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I just answered my own question. I added a few tablespoons of corn meal and it thickened up immediately. Looks great now. I guess I added too much fresh zucchini.

Hello everyone,
Made my usual Chili early this morning. It usually turns out great, but for some reason it came out too juicy and is too thin. Any thoughts?

Burgers. Got wrapped up in a movie so didn’t bother to cook!

Turkey burger, fresh mashed butternut squash, Spanish brown rice.

OK I went old school and had some onions and peppers that I tossed in the pot when I cooked the perogies, a grind of pepper and then a dab of light sour cream on top. Tasty and the red peppers made it look pretty too.

Cwillie, I love homemade baked beans with fresh potato salad and ham. As a child my family would attend some of the church dinners. Ham and beans with potato salad were one of my favorites.

Don't get me wrong, I have enough food, fresh greens, fruit, veges etc.
However, when I order pantry items presumably for my emergency food supply, things I rarely if ever eat anymore but are shelf stable, I open them up out of curiosity.
I am still holding the line on Spam, will not buy that. So, instead, ordered canned corned beef. Opened a can of new potatoes, added the corned beef, fried it up in a pan, added fresh green onions, italian squash cut up, cilantro and parsley, all fresh. Comfort food.

Will reorder that for emergency kit, but now need canned potatoes too.
Have applesauce cups in good supply. We are ready, just need to organize.

Baked beans +
Grilled cheese sandwich
Hot dogs


I love peach cobbler, also.


Peach cobbler is my favorite. I like cherry, blackberry or blueberry too, but for some reason I like peaches the best for cobbler.

For biscuits I like any flavor or a drizzle of honey instead of preserves.

Snack: homemade peach jelly with hot biscuits - soooooo good :)


Salad? Or are you not in the mood for a salad. I find that I eat a lot of salad when I am not sure what to fix as an accompaniment.


Oh my gosh. I wasn’t so lucky. I never did get any of my hubby’s grandmother’s recipes. I got his mom’s. She shared. His grandmother never even told her daughter her secrets! Hahaha

I learned how to cook hubby’s favorite meals but I had to figure it out on my own.

My mom, aunt and grandma were wonderful cooks so I did learn from them too.

I like to do the same as you. It’s fun to experiment with seasonings and herbs.

I’m not a big gadget person but every now and then I hear about a certain product that I would like to try.

I have some baked beans I made in the slow cooker the other day and some frozen perogies but I can't think of anything else to go with them, does anybody have some ideas?

Need, I find that it is the little things that make a lot of difference.

Like adding cumin to salsa, game changer.

Or sesame oil to fried rice, yup just to good.

Also, fresh herbs make anything better. I am always trying ways to increase the nutritional value and that has been an adventure in taste.

My husband's grandmother did the same type of thing. Then she would ask me for my recipes of items that he enjoyed that I made for him. He told her that she couldn't have them because he only wanted me to make it for him. She never forgave me. 🤔

I got lucky when she moved out of our house and left her cookbook behind, she had hid it so I could not get her recipes. I was able to go through it and xerox the recipes that my husband wanted. She was none the wiser.

I have made all of her meals with my own spin and now he wants mine, not grannies. But we never said a word, she would have had kittens if she knew I got her family recipes.

I think it is great that you are doing a family recipe cookbook for your daughters, that is a lovely gift to them.


Too bad there is a pandemic going on. You could run a culinary school.

My kids want me to write down our family recipes. I started on it.

You know what is sad? If these recipes or cooking techniques aren’t told to future generations they are lost.

Sometimes our relatives have forgotten certain recipes.

Occasionally, I would ask mom how she made something and she’d say, “Oh honey, it’s been so long I don’t remember how I made it.”

At least that was better than I got from my husband’s grandmother.

I wanted to learn some of the recipes that his grandma made, especially the ones that my husband loved since childhood.

She would purposely leave out ingredients so mine never turned out. I stopped asking for her recipes.

It’s interesting how we used to buy cookbooks, look in magazines or the newspaper for recipes and asked our moms and grandmothers for instructions. Now we look on Pinterest, blogs or websites for new ideas!

This site has been fun to hear what others cook and eat.

Mayday, if you make your own broth it amps it up as well. Use in place of water and still use the flavor pack.

Or add a single star anise while boiling the water and find a new twist.

Iceberg lettuce adds a nice crunch and flavor, as does cabbage.

Spring onions and/or thin sliced white onions is a good addition.

And, any fresh herb is wonderful, cilantro, basil, curly parsley and mint are our faves.

Oh yeah, any meat adds a nice protein. We enjoy spicy Basque chorizo but, any leftovers work.

And to finish it all off and increase the nutrition don't forget that squeeze of fresh lime.

Let us know what you make!

Vietnamese crepes stuffed with bean sprouts, shrimp, beef and mint. Served with sweet chili and fish sauce.

Snack - stewed rhubarb with a couple of ginger snaps. Mmmm good!!!

Buckwheat wild blueberry pancakes (mini) with pure maple syrup, pumpkin coffee with light cream.

my daughter, her friend & mom, and I went to this Ramen place. It tasted good..
So I bought a 25 cent package of dried ramen. Thought I would try spicing it up, and do something fun with it.
Well, daughter got home from work today, saw the ramen, looked on TicTok for a recipe.
I went to bed early today. She go home around 9pm. I woke up to the aroma of garlic and spice. Went tokitchen, didn't see what she made. Of course, she ate it all, and tells me it was really good, simple, and she would make it again. I hope so. Going to get more ramen and hopefully, I can try something to that caliber. :)

Sounds wonderful! I love szechuan, it is a spicier region for certain. Absolutely my favorite!

Now I need some!

earlybird: That's fantastic! You're welcome. Enjoy!

We got Hunan and Szechuan chicken, and I was as always craving vegies so we got a vegi meal also. Plus egg rolls. I like the spicier stuff!

Pamzi, what dishes of Chinese food?

I am hooked on the sizzling rice soup lately and that's all I want when we get it.

Curious what you enjoy.

We cheated tonight and got Chinese. We all love it, and DD is here as she took off work after her last appointment. I also made a packaged blueberry / cheesecake muffin mix and added extra fresh blueberries. I'll send some home with DD. Right now she is the rec room with Mom having a glass of Vino!

EB glad it worked for you. I love the orange flavour in corm bread. Whipping the egg whites and folding them in should make anything less dense. Yay!!!!

Isthisreallyreal, I will have to try it next time with the dark brown sugar. I used turbinado raw cane sugar this time, ran out of regular but it was so delicious. Thank you for responding to my post. I appreciate you taking the time.

The corn bread came out out fantastic thanks to Golden. Tasty, light, sweet and just the right orange flavor. Family loves it. Probably be gone soon. Niece said best one she ever tasted and brother loved it. Yay!

Llama, I just made your soup and it is simmering now. Smells wonderful. Thanks again. Tried it and it is super fantastic. Thank you!!

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