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I found a recipe that calls for light brown sugar, I substituted dark brown and I was super impressed by the flavor of the corn bread. It was delicious. I recommend that everyone tries it at least once.

Golden, I added the orange and separated the eggs. I will let you know. I followed the recipe on the back of the box, but added raw sugar and honey.

It's great fall weather food!!! 🍂🍁🍂

Agreed fresh corn bread is delicious.

Thanks golden, I will try some orange peel. I did not add any sugar except 1 tbsp. honey last time. I will also try separating the yokes from the white. I will let you know how it turns out. I love fresh from the oven corn bread. Hope it comes out right.
My roasted butternut squash soup smells so good. Cloves and ginger reminds me of homemade apple pie. My mom is eating it now and likes it. Then off to the ice cream stand for her coffee ice cream and a ride in the country. The stand closes in December.
Now # 2 making beet soup recipe by Llama. I am going out to the store to buy some fresh Russian bread per Llama. Boy going to have a feast today.

eb - a bit of grated orange peel goes well in corn bread to add flavour. You could also add some heat e.g - cayenne, roasted red pepper flakes. I'm not sure about the denseness. I haven't had that problem, Maybe try another recipe. using less cornmeal. How much corn meal and flour did you use? Separating the egg whites from the yolds, beating them and folding them in at the end could lighten it. Let us know if you find something that works,

I would like to make some tasty corn bread to go with the soups I am making today. Bought Old Fashioned Stone Ground Yellow Corn Meal and made it the other day. Thought it was too dense and bland, any thoughts?

I am making a few soups today. Roasted butternut squash soup with a toasted pecan topping and Llama's beet soup recipe. I will have to have both today. Lliam I will let you know how it comes out.

Chicken soup with homemade noodles.

earlybird, whenever I want second helpings, I think of you and say to myself, I need to keep my portions small like earlybird does. It doesn't always work though. haha....

ITRR - I like picked vegetables too. Mustard greens, kimchi, carrots, cauliflower, sauerkraut, green cabbage, jalapenos. All taste great pickled.

Baked potato with a little butter, sour cream and small amount Vermont cheddar cheese.

I had never had sour pickled mustard before today but, I am hooked forever.

Those spicy mustard greens and the salty pickled is just yummilicious.

I found them at the local oriental market. I recommend them.

I haven’t had pickled greens. Sounds good though. I have only had them fixed the southern way. My husband won’t eat them.

I always tease him. How can a person from New Orleans not eat crawfish, oysters and red beans and rice? Everyone eats that here! Well, just about everyone, hahaha. Not my husband!

He eats other seafood. He’s embarrassing! He has brought a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to crawfish boils before! That’s crazy!

Chicken fried rice and sour pickled mustard greens.

Too tired too cook or shop. Still have an empty fridge and freezer. Will pick up soup and sushi. Didn’t eat earlier, wasn’t hungry but want to eat now.

Hubby just woke up! The nurse said he would be tired from being sedated.

My husband is ready to eat something too.

earlybird: Thank you. It is a great soup. I nailed it the second time I made it. The first time it was more like a stew became you have to shred the pork and I had not shredded it enough.

Llama, like the ingredients in your soup recipe. I would like to make it when I get a chance. You took the time to write it out and I will take the time to make this delicious sounding soup.

Need: Okay. You're welcome. See you all on the other side - getting ready to go under anesthesia.


Okay, thanks anyway.


We are happy to have it. Thanks.

Oops - I guess no one really asked for my soup recipe. So sorry 😐

nhwm -I don't remember at all it was so long ago. I just remember apple in with onions with the meat.


Do you remember what spices and curry paste she taught you to use? How wonderful that you had a lady from India teaching you. What did you use? I'd like to do a seafood one, maybe shrimp.

eb -yes I look at a couple of recipes online if it is something unfamiliar then put together what seems good to me, and taste my way through it. It's been years since I made a pumpkin soup. Coconut milk works well for soup or white sauce. I am allergic to all dairy.

nhwm - I made curries years ago but haven't for a long time. I learned from a lady who had lived in India.


Do you make curry? I haven't ever made it and I love it.


That's what I call a 'dump and pour' cook! It is fun to experiment. Sometimes it comes out great. Good cooks can wing it!

Golden, the soup sounds so yummy. I never thought of coconut milk for a base .I guess you are like me just throw things in and see how it comes out. I love to experiment and I have a double garage disposal my niece she will eat anything and everything.

After power outage I threw all of my food out so NOTHING is for dinner. Not really hungry anyway. Just glad that the only damage we had were tree branches all over our driveway and yard.

We are grateful. Others have a lot more damage from Hurricane Zeta and sadly there are a few deaths.

Will go food shopping tomorrow. Some places are open, some closed. Zeta made a mess in our state. The storm was predicted to be a cat one storm, ended up being a strong. cat 2 storm, just about a category 3.

Lots of power outages. Some areas will take about ten days to restore.

One good thing is it was a fast moving storm that blew through quickly. Now it's clean up time in the city. We are used to it. Debris everywhere.

EB - sounds awesome.

I made a spicy creamy coconut milk pumpkin soup with a splash of lime juice. Couldn't do it again but it was good and I have left overs for the next couple of days. I had some roasted opo squash with it and a cassava flour tortilla. I'm stuffed.

Took my brother out for his birthday at a very nice rustic restaurant. I was so impressed with the staff. Only thirty customers are allowed at a time and before Covid it was 140 seat capacity. Food was excellent. Decadent spice cake with toasted pecans and bourbon ice cream with spicy apple slices .I rated the restaurant 5 stars. Wonderful server.

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