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It’ very simple but delicious! Hope you enjoy it!

1 small onion - diced fine

1 garlic clove - chopped fine

1 stick butter

1/3 cup flour

4 cups whole milk

2 cups half and half

1 large fresh head of broccoli
chopped into small pieces (approximately 3 to 4 cups) You can use just tops or use the stalks too.

2 carrots - grated

3 cups grated SHARP cheddar (Please grate block cheese. Packaged grated cheese will make the soup grainy.)

Dash of salt

Freshly ground black pepper

Small amount of chicken broth if needed to thin soup

On medium heat melt butter, add onions and cook until translucent. Sprinkle flour on top, stir and cook for one minute.

Add milk and half and half. Stir continuously. Cook until thickened. Then add broccoli, carrots, dash of salt and freshly ground pepper.

Cover, reduce heat to low and simmer until broccoli is cooked (approximately 15 to 20 minutes). Occasionally stir. Be careful not to burn it.

Turn off heat. Stir in cheese. Allow to melt.

Taste and adjust seasonings. You can add a splash of chicken broth to thin if desired. You can also add seasonings such as a multi herb and a pinch of cayenne if you like.

This also makes a fantastic topping for baked potatoes. You can throw in a chopped chicken breast.

As you can see, it is essentially a bechemal sauce with the addition of cheese, veggies and seasonings.

Don't get in the oven Send! Just blow some magic wishes on it~

Roast chicken, homemade cranberry sauce, stuffing and green beans with mushrooms and onions.

Mixed berry shortcake for dessert.



Yep! I love cooking soup. One of my favorite things to cook and eat.

Trying to imagine the Tunnel cake recipe.
Having a bit of trouble with the part:
"Bake your love inside it"

Afraid that I will get

Pasta with tbsp. butter, olive oil, oregano, fresh basal, sauté garlic, baby tomatoes and salt and pepper. Resisted dessert today.

NHWM,Is the soup homemade? Would you be willing to share the recipe?

Broccoli and cheese soup. Yummy!


Ahhhhhh, now I get it. Thanks for clarifying for me.

the Tunnel of Fudge cake, the original recipe used a box of frosting mix that is no longer available. In the recipe I printed out there is a LOT of powdered sugar that is combined with cocoa powder and added to the flour mixture. IT is the powdered sugar and cocoa powder that replaces the box of frosting.

The cake using a Tub of frosting is a different cake recipe and they are called "Crawlin' Cakes" I mentioned that because someone else suggested using a tub of frosting to replace the box frosting mx. The box frosting mix went into the Tunnel of Fudge cake dry. Replacing it with a tub of frosting with the added moisture and fat would result in a cake that would probably crawl out of the pan.


Sounds fantastic! We had grilled fish and salad.

I made lamb chops tonight. I heated the cast iron skillet and put them in there with butter, freshly chopped garlic, rosemary, thyme. I made a cucumber-onion salad with Greek yogurt dressing (I added sour cream, too) and dill.

It was good. I have food coma. Ahhhh...... :-) The 3 small glasses of pinot noir helped the coma. :-)

*Was it on here I saw a question recently, about "what's the difference between plain, full fat Greek yogurt and sour cream? I wasn't sure myself, purchased both at the store tonight and did a taste test. The sour cream is a bit more sour, the plain Greek yogurt is a neutral flavor. I like both.


What do you use instead of the tub? Okay, I am confused by the recipe. Do we mix the frosting and then pour into the cake or dump dry frosting mix in?

The cake looks yummy. I would have to share with neighbor. Only hubby and I. A whole cake is too much for just two people.

Crawlin cake? Gosh! I am not as big of a baker as you all. I don’t know any of these recipes.


That’s what I do. I eat one scoop. I get the kid size cone at Baskin Robins. It’s plenty enough. It’s the sugar cone. I switch up the flavors. I like variety!

I do love the smell of the waffle cones when they make them.

I had roasted parmesan cauliflower with peppers, a piece of haddock and some applesauce. Thanks to earlybird I think I'm going to finish with a banana split - mmmmm

Huge banana split divided three ways at a wonderful ice cream farm. I hope it is the last ice cream treat until next summer. Gaining too much weight.

The tubs of frosting will not work in the tunnel of fudge cake. That is why the confectioners sugar is so much of the sugar in the adapted recipe.
There are cakes that call for a Tub of frosting and they are called "Crawlin' CakesI " for very good reason if you do not gently stir the frosting into the batter and if you over mix it the cake will crawl out of the pan and make a huge mess in the oven (experience here at work!)

Anyone looking for Cacao Nibs try in the "natural" or "Organic" section of the store. I have seen them in a store local to me Mariano's, it is part of the Kroger chai and that includes Harris Teeter, Frys Pay Less and a whole slew of others. There is also "The Web" anything can be found on line 😉

pamzimmrrt: Yep, I'm still in Millersville - small town 30 minutes due south of Baltimore.

We like the Sugar cones NHWM and I fill them full.1 scoop for me and 2 for my dH.

Wait, I did not mean we are going to eat it all, just that we have so much left, I was thinking of sharing.


Waffle or sugar cone? I like both! Sounds 😋 yummy!

What a perfect dinner Send!

An entire quart of chocolate ice cream! 🍨

My ice cream turned into an ice cream cone.It's been my "thing" lately-ice cream cones.......every night :)
And any leftover cake around here,goes out to my birdtree.They Love it too~

Made a great soup with baby bok choy, garlic, onion, mushrooms, some carrot slices, ginger, and miso soup mix. Very comforting as the weather gets colder. Still hungry after so I had a (bunless) turkey burger.


Thanks for info. Enjoy your ice cream!

Thanks for clearing that up. I think Bundt cakes are pretty. Plus it’s not a giant layer cake.

Who can eat an entire piece of o three or four layer cake?

Every time I am served a large piece of cake I throw more than half away or give to someone else.

NHWM....The box of frosting is what my Mother wrote on her recipe card and now it's been discontinued,so maybe now,you'd use a little tub like they sell or make a frosting from some other recipe to fill it.

The whole cake is chocolate Send,with the goo in the middle~

Now,all this talk has made me hungry for some chocolate....
The chocolate ice cream in the freezer will do till Send gets my cake made~

Thank you so much Grandma'54~I appreciate you writing the Tunnel of Fudge cake #2 out for me.All the details really help.
The Cacao Nibs sound good,but Iv'e never heard of them or seen them before.I'll have to check the cooking isle.
The Tunnel of Fudge cake is my favorite and it's the cake that Mother always served on my Birthday through the years.It's so good and chocolate-y.I just Love it! I am blessed to have all my Mother's and GrandMother's recipes.It's just too bad that some ingredients have been discontinued and you can't get 'em now.
I'm going to try your recipe the next time I bake one Grandma.Thanks again~


I like the Cubs! I root for your team. New Orleans has an NFL team, Geaux Saints! We won last night but we don’t have a major baseball team. I love baseball. I used to watch it with my grandpa. He was a Yankees fan.

My optometrist grew up in Chicago. He was a Cubs fan but his dad and grandpa were White Sox fans so he always had to attend the Sox games with his family.


You say that your husband has taken over cooking, and that is fine with you while you do your favorite thing, baking!

My daughter’s boyfriend and a few of his friends are fabulous cooks! My daughter is trying to learn more about cooking.

Well, she says that she is interested in learning anyway! Hahaha I wonder!

Her boyfriend’s best friend is truly a gourmet cook! He cooks incredible meals. Her boyfriend is a fantastic cook too.

They serve it really pretty too. She sends me pics and the presentation is incredible. They use wonderful ingredients and cook from scratch. Foodies!

They made a deal with her. She helps with prep and cleanup and they cook the best meals!

She barely cooks anything. I told her that she picked the right guy! LOL. He is a sweetheart and can cook too!

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