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Thanks, Real.

Oooooooh, I love the goodies! Yum!!!

Thanks, Polar.

We were told that prostrate cancer is the most common cancer for men. We were told the success rate of being cured is good. I think my husband chose the better choice, radiation over surgery.

At first I was numb. I didn’t want to believe it. I couldn’t even talk about it. I accepted it and am hoping for the best outcome. We do like the doctor and his nurse is a sweetheart.

His cancer is aggressive but the MRI has shown that it hasn’t spread so we are very hopeful.

Still, I have to tell you that we are very anxious for it to be behind us. I pray everyday! I thank God for my family and I ask for the treatments to be successful. Please pray with me if you don’t mind.

Oh, the exciting teen years! Wait until they start driving! Oh gosh, when my girls started driving I think I got a million new gray hairs! LOL Those are fun years.

You are right to cherish them 😊. It always makes me smile when I hear of parents telling their kids how much they love them. I do the same.

NHWM - I have 2 early-teen girls. I love them very much and I tell them that every chance I get. The years go by quickly, so I treasure the time I have with them now.

Sending good thoughts for your husband's treatment.

NHWM, Happy Birthday! May you have a blessed day.🎈🎈🎈 🎉🎂🍨🎉🎈🎈🎈

Thanks, Bridger

We do miss our kids. Don’t we? We talk on the phone all the time, but it’s not the same as seeing them though.

Thanks, Polar

We have to wait until my husband finishes with his cancer treatments. He gets his markers placed for targeting the radiation soon, on the 30th, then 40 radiation treatments. Hopefully, it will go well and then we can fly out to Denver for a visit.

My daughter called me earlier to get a recipe. Oh my gosh, she’s very smart, was an A student but God help her in the kitchen! She proceeds to tell me that she doesn’t know how to chop an onion! Geeeeeez, I told her to invest in a food processor. LOL


How many daughters do you have? I have two.

They are both daddy’s girls. I told my husband that is why he has had two shoulder surgeries. He always put them on his shoulders to see our Mardi Gras parades. He was a great dad to them while they were growing up.

NHWM, Happy Birthday! I know how feel about missing daughter. I missed my son on holidays and birthdays when he was away at law school.

NHWM - Happy Birthday!!!

Hope you will see your youngest daughter soon, maybe over the coming holidays. I'd miss my daughters, too, if they moved so far away.

Thanks, EB.

NeedHelpWithMom, I am glad you had a wonderful birthday celebration with your husband and daughter. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many more happy and healthy ones. Hope you have a nice day tomorrow. Hugs.

My birthday is tomorrow, the 21st but we celebrated today. We met my oldest daughter and went to Shaya on Magazine St. I had a great time! Fantastic Mediterranean food.

Just a wonderful evening with my sweet husband and beautiful daughter.

I miss my youngest daughter and wish she could have been with us but I will never make her feel guilty for moving to Denver. If she’s happy then I am happy for her.

hi "earlybird,"

Where's the pumpkin margarine???

Ahhh, all things pumpkin - nice!! :)

Actually, I'd like what "BarbBrooklyn" is serving and finish up with yours for dessert!!

Roast chicken, green salad with avacado and tomato, baked potato.

Pumpkin waffle with Smart Balance. 1/2 pumpkin donut
Pumpkin coffee.

Stuffed cabbage, salad.

I've got chili in the slow cooker. I already dumped some rice in the middle to go with it but those potato pancakes sound better!


I think I gain weight every time I read about the "goodies" you make!

I hope you and your mom are doing good today - you two stay out of trouble! :)

Potato pancakes with cheddar cheese and a tough of nutmeg. Homemade banana bread.

Big family Sunday dinner. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, asparagus salad, green beans, green salad, veggies, fruit and strawberries with dips, apple pie, chocolate cake with chocolate pecan frosting. Now the cleanup.

You are welcome Luckylu!

Maybe it will be my favorite cake now.

You made my favorite cake Send,so that's plenty good enough~Thanks!

When I tried to blow🌬 some magic wishes 🧚 on the funnel cake as per your instructions, (to bake some love inside it 💘);
The flame went out. 🔥

I moved the cake to the toaster/oven, but dH wanted to reheat his coffee ☕️ at the same time, and the electricity blew. ⚡️

Being the very wise husband that he is, he said it's better to have the electricity off with all that gas leaking into the room. 🙍‍♂️ 🌋

So, tonight we are trying to eat that quart of chocolate before it melts. 🍨

And all the trees in the field will clap their hands.

Mom wanted haddock, potatoes and peas for diner so we all had that. I made strawberry shortcake for dessert. This meal is one of our all time favorites.

Cooked on the grill. Steak, corn on the cob, potatoes and carrots. It was too cool to eat on the deck, but dinner was good. Taking Dad for his weekly trip to Dairy Queen.

Houseplant buckwheat waffles are the best ever!

Oh my, you are only the 2nd person that I have heard makes those delicious things.

They make the house smell so good and right now my mouth is watering for some. Lucky you!

Sheltering in place is an opportunity to make buckwheat blueberry waffles served with butter and maple syrup. I keep frozen blueberries in the freezer. I keep the buckwheat flour in an airtight container as I don't use it frequently. It's more expensive than regular or even whole wheat flour. It's hard to find on the store shelves too. I've resorted to ordering some by mail. I've also made blueberry muffins and those are very good.

That sounds really good cwillie.

My mom used to make a dessert that was basically biscuit dough dropped into a brown sugar syrup and baked in the oven, raisins could be added to the biscuits or the sauce if desired. I got to thinking that biscuits are really just flour, butter, baking powder and enough milk to bind it all together so how hard could it be to make just enough for one serving? Turns out it's easy as I thought it would be - (I added an apple - yum!)

Avocado toast with olive oil, sauté garlic topped with baby tomatoes, sprinkle of oregano, salt and pepper. DD coffee.

Thanks, NHWM. I can't wait to make it and I know my family will enjoy it too. Thanks again for writing out the recipe. I make soups during the cold weather and freeze some. I love soups too.

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