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Congratulations to the Great Auntie!

That's just great news!

cw - that's great! Happy for you.


That’s wonderful!

Happy news for you ! Enjoy ! I hope you live close enough to play with the baby .

cw: Congratulations!💙

Nice 🙂

I'm a great auntie (again), nephew # 2 is a brand new daddy to a beautiful baby girl born this morning!!! 💞

As far as the weight issues, Everytime I would see those anti smoking commercials. I would think why do they only pick on the smokers, (not that smoking is not horrible for you) but I felt like they where leaving out the drinkers and the over eaters .
Now that less and less people are smoking I've been seeing more and more about weight and alcohol.

I feel that the media will always focus on one thing to keep us in fear , we have had this obesity and over drinking issues for yrs. They just haven't been addressing it.

Needs help,

I've gone back and forth, detoxing from the news it can get addicting and depressing and stressful.

What's really been working for me is just reading the headlines, that way If it's something I'm interested in then I can read into it, but most of the time just reading the headlines gives me enough info to know what's going on in the world.

And I realized ,why spend so much time watching news when we have no power to change anything, I really do think it's helping my stress.
When the news is on TV, I'm really not even hearing it or listening.

I'm on the boarder of NY and Vermont. Everyone hates NY , and yeah it's darn expensive. Forget going out to eat around here. But I feel relatively safe.


Yeah, I don’t see any logic at all in decisions like this. It’s really disappointing to see irrational decisions being made.

Louisiana politicians have always been a colorful bunch and not in a good way! 😁

My daughters are coming over in a bit and we’re heading out for dinner. Just going to enjoy their company and chill out with them.


please stop watching the news , now I’m going to dream that I’m 500lbs and can’t run away when the gunfire starts. 😭😭.

But seriously , it’s scary all these people walking around with guns without being properly trained to use them in defense safely. Some countries it takes an entire year to get a permit and training to use a gun is mandatory. These countries do not have the shooting problems we have in this country .

Oh gosh, I am going to have to take a break from watching the local news. I feel my anxiety rising every time I watch it.

We have a new law stating that people in Louisiana can carry concealed weapons at age 18 and above without a permit.

Geeeeeez, I am not liking our new governor these days!

We already have a huge crime problem in our city.

It’s been interesting to hear the different opinions on this issue.

Many people are against it, some are for this new bill that passed, others are cautiously optimistic but want to see more restrictions such as implementing strict gun training.

Some are saying that it is going to place our police officers in more danger than they already are.

It’s definitely concerning to me as a resident of New Orleans.

Car jacking is a big problem here. Thieves pull out a gun and steal cars all the time and now there will be more guns on our streets. Where is the logic in passing bills like this?

Wow! World Health Organization is now saying that one billion people are suffering from obesity!

Geeeeeez! Such a tough and complicated issue.

So, what is next in tackling this problem?

Yes, there are weight loss programs. There are drugs that some people find helpful.

We also have weight loss surgery. In many cases though, people have to lose a certain amount of weight before they can qualify for the surgery.

People aren’t as active as they used to be.

I don’t know what the answer is. Not everyone can join a gym or have a personal trainer.

Doctors aren’t trained as nutritionists. Hopefully, they will send their patients with serious medical issues to dietitians.

Everyone reacts differently when addressing problems. Some people have faster metabolisms, others have slower metabolisms.

Certain meds cause some people to gain weight. Some people aren’t able to exercise and so on.

Some people are just plain addicted to food! Some people drink a lot of calories before they even consume their food.

Emotional eating is a huge problem. It’s as dangerous as eating disorders are.

March is Women’s History Month!

I thought that I would post the lyrics to a song that a young songwriter wrote for her two young daughters. I find the lyrics to this song to be very engaging and beautiful.

The title of the song is ‘Girls.’ Written and performed by Rachael Patten.

She performed it live on ‘The Talk’ show today and I was captivated by her performance as a singer and pianist!

Here are the lyrics:

Hope you always know your worth

Though I know life can hurt

Hope you know that you can turn to each other

Hope you learn to trust your voice

Make mistakes and make some noise

Hope you never lose your joy or your hunger

Girls you were born to run

To reach the stars and chase the sun

Girls you are wild and free

The wind is at your back, the world is at your feet

Sometimes life can feel unfair

Broken hearts you can’t repair

Sometimes you might be scared no one gets you

It’s not easy being brave when tears are falling down your face

But that’s how you find your strength so I’ll let you

Girls you were born to run

To reach the stars and chase the sun

Girls you are wild and free

The wind is at your back, the world is at your feet

Someday friends will turn their backs

Falling leaves may hide your path

You’ll try hard, might come in as last

Yeah, but just around the corner

You’ll move mountains, you’ll make waves

You’ll be fearless, you’ll be brave

There’ll be nothing you can’t face

Hope you’ll always know your worth

Though I know life can hurt

Hope you know that you can turn to each other

Hope the road ahead is clear

And hope you know that when I am not here

That you’ll always have the love of your mother

What a beautiful love song to her daughters! I am remembering my mother and grandmother during Women’s History Month, along with many, many other women that have been trailblazers in their lifetime.

What women are you thinking about and remembering during Women’s History Month?


😁, Yep!

There is a hawk of some kind that must nest near me because I can hear it calling but I've never been able to spot it, going by the calls I think it's a little Merlin.

Hawks probably love tiny little hummingbirds too!

I adore hawks! One of my favorite birds.

I also love tiny little hummingbirds!

I saw a robin yesterday, and a red tail hawk. Hawks are around yr around, but still fun to see close up

Needs help

I've heard if your visiting new Orleans area ya have to know where to not go.

Everyone says not in my area, until it is. But violence like this is touching everyones life, one way or another


I love hearing birds singing. They are excellent communicators.


I was never a fan of Wendy’s show. Those kind of shows aren’t my cup of tea. I do feel badly for her. She’s had her struggles, hasn’t she? Very sad situation.


I am happy to hear that justice was served.

There was a very disturbing incident that happened here recently. A man killed his three year old son in the metro New Orleans area.

It’s absolutely tragic to see a young child lose their life.

Our crime in general has been out of control for many years. The city isn’t at all like it was when I was a child.

I was able to ride my bike all over and not think about being harmed.

Justice was served today, a man in my area was sentenced to 25 years to life for shooting a young girl. A happy but sad day

Need,since Wendy Williams's son speaks at length in the documentary I think the family want people to understand her plight. They seem to have been greatly shut out. Of course I don't know what led to a bank having such control over her. The son and her sister seem well meaning. There is obviously alot that went on we don't know about.

Sadly she is an addict and one that could not get adequate help while she was still hosting her show. There was alot of responsibility there not only to herself but to those whose livelihood depended on her functioning properly.

It is said she is doing better now. Hopefully that is the case. She displays great entitlement. I realize dementia plays into this greatly but I think there are aspects of her previous personality that are evident. I think she is capable of being kind. I hope she finds herself in a better place.

There are robins singing the sun up this morning, it's a crazy early spring.


I keep seeing the commercials for that documentary. I am not sure if I want to watch it. It looks very upsetting.

She is awfully young to be going through this situation.

I think it’s really sad that she’s going to be seen by millions of people on air in this light.

I wonder what her family thinks about this documentary being released. Do you know if they approve of it or if they are behind it?

I know that she is a celebrity but I not want my privacy exploited in this manner.

Fantastic, Ali!

Thrilled for you!!!😁



We are all proud.

It's fun to watch your success.

Thanks for sharing.

golden: Happy Leap Day birthday to your son, the anomaly!

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