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Golden, I will happily join you for sardines for breakfast, as long as I can have a fresh sliced cucumber with it. Mmmmm!

Psue - Hippocrates: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” is my belief.

Re porridge/oatmeal, Samuel Johnson wrote that oats were "a grain which in England is generally given to horses, but in Scotland supports the people".

Unfortunately, I am allergic to oats as well.

I know the gluten and dairy allergy stuff pretty well, though when I moved down here last October I spent hours online checking out foods for dairy and gluten content in the grocery stores here. Dairy free or vegan does not mean it's not contaminated with dairy, as I found out after a few nasty allergy hits. Many foods are contaminated.

The fodmaps issue is new but not that hard to figure out. There is still a lot of good food to eat! But I have had to say good bye to apples and asparagus for now anyway. D@rn it!!!

It's fine now, but if I ever need to go into an ALF or a NH is may be a nightmare.

R (sig other) is from a farming background and he has the same "waste nothing" practice. His mum and dad raised 5 boys on a dairy farm so they always had plenty of milk, and cream. They picked wild berries, and even wild horseradish I just heard - so strong you couldn't eat it. His mum was a good cook (what mother isn't to her children?) and baked pies, made perogies etc. I don't because it's too high carb and calorie wise and baking with wheat flour sets off my allergies. I did bake back in the day when the kids were small and before I knew what my allergies were. R watches his sugars and carbs in general as do I, though he is as lean as he always was. I wish!!!

Times change and with it eating habits. So many people eat/order out fairly often. I can't cotton on to that. We grew up with cooking from scratch and a meal out once or twice a year for a special occasions. I enjoy cooking from scratch and trying new things, but a break once in a while is very welcome.

With my Norwegian background I will eat fish any time of day - sardines for breakfast anyone? lol

As we get older I think memories are more and more important and enjoyable. They are for me anyway.

Golden - that’s a lot to deal with, food wise. It must take up a lot of your time but it sounds like you are very good at knowing and preparing what keeps you healthy. Bravo!
Never heard of the Scottish porridge thing but I am interested in food traditions and know that many of them are cross-cultural. All grandma’s leftovers went into the ‘slop’ bowl for the animals so there was absolutely no waste whatsoever, even when the picky grandkids were around. As I get older I spend more time thinking about these things!

Psue - I am gluten and dairy allergic so my food choices are limited. Can't eat high fodmaps foods either and I eat low carb or I gain weight rapidly. I could win a contest for weight gain. So no noodles, home made or otherwise. My mother was Norwegian so the German foods are foreign to me, but sauerkraut and turkey neck seemed easy and they are foods I can eat. I do like a good oxtail soup. Never had fried cornmeal mush. Sort of sounds like the Scottish fried porridge. They used to have a porridge drawer in the kitchen Left overs were tipped into the drawer to "set" then later pieces were sliced off and fried, Never had it, but heard about it. Come to think of it polenta is cornmeal and you can fry it. I've had that.

send - hope you got your dinner finally.

Dinner has arrived late, delivery from the market.
There was a long delay, so I started cancelling the $104.00 order down to $39.00.

Deli fried chicken with hot potato wedges.

Wait, that wasn't them, where is dinner?

Cwillie, well, how was it?

nacy, a local nursery sells hot cider donuts every year and they are DIVINE! I must have one - only one - every year, or I will die of longing.

golden23, NOT a sauerkraut fan myself but it was a staple on my mom’s table when she was growing up. My husband’s too.
Just curious, do you make homemade egg noodles in ‘oxtail’ broth (which I’m pretty sure was just plain old cow tail)? How about what my grandma called ‘cornmeal mush’ sliced and fried in bacon grease? Swoon.

Well done, cw. Enjoy!!!

Chili tonight - fall weather.

My loaf of bread looks pretty good! 🍞 It's soup and a sandwich today!🥪

nacy - donut days are long gone for me but apple cider donuts sound good!

Psue - Turkey necks are browned first and covered with sauerkraut then baked till they fall apart, Apparently an old German recipe. I also add caraway seeds. Sig other R loves them. His mother and German grandmother (on father's side who added caraway) made them. I haven't been able to find a recipe online but figured it out, I like them too. They have good flavour.

Otherwise turkey necks are good for soup.

Golden23, Turkey necks!
My grandmother used to fill her plate with the chicken necks and wing tips. She said it was because they had the best flavor but I suspect it was because she had 8 kids and those were the only parts left!

Apple cider donuts! Lol not for dinner but Apple season is here, in the Northeast.

There's nothing better than apple cider donuts!! 😁

Tonight, fried egg sandwiches because I’ve been working on the Redwoods and time got away from me.
cwillie, if you can master a real San Francisco style sourdough you will be a very popular person indeed!

I had a terrible time keeping my starter alive so I borrowed some from my niece-in-law (is there such a word, 🤔?). I seldom buy or eat loaf style bread and can easily make sourdough flat breads like naan, but I want to master that classic sourdough loaf, just because..

cw - do you make your own starter? I agree it can't have been a complicated process before. I found a gluten and dairy free sourdough bread - not great but not bad. Sourdough used to be a fave of mine.

Wow Willie, that's inspiring. I made bear bread once . It was easy and good, but the next day it was pretty awful. It got so hard and really not etable

Let us know how it goes

I have been playing around with making sourdough for the last couple of months and I have to say I'm glad I didn't have the internet last time I was into bread making, the amount of complicated steps and advice is a real turn off. I'm danged sure the old "sourdoughs" (prospectors) weren't weighing their ingredients and autolyzing their mixture or stretching and folding every 30 minutes, and I'm determined to succeed at making a simple loaf without all the extra BS.

Turkey necks and sauerkraut with caraway, and red cabbage, apple and onion fritters with sour cream.

nacy - lasagna is always yum. I hear you about the sink full of dishes. Finally did mine.

peasuep - sounds good. Kale is so healthy for you.

This is so cool! 13,000+ menu ideas! And a 10 year run!
Well I’m in with radiatore, kale, Italian turkey sausage casserole with TJs four cheese blend. Wish I had a glass of red wine but I’m out.

Lasagna rolls, garlic bread !
All ready to pop in the oven. And a sink full of dishes waiting for me


Pan fried salmon, tartar sauce, roasted patty pan squash, apple cole slaw, R had sauteed leeks as well. It all worked well together. Tea and a cookie for dessert.

Been enjoying salads for a while but it's cooler here today so I made some chicken soup and am poaching some sole in a very light tomato sauce. I think it will end up being a tomato fish stew/soup which is fine with me. Making hay while R is away. It wouldn't be enough for him.

we got a dozen steamed crabs yesterday, finished them up today with enough extra for hubs to make cream of crab soup. Also fresh corn on the cob and "red beet eggs", or pickled eggs if you call them that,, LOL

Spinach, fresh from a friends garden, rice pork chops and homemade apple sauce 😋

I am making angel hair pasta and meatballs. I will probably add cheese on it as well served with a side dish of veggies.

I lined my colander with coffee filters Riverdale. If I get into doing this I might get one of those washable mesh filters, I have a small mesh sieve but it's not nearly big enough.

cwillie, did you use cheesecloth to make the yogurt?

The peaches are coming to the supermarket with lower prices every week so I'm going to can a few, I'm putting them in 250 ml jam size jars because I tend to not want to eat more than that all at once. Things are so expensive at my local store so I'm looking for ways to economize (because I'm cheap like that)

Fish ‘n chips from town! To celebrate 25 years since we moved here and shacked up. (we have since married)

I've been reading about making yogurt in the instant pot and my last litre of Greek yogurt was almost finished so I figured why not give it a try - oh my, it was so easy and it's economical too, I may never buy yogurt again!

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