If your care giving duties allow you time to read.....................I'm interested in what book you are in the middle of or just finished or have waiting on your bedside table.
I'm reading "Total Control" by David Baldacci
It's a crime/thriller drama. Quite compelling.
If you can't find the time to read, you should try. It helps to escape from it all in a good book.
I ALWAYS have AT LEAST four library books at home, and the Kindle so full they keep telling me "If you want THIS one you will have to give up one of your others". I often read two books at once. And so leaving it in the care works out just fine.
Problem may be, at my age, confusing a story line or character. Ah, the vagaries of aging.
Wasn't aware of this one. Is it new?
The Cliffs by Countney Sullivan is next on the list.
Also have on the kindle IBS Solutions by Amanda Malachesky. Boy, lifelong sufferer from IBS and keep it in control (ha ha ) best I can, but this book, out of the 100s I have read, is AMAZING. So much this old RN and her gastroenterologist had no idea of! Highly recommend if the gut is a plain in the backside.
Currently I'm reading his latest book 'The Dragon's Prophecy'.
His last book 'Return Of The Gods' has been his best.
'The Harbinger II' was extremely good too.
Dang! I left my library book in my car - again. Husband just went out & borrowed my car - again. Unfinished & overdue - again 🙄
I’ve been in the mood for lighter fare for a few months but am having a heck of a time finding anything that keeps me interested.
So it is My Journey into Alzheimer's Disease a memoir by Robert Davis.
And of course, once I realized I hadn't logged in I knew why the Edit button didn't come up. Forgive my internet inadequacies (and my others as well).
Just finished a book Lea Recommended. Not new. My Journey into Alzheimer's.
She recommended this book to one of our OPs who was asking "How can I tell what it's like to HAVE Alzheimer's".
This book is written by a pastor, so know going in that it is very heavy on his faith, and how it sustained him on his journey; I am an atheist and I found it difficult to get through to the parts about what it felt like to have Alzheimer's at times. BUT this book is one I would recommend to anyone (even an atheist like me). While the book was finished by his wife when he could not longer tell of his journey, this, other than listening to my own brother, is about the BEST thing I have ever read about WHAT THIS FEELS LIKE. What the losses and fear is like. How difficult nighttime and sleep. And on and on and on.
I found this book very inexpensive used on AMazon the day Lealonnie recommended it. I thank her always for her comments here which are so stellar without fail, and most recently for this recommend. Her own journey has taught, enlightened, encourage so many of us. Thanks to Lea! Yet again.
I got Frankl confused with Elie Wiesels, book Night.
Night, was so emotional and disturbing to me, I couldn't bring myself to read anymore of his stuff. So I got them confused and wouldn't read anything by Frankl.
If you ever read Night, it was the closest I ever felt that I could actually feel what the author was feeling and smelling.
I'll put that on my list now
This comment would fit in the Aged Care site: ‘We do not find men falling down because they expect to find someone helping them up’. But we do find just that, in people not planning for age care!
Probably gonna be here a while since getting out of the hammock is not to easy. 😆
Life's Gauntlet: Alzheimer's Disease and a Caregiver's Journey for non-fiction and everything ever written by David Vann for fiction (tough stuff)
to reading the synopsis of one in particular,
and then navigating back to the original page,
and then on to the next page,
and the next page,
selecting another book,
borrowing the book,
back again,
turn the page,
And I can't use shortcuts like opening multiple tabs because it won't let you do that. AHHH!
I read so much, and so many books at a time (mostly non-fiction), that I don’t usually post here. I’m currently unpacking books from the farm, and ploughing through my Agatha Christies to sort out the duplicates. Miss Marple is my current ‘light read’ in bed.
I just started, "those who save us"
WWII book. Not sure yet if it's any good, but there really seems to be a lot of WWII books in the stores now. Probably because of all the Israel stuff.
Right up our alley!
I'm reading Mitch Albom , the little liar.
It's good. All his work is so moving. So I'll let ya know how much crying I end up doing.