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Drink - last bottle of Bristol Cream sherry lasted me 10 years. I would partly fill a liqueur glass, have a little sip then put it down and forget I had it. That was well over 10 years ago and I haven't bought another one. I will take had a glass of wine with a special meal out but I don't keep and booze in the house. I prefer my calories in other forms.
Coffee is a biggy for me, some tea, and some diet pop. Just hot water with lime or lemon is good too.

Goodnight, I am going to bed soon too.

NeedHelp, I loved music class when I was in school I learned at an early age to appreciate classical music. Love the Sound of Music, it is my all time favorite movie. My parents took me to see the movie when it first came out. The education was excellent .The sisters were so kind to me. I respected them highly. When I became an adult I would visit the school and take some of the nuns to church services. It was great to see them again .Well I am going to retire for the night. Good night.


Sister would have smacked you for that error in spelling! Hahaha 😂

Me too, when I goof! Sometimes it is typing too fast and sometimes autocorrect is evil! LOL

Gershun and EB,

I haven’t thought about this in years! I have to tell you a funny wine story.

Our daughter was about six months old. We went on vacation to California.

We flew into San Francisco, and traveled all over to different areas in California, including Napa and Sonoma wine country.

We were enjoying a wine tasting. I don’t drink a lot and I guess the wine sampling creeped up on me.

My husband was holding our little girl. It was time to feed our daughter but instead of placing her bottle of formula in our baby’s mouth I accidentally put the bottle in my husband’s mouth! Hahaha

He looked at me and said, “Honey, that is enough wine tasting for you!”

Correction from recent post. Smack instead of snack. I type too fast.


That is funny! A little Bailey’s at your mom’s age is nice.

I love all kinds of tea. Green tea is great!

I do not drink. I like my tea, coffee in the morning. Since the pandemic I drink a cup every day, my brother likes me to make him his morning coffee so I join him. Never liked the taste of booze. I would rather have a glass of cold lemonade.

I'm not a drinker. A glass of wine occasionally but that's about it. Sometimes a small bit of Bailey's.

My mom loved Bailey's. When she was in the nursing home I gave the worker's a bottle to keep for her and asked they give a tiny bit now and then. Most of them were Filipino and I don't think they even knew what it was. They would ask me "Should we give Jean The Baileys" I got a kick out of it.😊

Right now I'm sipping a green tea. Does that count?

Since drinking is up during the pandemic, why not share what we are drinking? We always talk about food.

Let’s have a change of pace. I will go first. Of course we can include non alcoholic drinks! I love my coffee and tea!

I am not advocating boozing it up people! Hahaha 😂 I don’t drink this in one night! I only drink once in awhile.


Gin and tonic

Beer - preferably an Abita Amber

Vodka and whatever, usually cranberry, sometimes orange or pineapple juice.

Cold nights, rare here - brandy

I’m Irish so once in awhile an Irish coffee!


Oh, yes! The ruler! Can’t forget that, right?

I wish that I could write with both hands. I always thought that was cool!

Yes, I did have my favorite nuns that were wonderful. Mine was our music teacher. She rocked on the piano! We learned to sing fantastic harmonies! I loved Chorus!

Sister was always smiling when she played piano and sang. Her heart was all in when she taught us to sing. I dearly loved her.

Of course we learned all of the music from Sound of Music! Good memories! Also, Mary Poppins, every patriotic song, etc. She actually had a very large repertoire of music that she taught us.

NeedHelp, The nuns used to snack my hands with the ruler to make me use my right hand for writing, but being head strong I continued to use my left. I am ambidextrous, wondering if that had anything to do with it. I loved the nuns, though.


I knew what you meant. Autocorrect screws up on my phone constantly! Grrrrr.

I have to giggle because I went to Catholic school and we got points off for any misspelled word!

The nuns would circle it in red! Oh my gosh! The penmanship drills used to drive me crazy! LOL

correction: knead dough.

Thanks, EB.

Just took a screen shot.

Nothing smells better than an apple pie baking! Hahaha, you threw the crust!

My daddy made them many years ago but I was too young to think about asking him to save the recipe for me.

Mom made fabulous cakes but she didn’t make pie. Grandma made the icebox lemon pie that had the graham cracker crusts.

NeedHelp, Here is pie crust recipe.

1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup butter chilled and diced
1/2 - 1/3 cup ice water
Combine flour and salt
cut in butter until resemble coarse crumbs
add water make into a ball and gently kneed but do not over kneed, want crust to be flaky and light
Wrap dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate 4 hours overnight
Butter 9 in glass pie plate
Bake 350 degree oven until light golden brown

Note: Dough can be split for two crust pie or single use and any leftovers can be used for a turnover.

NeedHelp, I like Shark Tank too.

Hello NeedHelp, I made a few quiches in the past but it has been a few years since my last one. My mother was a great cook and baker. She made 8-10 pies during the holidays. I tried to keep up the tradition when I took over the cooking. My limit was 4 pies. It took quite a few times to perfect the pie crust . I used to get frustrated and throw the pie crust across the room aiming for the sink but sometimes ended up on the floor or walls. I love picking apples in the Fall and make homemade apple pie which is one of my favorites.

Thanks, Golden! I would love to try making an old fashioned apple pie!

I'll take a look for it.


If you find it, please post it.

I had a great recipe for pie crust from my late ex mil who cooked for a living. it was pretty foolproof. I haven't made pastry since I found my gluten allergy. The GF flours don't work as well as the regular ones.


Are they good? Have never bought one. Yes, I could do that. I am used to cooking everything from scratch.

Just buy frozen pie crusts, they may not be as good as grandma used to make but then neither are the ones I make from scratch. And if you take them out of the foil and put them into your own pie plates nobody need ever know 😉


Yum! I like quiche, all kinds, broccoli/cheese, spinach, Lorraine, seafood, etc.

Have you made one? I have only done a frittata, crustless quiche because I don’t know how to make a pie crust. I am intimidated by pie crust. I should learn how to do it.

The only crust that I have ever made was a graham cracker one and that won’t work for quiche! Hahaha

It is great for cheesecake though, which is my youngest daughter’s favorite dessert. New York cheesecake is the best!

Dinner: Treated myself after doctors appointment.
Broccoli cheddar quiche, coconut pecan chocolate chip cookie, Italian coffee. all from a fine café /tea room. I was the only person in the café.


Oooooh, one of my favorite Shark Tank shows was with the two young college grads that were excellent entrepreneurs in launching their ‘cricket’ chips!

These young women had traveled extensively and appreciated their diverse cultural experiences. One being, eating crickets for protein.

They ‘Americanized’ their consumption of crickets by coming up with a ‘cricket’ chip recipe! The panel claimed that they were tasty.

So let’s all crunch on some cricket chips, right? Well, it’s a normal food source for other parts of the world.

My husband says during his travels to China for work that they eat bizarre foods that we would never try. When they took him out for dinner he tried it. Some he liked, some he felt was disgusting!

There are various bean flours too, besan or gram flours are usually pretty cheap if you shop the ethnic aisles of your supermarket.
And then there's cricket flour.... (no thanks) 🤣

cwille is correct in saying tofu is extremely versatile. It can be added to many foods. It will pick up the flavors of what it is served in.

It is a wonderful source of protein. Protein doesn’t always have to come from meat.

Thx cw. I should try tofu. I can't handle soy milk but I think I am OK with tofu. I could add chunks of it to soups, veggie stews or stir fries and have great protein. The veggie burgers I have are soy based. I have had the plant based protein powders but am limited by gluten allergies and the pea protein powders aren't very palatable and don't mix well but they worth looking at again. I know there are new products out all the time. I did a check and I am getting about 40 gms protein eating as I am so another 40 gms should be quite enough. I'm hoping I can handle some eggs and fish. Chicken breast is about the best "bang for the buck" calorie and protein wise and I may be Ok with bone broth. That's healing to the gut.

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