If your care giving duties allow you time to read.....................I'm interested in what book you are in the middle of or just finished or have waiting on your bedside table.
I'm reading "Total Control" by David Baldacci
It's a crime/thriller drama. Quite compelling.
If you can't find the time to read, you should try. It helps to escape from it all in a good book.
What I don't get is why there don't seem to be any older books from popular series like this in the physical library either, did they throw them all out?
I see. I hope your book gets better. I catch myself reading books that I enjoyed a long time ago. Like you say, sometimes we don’t know what to select from newer books.
I've currently started a story that is well written but seems like it's going nowhere, A Prayer For Travellers by Ruchika Tomar. I'm 100 pages in and I finally sneaked a peak at some of the spoilers on Goodreads and despite the rave reviews it sounds like this book is a long winding tale with no satisfactory conclusion... I'm not sure if I can stomach another 200+ pages of that.
One book I recently enjoyed was “Everyone in my Family has Killed Someone” by Benjamin Stevenson. It had some of the rehashing too, but the author wrote in a sarcastic, snarky style, often directly speaking to the reader, that was unique and fun
Our library will order a book for us if they don’t have it. Have you asked your librarian if you can do this?
Do you have second hand bookstores in your area? You can find great bargains there. Thrift shops too!
I also like to listen to unabridged books on our local public radio station. wrbh.org
I want a plot that tells a story, not some rambling epic that never comes to any resolution.
I want an author who can invent a protagonist that I care about, what happens to them should leave me wanting more not feeling meh.
Romance is fine but I hate when it morphs into the central theme of a novel or series, especially when the women seem to lose all their brain cells whenever the object of their lust enters the page.
Some attention needs to be paid to reality - I can see an ex cop or a forensic pathologist or a detective etc solving crimes but not a chef or a dog sitter or a baker or the thousand of the other cozy mystery tropes.
I'm into mysteries, dystopian worlds, fantasy and SF as well as the occasional plain old literary genre.
Oh, and it's almost impossible to find library books or a complete series that are more than a decade old, so that limits things considerably. Any recommendations?
“Every day a different body, every day a different life, every day in love with the same girl.”
There are definitely some dark images in children’s literature of long ago.
I have found interesting old books at the thrift shops from time to time.
I bet you have lots of good memories there.
The illustrations in this old Mother Goose book are awesome but the poems are kind of dark.
I imagine Grimm’s Fairy Tales would be too gruesome these days. We read Mother Goose and Grimm’s as children.
Our City Park has an entire play area that is dedicated to Mother Goose. My parents took us there and I took our children there to play.
At Halloween, they have the characters pass out candy, for example, Mother Goose passes out candy next to her shoe. Little Miss Muffet passes out candy by her tuffet. My kids loved it when they were young.
I'm sure the book would be banned so that makes it more fun to read.
Mimi Smith Dvorak
What am I reading.. something online about troubleshooting the ice maker sensor light. Probably have to replace it.
Novel by Michael Ende
The Neverending Story is a fantasy novel by German writer Michael Ende, published in 1979. The first English translation, by Ralph Manheim, was published in 1983. It was later adapted into a film series.
GMORK: Foolish boy. Don’t you know anything about Fantasia? It’s the world of human fantasy. Every part, every creature of it, is a piece of the dreams and hopes of mankind. Therefore, it has no boundaries.
ATREYU: But why is Fantasia dying, then?
GMORK: Because people have begun to lose their hopes and forget their dreams. So the Nothing grows stronger.
ATREYU: What is the Nothing?
GMORK: It’s the emptiness that’s left. It’s like a despair, destroying this world. And I have been trying to help it.
ATREYU: But why?
GMORK: Because people who have no hopes are easy to control. And whoever has control has the power.
Can't stand my boss.
Book by Florence Littauer
sorry, long day. 🫤
"Book hangover:
inability to start a new book because you're still living in the last book's world."
Before her death Sue Grafton had a delightful FB site. Just before she died someone sent her an old trunk full of memorabilia they found of her family including old dresses and quilts; she was so delighted.
Goodness. I never was much of a typist!
I did know that about baby's having more brain cells and that they get pruned as they aren't used. That's why early experiences are so important and it is much easier to learn other languages very young. Brains are very seriously interesting to me.
Plugging away at yet another murder mystery. I love the settings in the Cotswold in the UK.