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Since the subject of dementia amongst celebrities was raised here I wondered if anyone watched the Wendy Williams recent documentary. Very disturbing but I believe her previous personality combined with alcohol abuse certainly contributed somewhat to her present state. Anyway she is young to have this advanced state although I know many here report of early onset dementia. So hard to imagine being in a trapped mind like that.

My middle son is a leap day baby (natural birth) and left handed too so he feels quite unique!!! It's his 13th birth day.

Margaret: Happy Leap Day birthday to your granddaughter!


I hope your granddaughter has a very happy birthday!

My granddaughter age 12 years is celebrating her third ‘real’ birthday. She had to be induced, and Monday 29th Feb 2012 was the specialist’s day. One in 1461 potential birthdays.

Happy Leap Year birthday to all Leap Year babies!

Rest in peace, Richard Lewis.

I adored his comedy, especially on Curb Your Enthusiasm!

He had Parkinson’s disease. I watched my mom suffer with Parkinson’s disease. It breaks my heart to see others suffering with this horrible disease.

Yes, Robin Williams had Lewy Body Dementia.

Ali: Congratulations!

Yes, Bruce Willis is now non verbal.

Just to repeat my congratulations and joy at sharing your joy. You are moving from success to success. Totally AWESOME!!!! 🎉🎊 👍


*I'm just overwhelmed with happiness right now. I've been waiting for this final project grade to come back, checking for it every day, and making my peace with potentially getting a not-great grade on it. I am so thrilled that I not only got a good grade, I got praise and 100% of the points. Excuse my exuberance -- I'm so freaking happy right now!

I just got my grade back on my toughest final project, in my toughest master's term to date, and my strictest professor gave me 100%.

She did not take a single point off for my final project in my Measurements class, which is statistical and graphing measurement strategies + field knowledge. Apparently, I've nailed it... at least at my current learning level.

That is so incredibly validating for me. I chose the most difficult topic (not purposefully), researched it, did all the analyses, wrote the paper, gave a video presentation, and got 100%.

I'm just so thrilled. It's so validating and makes me feel like I know what I'm doing... I have often felt like this academic journey is so unknown, and while I have a game plan, my stress levels sometimes make me doubt.

She wrote in all caps that it was EXCELLENT WORK. 😁

Thanks, cw for reading up on this topic and sharing this info.

I am always sad to hear about dementia diagnosis. I am concerned for my younger brother who received a dementia diagnosis. Right now he is dealing with coping after his stroke.

I hope that one day researchers will understand these diseases better and find better ways to control and treat them. I wonder if there will ever be a way to prevent dementia from occurring in the first place.


The discussion that I was watching was referring to how genetics can’t determine how dementia affects us. Even identical twins react differently.

Genetic studies are fascinating to me.

My husband was told that it’s helpful to do genetic testing after his cancer diagnosis. His oncologist’s nurse highly recommended it, so did the oncologist. My husband didn’t go forth with any genetic testing.

cwillie, I haven't read much about Robin Williams since his suicide, and shortly thereafter, but I had thought he had a diagnosis of Lewy's Dementia? I, too, recall hearing he was aware of his probable diagnosis. Does anyone else remember that?

Need, Bruce Willis has very severe dementia.
And I would LOVE to know what identical twin studies show about dementias.

Tony Bennett had it for many years. An exceptionally devoted wife. Friends with Lady Gaga, Tony was. She also was devoted to him. You gotta love that!

Many more are going public, but we have a massive aging generation. That will make changes in approach over time, I think. When you look at the future job market all they can talk of is caregiving jobs.

I just did a little reading on Robin Williams and his diagnosis was Parkinson's, but I definitely remember reading that he had cognitive problems years before his suicide so while they might have misdiagnosed him I think everyone knew that some kind of dementia was in the mix.

There are lots of sports figures with Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy.

It’s interesting to see how dementia is all over the news if a celebrity gets it.

A doctor was just on a morning news show talking about the dementia that Wendy Williams has been diagnosed with. I never watched her television show but I know who she is.

Anyway, the doctor on the show was asked about genetics and she said that even in a set of identical twins, one twin could have a diagnosis of dementia and the other twin may not receive a dementia diagnosis until 17 years later.

Just goes to show you how dementia affects everyone differently, even in identical twins.

Interesting 🤔.


I guess that my brother’s doctor is trying to find relief for him and is willing to give the neurological chiropractor a chance.

These particular chiropractors are supposed to have specialized training dealing with nerve damage.

My brother is still dropping things all the time. He’s having a lot of problems with his hands.

Okay, I didn’t remember if Robin Williams knew about his dementia earlier. I know that an autopsy confirmed it.

Some people keep their diagnosis private. Alan Alda kept his Parkinson’s diagnosis private for a while but felt like it would get leaked in the media and decided to go public with his diagnosis.

Doesn’t Bruce Willis have dementia now too? I think I heard that a while back.

I'm surprised a MD would recommend a neurological chiropractor 🤔

Robin Williams knew he had dementia, an autopsy it only confirmed the diagnosis

Interesting that Wendy Williams has been diagnosed with Dementia, Aphasia.

Dementia is so confusing and difficult to understand. It’s so sad to see younger people struggling with this disease.

Look at how Robin Williams’ suicide shocked the world. He had Lewy Body Dementia. It was discovered after an autopsy had been done.

Wow! Lander touches down for first U. S. moon landing since 1972. Exciting!

I remember the nuns placing televisions in our classrooms to watch the very first landing on the moon.

Oh man, I just saw on the news that IVF is in jeopardy in Alabama.

Gosh, I went through IVF 3 times trying to conceive a child. It wasn’t successful for me but it has been for many couples.

I would hate to see that IVF wasn’t an option for couples trying to conceive a child.

We have come so far in medicine and now we are going backwards with these restrictions. Grrrrrrrrr…

Just got off the phone with my brother in D. C.

He says that his doctor is sending him to a neurological chiropractor. I am not familiar with this kind of treatment. My dad saw a chiropractor for his back.

I asked him why was he being sent to a neurological chiropractor. He said that his doctor thinks that it will help him with deal better with his nerve functioning.

He’s is still doing physical and occupational therapy since his stroke. He no longer needs to continue with his speech therapy. He’s also seeing a specialist for hand therapy.

I hope that he will find relief. He’s still having mobility issues since his stroke. It was a major stroke. He nearly died.

Strokes are very complex and affect people differently depending upon the severity of the stroke. My brother has dealt with high blood pressure for years. I know that is one cause of a stroke. He’s also had several heart surgeries.

My dad had high blood pressure for years as well. He was never the same man again after his stroke occurred. His stroke happened shortly after his open heart surgery while he was still in the hospital.

I wonder how often strokes occur after surgery.

I don’t know all of the things that cause a stroke. I guess smoking can cause strokes too.

I went to buy a birthday card today for my older sister who has vascular dementia . ( the only sibling I have semi regular contact with ) . For the last 10 or so years we bought each other funny cards , where two older women speak to each other . My sister started sending this type of card. We share a birthday , born the same day , 10 years apart .

In the past we usually found jokes about sagging parts , wrinkles , gray hair etc .

Well now most of the funny cards about the two of us getting older were not appropriate . What I saw today was alot of the jokes were about memory issues . There was even one that said on the front of the card “ I’ve been trying to text you using the garage door opener “. 😬😬. The inside read “ I hope you get this message” .

In general all the “ funny “ cards were awful . Not funny . I also needed to buy an anniversary card for my DH , terrible too . The greeting card companies need new ideas , or go back and recycle some old cards . I went to two different stores and settled on cards that were Ehh .

Maybe I should just buy blank cards and come up with something to write .

Thinking especially of Alva today. I do feel that she is prepared for this but it’s still so very hard.

I was a nervous wreck just getting through a biopsy on a solid mass at age 40. I don’t think that I could handle it as well as Alva is.

DH and I have been looking to downsize a bit with a master bed and bath on first floor . We looked at a property yesterday only two miles from our house . Turns out it’s too small . I was a bit claustrophobic but there was also too much furniture . I lean toward my version of minimalism with a cozy blanket and cute pillows to add warmth and I’m good .

Anyway the old gentleman that owns the house was in the home while we looked . He sat in his recliner with his walker in front of him watching TV . He asked where we were from ( our NY accent still gives us away 20 years after moving to PA). We got to talking and the gentleman was so lonely , he was telling me his situation . His wife is in assisted living and he’s selling the house because he has run out of money . He thinks he’s going to live with one of his children but not sure . ( whatever that means ) . He seemed a bit off to me . You could tell he was a very good looking man when he was young , he is still handsome now with his think white hair . He showed me a picture of him and his wife in what looked like the 1960’s . They were hippies. His wife was beautiful and he was indeed handsome . Anyway, that’s been on my mind .


My mom did read to us. When I got old enough to ride my bicycle out of my neighborhood, I rode my bicycle for miles and miles to go to the library. We only had one car. My dad drove it to work. So, I walked, rode my bike, took the bus or street car to get everywhere.

I didn’t understand why my mother favored the boys when I was younger, but I loved not being babied as I grew older because I learned how to be independent.

My mom was glad that I went to college. She was a straight A student and a perfectionist at everything she did. There were times where I felt like she didn’t notice me or encourage me like she did with my brothers. My dad filled in the gaps.

Yup, “the girls “ were not encouraged to go to college by my mother . For some reason it threatened her . She said that’s for boys . Fortunately Dad encouraged school . But of course to the outside world my mother took credit for the fact that we went to college .
My mother never read to us . She hated books and papers , said they were unsightly , messy .

Way, Yes! As the girl I never measured up to my mother’s sons. It was definitely a sexist generalization!

My wonderful MIL wasn’t that way though. She wasn’t sexist at all. I thanked her for raising a son who became a fabulous husband. She had a wicked sense of humor. She said that she had to “deprogram” her husband because his mom waited on him hand and foot!

My MIL was a wonderful woman. I was very fortunate to have her in my life. She was an only child and neither her mother nor her mother in law were kind to her. She broke the cycle and was a great mom and mother in law.

I don’t know . It was stunning to see how my mother could turn on a dime to embrace one kid at any given time if she thought that kid would do what she wanted , and simultaneously shun her most recent favorite as if that child was always the problem .

On the whole though , Mom clearly favored my brother . The oldest and only boy. My DH calls him the Prince . It fits him . He’s rude at times , always aloof , he talks down to all his sisters as if we are still little stupid girls . He still will collectively call us “ the girls “. No doubt he learned his view of us ( and women in general ) from watching how my mother treated us .

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