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Would it be okay, if we have an issue with a sibling but cannot post it, we could call the sibling something unrecognizable, so that reading here, they would never know?

Shall I go first, Send?

Yesterday, I asked mom what she wanted for her upcoming birthday - she replied $1,000

In thinking about it, $1,000 split between mom's two other kids divided by the 19 months she's been at hoca with each only visiting her maybe 4 times under duress comes out to about $25 a month each -

I'll be sending Frick and Frack mom's request by mail since now neither respond to my texts - Bozos 😼

My BIL told DH that he thinks we should look for a dog to keep FIL company. I must be osmosising CM's wonderful British phrases, because I looked at DH and asked him if BIL was daft and had he taken leave of his senses. I quickly pictured Dad tripping giver the dog, bending multiple times daily with normal care and dealing with a dog going in and out in the winter. Dad thinks it's a crazy idea, smart fella.

Frick and Frack....ha ha ha

Oh, Ms. Madge! I love you. It is so hard with siblings. I figure if some siblings cannot give their time, at least they should contribute to birthday presents and Christmas presents.

Neither Frick nor Frack visited mom on her birthday, Thanksgiving, Xmas or New Years last year - both asked if she wanted diapers for Xmas 🙄

Are we complaining about siblings over here? I could get in on that. I get it that my bros are both sooooo busy, and they can't be bothered to help out with my dispersing the house contents, but are they too busy to text a reply when I contact them about stuff? I think it's just more convenient for them to ignore me. How do they think I feel, dealing with the house and its contents? They can't be troubled to be in touch with me, meanwhile I can just spend my life cleaning up everything on my own. Wah.

I dream of the day I get to stick them with mom's care, and not help out. ;-) Not really, but it would be fitting.

Thinking nicknames for the siblings.......

Gladimhere has the best, calling them the twisteds 1 and 2.

Ts1 and Ts2 for short.

1,000 M & M's

Happy Birthday to the Viking!

Bozo one, bozo two.

People are not behaving anywhere near polite or civil on a public forum.
On one thread, Cwillie has asked people to "give it a rest".  And I agree with Cwillie, " the less said, the better."
Some posters are out of line, as well as the OP, imo.
I wish they would all stop embarrassing themselves.

Hi Send,

Sadly, I think this is my family as well. I am adopting Cwillie's "the less said, the better."

I know I am not an orphan but it often feels like it with the siblings I have. Thank goodness for carbs.:-)

Hi all, hope it's ok to join this thread! I recently found this forum and am starting to read a bit.

Quote: "I know I am not an orphan but it often feels like it with the siblings I have. Thank goodness for carbs."

I'm right there with ya! Sorry that your siblings aren't any help, either. My husband's brother is IN THE MEDICAL FIELD, but my husband regularly gets asked, "Are you an only child?" Sigh.

LOL about the carbs! Yep! And wine. Lots of wine. (Are we allowed to say that?)

Welcome travel
Carbs and a wicked humor helps many a stressful night

Welcome, and welcome to this thread, where your opinions count. You can say anything that the AC admins allow.

Is wine a carb?

Hi MsMadge and Sendhelp, thanks for the welcome!

And...some wine is low-carb. :) :) Lol!

Be sure to join us on "Caregivers Behaving Badly"
or "Caregivers Cats Behaving Badly".

You will be welcome on those threads too.

Thank you!! :)

Pulling into the post office lot, we were stopped, asked to pull over and wait.
The casually dressed person did not identify that they were shooting a movie.
The second person with a walkie talkie, crouching, directed us to pull into the parking place and wait, because there was going to be gunfire!

Lol. I said no, and turned the car around, slowly, and left the way we came in.

Say what? Gunfire? In light of the recent mass shooting, a bit scary, a bit insensitive for real people in the neighborhood?

Missing from this entire scenario, was the required notices posted in the nearby neighborhood re: Movie shoot! Gunfire will be fake.

Take 3!

Oh, Send. I'm glad you were able to turn around and leave. But I have to agree with you, how hard would it be to post a simple sign?

I still can't believe the news coming out of Vegas. My heart just breaks for everyone.

CDN, yes, a sign there too.
But I meant the ordinance requirements to post a door-knob notice on affected homes in the area.
Making movies and t.v. series brings revenue to the city, but it can also burden the resources. For example, a plane crash in the hills goes out on police scanner, there is a 911 response, a search for the downed plane, and an hour later, Oh, they were making a movie.

I get that people don't know how to deal with a friend's long term illness. I get that they don't have to alter their activities to include the friend. I get that they may not be supportive. But please don't sit there telling me about my LO's health problems ( I'm living this ) or what I should/shouldn't do, and then have the attitude of no empathy because I'm not doing as you think I should. It's taking everything i have to not say what I think and vaporize the "friendship". After all, these friends will be absent when we go into the tougher stages.

CDN and Linda22.
Things are bad in the world, in Vegas, and in our own circle of friends.
So bad, we need to guard our hearts and minds.
Caregivers are doing just that by distracting others with food and garden stories.
That is a good thing, imo.
Thanks for Garden Artist, and MsMadge! Examples of rising above the despair.

Is there really a correlation between people's strange or bad behaviors and the full moon? Or the electro-magnetic fields affecting earth? Inquiring minds want to know.

Although I don't understand the science fully, when people in general start behaving even differently, not themselves, or badly, I go try looking up sun, moon, and earth events for an explanation. In the past 3 days, people were weird! Both on the forum (sorry), and out there, (driving). Has anyone noticed?
I found this CME- Coronal Mass Ejection on the Sun affecting earth:

(Nov 14 1237UTC) The large CME that erupted with the destabilizing filament 3 days go swept past earth this morning. While it has only produced minor activity in earth’s magnetic field, a coronal hole stream impact is expected today and this double-event could drive stronger storms than either would have produced individually." end quote.

So there you have it! Just wanting to explore. I am not a conspiracy theorist, not a prepper, and not a Coast-to-Coast fan, (although I have listened). However, I believe there is a correlation between human behaviors and say, for example, the full moon.
Maybe even the New Moon......that takes care of human behaviors all month, thanks!
Maybe animal behaviors too!

Surprising isn't it?
Other people are behaving worse than me.

Stock market behaving badly

I was trying not to notice that.

Erased my post, because it was about other people. lol.

I just found this thread. I've read most of it. I was particularly struck by the comments on long rambling posts. Drives me nuts. Over and over, long rambling posts full of drivel. And I am totally sick of hearing about animal pee and poop. Many caregivers have to deal with people pee and poop, they don't need to hear about animal's. And I am sickened by descriptions of rotten garbage and digging thru garbage - it nauseates me and several other posters. I want to write in all capital SCREAM letters "shut up about animal pee and poop and digging thru garbage. It's "Other People Behaving Badly" to me. Be considerate of those of us who sicken to their stomachs easily. It's disgusting. We've lost a couple of posters because of this.

I have no idea what you're referring to, Becky, but it sounds like I'm better off for my ignorance, haha!


And I erased the rest of my post, because it was about other people.  :-) 

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