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Awesome, ali. Wishing you all the best.I know you will do well.


Good for you! Best of luck regarding your new plans.

HORRAY, ALI! Good for you going back to school. You are a brave one and motivated from the sounds of it. I went back at age 55 during recession, I had been laid off and figured it was probably the only way I would find work again. Good luck, so very exciting!


Okay, I think that I have the basic concept. Thanks.


Yes the hamburger has a different texture to it and a different taste. This is why: when you fry hamburger it keeps the fat which turns to grease and it sticks to the meat. When you boil the hamburger the meat release the fat making the hamburger cook in the fat but not stick to the meat. The hamburger is lighter some how. Does that makes sense?

I don't make coney sauce, but if I did, that would be pretty close to how I would make it. But whatever I make with hamburger, I boil my hamburger first than add it to my chili, rice, spatti, ect...I hope I didn't lose you.

Reason #193,672,453 why the Internet is amazing --

Because there are so many recipes on there, all I have to do is google my ingredients on hand and something comes up. Tonight will be chicken, peppers, onions in either the cast iron (going into the oven after browning), or just pan frying. Probably do the pan fry because it's already 9:20pm here and that's faster.

I finished my orientation class tonight for new college classes -- all online -- I'm starting. I'm nervous but excited. Hoping I can complete a Psych 4 year degree in about 2 years (I already have 4 year gen studies degree from 20 years ago) and then apply to Occupational Therapy program. I wanted to do something adjacent to elder care, and this is what my brain came up with after a lot of thinking and reflection. Want to challenge myself to learn on that college level again, but it's been awhile.

Already ate my hot dog.


So is it a different texture? It has to be. Or different taste and texture?

I am going to try Stacy’s recipe. I have to. I am very curious now.

Oh gosh, Stacy has convinced me as a southern cook to abandon a traditional southern style of cooking.

Well why not? I’m open minded. I am willing to try it. I might like it better than my way.


Look at Stacy’s recipe. Are your ingredients similar?

Your welcome! It is not normally done that way up here either, but this is the way my parents cooked it and I just followed them and I like it better than fried.🙃


Thanks for clarification. I’ve never heard of that. It’s not done like that in the southern states.

Barb: Cracking out the vodka. That's funny. Wish I had some, but I am so tired that I may fall asleep.

I once served my mother a new age style oatmeal. She stunned me when she said "I don't like it" because normally she would say that was it was okay.

I thought my family was the only people who boiled hamburger. Who knew there were others.

To boil hamburger you put raw hamburger into a sauce pan add your onions and your seasons add just enough water so your hamburger doesn't stick to the pan and were you can see a little water bubbling. When your hamburger is done take your lid to your pan and cover the pan leaving a small opening to drain the water and fat out. This makes your hamburger less creases therefore, making it healthier and have better flavor. Don't forget to stir up your hamburger while cooking.

Any more questions...just ask:)


I agree with the old woman. It’s true. We have our own individual taste.

When my husband goes to China on business he says they eat all sorts of things. Some he likes. Some he won’t even try.


Wait. Forgive my ignorance please. I don’t know what you mean by boiled!

That’s not how we do it. We brown the meat, Drain the fat. Add seasonings. Simmer.

Please explain boil the meat. Sorry to be dumb but I don’t know this method and now you have me curious.Do you not brown meat? Do you throw it in raw and boil in a sauce?

Coney Sauce:

1 lb hamburg boiled
1 can tomato paste
1 tsp or more chili powder
1T or more hot red pepper seeds
Enough tomato juice to make sauce

Before serving add 1 tsp baking soda


We use the same chili for hot dogs. You do a different recipe for hot dogs? Oh yeah, don’t guess you’d want the corn in it, right?

New Orleans has a vendor called ‘Lucky Dog.’ Hahaha

We put chili, cheese, onion, relish, mustard. I don’t understand why anyone would put ketchup on a hot dog! Some people like it though.

Hot dogs are different all over, Chicago has their way, NY has a certain way, and so on. Kind of like pizza. I vote for NY pizza!


I cook like you do. I ‘make do’ as grandma used to say with what I have on hand.

I like how you didn’t waste that half can of tomatoes.

I roasted a chicken yesterday so I can make a few dishes with my chicken.

For tonight’s dinner I combined pesto sauce and cream to make a sauce, then added cubed chicken to it, threw in cooked pasta and had, pesto chicken pasta. Yummy!

Chili dogs are completely different than regular chili. The meat is boiled and it uses tomato paste.

nhwm - a wise older woman once told my mother there was no discussing of tastes.

We like or dislike what whatever we do. There is no right or wrong in that.


I will eat beans in chili. I love beans but if I eat chili on a hot dog then I don’t want beans. If it’s a bowl of chili then beans are fine.

Hahaha, does that make me weird? If it does, I plead guilty. LOL

So as a general rule, beans are optional but most of the time I omit them.

I know that our neighbors in Texas do not want beans in their chili.

Stacey - my dd always puts corn in her chili and I do when I remember

nhwm - no beans in chili? That wouldn't be chili for me.


Try cornbread. Now you have to decide if you like sweet or savory. I like both.

Hey, the beer bread sounds good. I tried beer cheese soup at a renaissance festival once. Loved it!


Oh, your granddaughter sounds cute! I don’t have grandchildren. I have great nieces and nephews though. They do have tons of energy!

My great niece used to bring her pogo stick over at every sleepover at my house. I swear that kid was a jumping jack! She never stopped jumping.

She also had her scooter and skateboard too, violin and keyboard. Her dad, my nephew (godchild) is a musician and I watched her a lot when she was younger while he was playing music. She slept over frequently because he played late night gigs.

So funny, he plays guitar, metal, blues, rock and jazz. His daughter, now a teenager is classically trained, violinist and pianist, has played several venues herself, including international concerts.

Ahhhh, Covid. The music scene has pretty much died.

What is your granddaughter’s favorite food?

I took that half can of tomatoes left over from my soup and made one pot spaghetti, comfort food at it's best.

No corn in my chili. I tend to use minimal amount of ground beef in my chili or go completely veggie so beans are a must. I've tried recipes with chocolate and cinnamon and different varieties of peppers but I like my plain old everyday chili the best - meat and/or beans, onions, garlic, bell peppers, celery, once in a while mushrooms, tomatoes and spices. And Send - I like those chili seasoning packages just fine.

Beer bread is flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, butter. The bottle of beer acts as the fluid and yeast. It tastes best with a darker beer like Samuel Adams Oktoberfest or Guiness.

I am not good trying new things, cornbread is not a typical thing here, it is Southern, kinda like okra. I just dont know about it.

Roasted Chicken thighs, left over ziti with meat sauce and spinach. And vodka. It is going to be a bumpy night in Downtown Brooklyn.

Had my 4.5 YO grandaughter here all day. She is delightful, but exhausting!

Stacy, why does corn bread scare you? I am just wondering.

What is beer bread? We don’t have that.

I have never had corn bread, it is one of those foods that scares me. Yes, corn in chili is common with beer bread on the side. I use homeade spicy frozen salsa as a base.

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