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Bridger: Those blackberry jams sound so yummy! Btw, when do you sleep? LOL

Took blackberries out of freezer to make jam. I have four crockpots full cooking down. I ran the berries thru the food processor so they will cook quicker.

Boiled dinner: Boneless ham, potatoes, carrots, cabbage and turnip. Chocolate pudding with light whipped cream for dessert.

see below

My brother, Dad and I went to the Assisted Living for dinner. They great had blackberry pie for dessert. The pot roast was good too. My brother ran in some older men who were the fathers of some of his former high school friends. I took my crochet with me. A couple of the ladies are teaching. I knew the basics, but not good at following patterns. I also took a load of new yarn with me. They’re knitting and crocheting baby blankets for indigent moms. We provide the yarn - they provide the skill.

Parmesan Risotto with Roasted Shrimp, iced cold tea ..... yummy

Omelet with cheese, rye toast, pumpkin coffee.

Made a big breakfast for my dad and brother. Biscuits w/apple butter, hash browns, sausage and gravy, bacon, fried apples and eggs. I’m in a food coma. Going to make a fresh pot of coffee and try to get awake before church.

Good southern cornbread recipe on the Quaker Corn meal container. I use occasionally, but usually mix it up with no recipe like my mom did. I don’t use a recipe for biscuits either.

Glad: Yes, I have seen Brenda Gantt!

Southern corn bread, yum! Have any of you watched videos "Cooking with Brenda Gantt"? She is in Alabama and so much fun to watch! Give it a try, you will enjoy her videos, I promise. Here is a link. Warning she is addictive.

CWillie, We made old school outside in kettle. But it adapts well to a crock pot. I make a basic unsweetened applesauce in the crockpot. Fresh thin sliced apples - not tart or sour varieties. I used MacIntosh this week. Cook down completely - takes about 7 hours on high. Or use applesauce from market. Again unsweetened. Fill crockpot next day with applesauce, start cooking on high. I always place a layer of paper towels under lid, so condensate doesn’t drip down in the pot. After about 5 hours, turn to medium. Cook until it is the brown apple butter color. Add sugar until you like the sweetness level. Then add pure cinnamon oil a drop or two at a time to taste. Fill sterilized canning jars to the neck. Put lids on. They will ping when sealed. Then put on rings - not too tight. Let jars sit on counter until cooled completely. While cooking stir every hour or so. If you have questions, ask me. I’m not the best at writing instructions.

Thank you cwillie

NHWM posted her recipe not that long ago Stacy - I'll copy it for you

"It’ very simple but delicious! Hope you enjoy it!

1 small onion - diced fine

1 garlic clove - chopped fine

1 stick butter

1/3 cup flour

4 cups whole milk

2 cups half and half

1 large fresh head of broccoli
chopped into small pieces (approximately 3 to 4 cups) You can use just tops or use the stalks too.

2 carrots - grated

3 cups grated SHARP cheddar (Please grate block cheese. Packaged grated cheese will make the soup grainy.)

Dash of salt

Freshly ground black pepper

Small amount of chicken broth if needed to thin soup

On medium heat melt butter, add onions and cook until translucent. Sprinkle flour on top, stir and cook for one minute.

Add milk and half and half. Stir continuously. Cook until thickened. Then add broccoli, carrots, dash of salt and freshly ground pepper.

Cover, reduce heat to low and simmer until broccoli is cooked (approximately 15 to 20 minutes). Occasionally stir. Be careful not to burn it.

Turn off heat. Stir in cheese. Allow to melt.

Taste and adjust seasonings. You can add a splash of chicken broth to thin if desired. You can also add seasonings such as a multi herb and a pinch of cayenne if you like.

This also makes a fantastic topping for baked potatoes. You can throw in a chopped chicken breast.

As you can see, it is essentially a bechemal sauce with the addition of cheese, veggies and seasonings."


This truly has been a wonderful day for your family - everything sounds delicious and you, your dad and the rest of your family deserve it after everything you've been through for quite some time now.

May you enjoy all the goodies from the local high school band boosters! I'm just so glad your brother seems to really be trying -

Stacy, I’m not good at soups. I think Needs Help With Mom does a lot of soup.

What's your recipe Bridger? We used to offer warm apple sauce with our weekend breakfast pancakes at the restaurant I worked in, by the 2nd day on the stove top that applesauce was getting pretty close to becoming apple butter! I'm a little amazed that all the apple butter recipes on line seem to call for added sugar and (yikes!) cider vinegar, I've only had the kind that uses nothing but apples and cinnamon it is plenty sweet and delicious.

Hey, Chef you know how to make broccoli cheese soup without using canned soup as a base? (No cream of crap soup). Thanks

The apple butter turned out well. It’s all in jars and will be ready to go on the pantry shelf in a couple of hours.

The local high school band boosters are having a cookout. My brother has walked over to get our supper. Hot dogs with all the trimmings and hamburgers. The grills are outdoors and everything smells good from here. Plus they’ll have homemade ice cream.

I made the southern corn bread. I omitted the sugar but added a touch of honey with Smart Balance to offset it. It was good but I need a better recipe. I usually do not follow recipes, I like creating my own. In this case I thought it was quite bland but family loved it. I will probably make it with some honey and top it off with sweet butter next time. I did not like the round pan, probably cook it in square pan next time. Practice makes perfect, Right?

I pulled some mystery broth out of the freezer (got to remember to label!) and I was going to make potato soup but I decided to go with a curried pumpkin soup instead.

Why is that no matter what I'm having earlybird's meal sounds better?

I just made my mothers recipe for Beef Stew. It is simmering and smells so good. I am going to try to make a southern corn bread. I like the recipe ingredients it has buttermilk and sweet butter in it. NHWM might like it. I will keep you posted on the outcome everyone.

I love orange marmalade. My aunt used to make two kinds - one a chunky, dark strong tasting marmalade and the other a clear with fine strips of peel and a more delicate flavour. Both were great. I once had a carrot marmalade. Been wishing for it ever since.

Speaking of Fall I've been enjoying apple butter, I used to turn my nose up at it when I was younger but suddenly I can't get enough. When I was a breakfast cook we used to joke that only the old people used the orange marmalade with their toast, I must be old enough now because I've been hankering for some of that too 🤣

I get New England Pumpkin Spice Coffee. It comes out late September. It is already flavored so I freshly perk the coffee and add a splash of light cream. Goes great with pumpkin donuts from Duncan's. You just gotta love those fall flavors.

I like the occasional pumpkin spice latte but I've never come across a pumpkin coffee - is this a flavoured coffee or are you adding some kind of pumpkin creamer earlybird?

*never mind, I googled pumpkin coffee beans and have found out there are lots of them!

Buckwheat blueberry pancakes with Vermont pure maple syrup. Pumpkin coffee( ran out of blueberry), NobodyGetsIt.

Bridge, sounds so good. I love homemade apple sauce. I make it every year after picking apples. Glad your dear dad participated in the making. My process is short and sweet but yours sounds so wonderful.

I am making old school apple butter today. I have my fire built, grate and kettle (I have great great grandmother’s copper kettle), and 10 gallons of homemade apple sauce on to cook down. All of my jars are washed and ready to be sterilized. Worst part was finding the cinnamon oil. Had to go to three pharmacies to get the right kind. Starting the stirring in 5 minutes. It has to be stirred constantly to keep from sticking and burning. My dad is helping. Long time fall family project. I miss my mom, her applesauce was so good.

Bridge, I am glad you had a good movie night with your dad. I like old war movies too. I would like to make a cheesecake sometime this winter season. Have a good evening.

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