fly here & help me make the drive home.
Thank you for listening!
then spends a whole lot of time notifying you how they are taking it away, bit by bit.
Our tax people, credit where it's due, I have always found delightful to deal with as people. They are polite and helpful and - as long as they don't think you're trying to pull a fast one - sympathetic.
If you ever want to start a really exciting fight, get some public sector employees and some private sector employees and some self-employed people in the same room, find a safe place to stand, and say "final salary pensions!"
When companies do that sort of thing we get very cross and send their CEOs to jail. When governments do it, and in our case have been at it for over a hundred years, we call it national insurance.
Currently, the full benefit age is 66 years and 2 months for people born in 1955, and it will gradually rise to 67 for those born in 1960 or later. Early retirement benefits will continue to be available at age 62, but they will be reduced more.
What is the Social Security Retirement Age? | National ...
For me to collect SS I have to be 74 yrs old. The SS we pay in now goes for the people who are on SS now. I know it really doesn't make sense. So, what you are paying into SS that money is going towards those who are receiving SS right now.
Over here it used to be 60 for women and 65 for men. That obviously wasn't okay from a gender equality point of view, plus they raised the age for men from 65 to 68, I think it was, so then they had to even up the gap, so they started shunting cohorts of women up the scale bit by bit.
Since all this began I've rather lost track, I don't know what state pension age is now. 117, I expect.
So probably in 25 more years, maybe none.
Looking like DH and I will not be receiving and SS. I guess what we pay in now and all our working life, goes for those now.
And so the story goes......
Send-It appears Murphy has run away.
Was Al Capone the right answer? To who said, Never mistake kindness for weakness.
Al Capone.