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Very true. We can relate.

We all love our tried and true recipes. Sometimes it is fun to be creative!

My grandma taught me plenty about cooking! Mom, my aunt and my MIL did too.

I had to go to grandma’s house to watch her cook because after many years of cooking she was a ‘dump and pour’ cook. No recipes or measuring of anything! Wonderful memories.

Oh boy, did I make some big goofs while learning!

I would call my MIL on the phone feeling exasperated about trying to learn a specific dish that she made.

She would say, “Okay tell me what you’ve done so far.” I would proceed to tell her and she would detect my mistakes and walk me through the process.

Cooking can be confusing for new cooks. It takes time. Older cooks that are out of practice can forget how they used to make something.

I made stupid mistakes when I was young. Mom, my aunt, grandma and MIL had gas stoves. The duplex that I rented had a gas stove. When I married my husband the complex that we rented had an electric stove. I can’t tell you how many things I burned on that stove! When we built our home we purchased a gas stove.

LOL It took some time to get used to the electric stove in our first apartment. I finally caught on how to control the heat. I would fry an egg just like my husband liked on that electric stove. The phone would ring. I would turn off the burner but come back to a burned egg!

I was in the habit of a gas stove and when the burner was turned off it did not continue to stay hot like an electric burner. I started moving the pan to another burner if I had to answer the phone so hubby could have a good breakfast!

After awhile cooking does become second nature to us. We seem to do it automatically.

I do think that you have to master the basics before you can change up recipes, once you get an idea about the proper balance the sky is the limit. I don't bake any more so I find that when I do I'm having to rely on recipes more than I once did, but I still have a basic recipe for 6 muffins down pat and I can whip up any variation pretty successfully.


Well, I agree with your husband that there is chemistry in baking and it can be a challenge to make substitutions.

That’s why I adore your bravery in tackling a way to improvise.

I love diversity in cooking. I’m a purist about some things but I truly appreciate adventurous cooks.

Some people never consider switching up anything. They aren’t risk takers. They never discover new ways of doing things. They are ‘by the book’ type people and that’s what they are comfortable with.

I say, why not try? If nothing else, we figure out what doesn’t work!

NHWM,, my hubs is a "science"guy,, all math and such.. he says baking is a science project,, follow the directions and it works.. I say "get out of the way Big Boy and watch me go"! I love to bake! I also love to cook, but he has sort of taken that over in the last few years... and he mixes things up all the time! In a good way, he likes to play with the recipes, and he is a dang good cook


A friend of mine (who can’t cook, she hates cooking) once said to me that all a good cook needed was good recipes.

My response to her was, “Good recipes are vital to a person learning to cook. After someone has experience though, they can improvise with their own spin on things! So a good cook doesn’t need a recipe to follow.”

You just proved my point! Your cake sounds extra yummy.

Those of us who cook have our collection of recipes but we can wing it when necessary! Plus it is fun to be creative and develop new dishes.

I cook everything from scratch, it taste better and cooking from a box is boring! Anyone can follow instructions on a box.

I admire your experimentation in baking because baking isn’t always as forgiving as cooking.

I have not made a pound cake in forever,, so today I decided to make a 7UP cake. Opps, no 7 UP,, so diet ginger ale in the mix. No way am I using 3 cups of sugar,, so 2 went in and a big scoop of orange cranberry marmelade. Had large eggs, so only used 4 instead of 5... into the bunt pan,, and boy oh boy is it good! Hubs made chili, and we all enjoyed dinner and snacks!! I love to play around with my baking.

Oh wow!
Watched Dim Sum video, yum!

Hong Kong Dim Sum! Siu mai, cilantro dumplings, taro root dumplings, sesame balls, shrimp with sugar cane.

Sapphire sweet grapes for dessert.


So glad you were finally able to get out with your husband for a nice dinner. It really is amazing how even something simple and for a couple of hours can help with the stress and get you out of a rut. Glad your son was able to stay at home with your mom so you wouldn't have to worry and keep checking your watch. Kind of reminds me when parents finally come to a place where they need to hire a babysitter for their young children for the first time so they can have a "date" night.

Enjoy your day!

We went out for dinner yesterday evening, my husband and I. I prepared my mum's dinner, gave her her medicines and let her watching tv. My son stayed at home.
Such a treat! This really helps!
My mum is not as bad, but I was so afraid when she began forgetting things. It is better now. She has several health problems but she is still able to get dressed, go to the toilet, prepare a coffee/tee... And my son staying home allowed me to have a nice romantic dinner out without worrying, without checking my watch.

Hot fudge Sunday, any minute now, when I can get up. 🍨🍦🍧

Taco pie (had a corn chip crust)

Tamales topped with Chili.
We did not eat the corn chips either.
But we have some.

Where's the ice cream? 🍦🍧

I was very good and did not pick up those corn chips that were calling to me in the grocery store this morning - I'm having a big salad with a little of every veggie I have on hand tossed in as well as a bit of cheese and salami. Since I was so good maybe I can have something for dessert later.


What happened to the blueberry coffee to go with the blueberry muffins??? :)

Pumpkin coffee? Intriguing...

Homemade wild blueberry muffins with pumpkin coffee.

Our grandson is quite fortunate as he has 4 sets of grandparents. Our son in law says "He richer than I am." LOL

Bridger: Congratulations! What great news!


Awwww! What a blessing for your family.

Sounds like this baby will be cherished!

My girls adored my father! They were grandpa’s girls. He loved going to the park with them.


I'm so glad your dad is doing a little better being with your family. I really think knowing he's going to be a great grandfather is going to help him tremendously and he will have something wonderful to look forward to although, I'm sure he would have loved your mom to share in the special moment. Sometimes when sorrow is brought into our life, something joyful will follow.

Congratulations to all of you!

Needs, I’m sure this baby will be spoiled rotten. My Dad and my husband will try to outdo each other. They’re both saying girl. I want healthy. Thanks.

Congrats, Bridger!

I don’t have grandchildren but if I did I would spoil them rotten with all of my love!

Great news about a new baby in your family. You must be thrilled.

I love when my husband grills. Your dinner sounds yummy. We had take out, sushi.

So glad that your dad enjoyed hearing the big news!

My husband grilled this evening. Salmon, shrimp, skewers with peppers, onion, cherry tomatoes. I baked a whipping cream pound cake with strawberries on top. Dad enjoyed his cake and also had a baked potato. He’s eating a little more staying with us. My Son and DIL came over for dessert. They announced they’re expecting their first child in January. I feel old. My Dad is over the moon. He says it’s going to be a girl. ??? My husband is very quiet. He always has to think everything out.

What a nice Fall treat earlybird~


You sure do make some good stuff! That sounds so good especially if you have cooler weather where you are.

It's still over 100 where we are but, we had grilled cheese sandwiches, beef and barley soup, bread and butter flavored pickles, potato salad, sliced red peppers and some red grapes.

Homemade butternut squash soup with chopped pecans.

Made dinner for my husband, chicken stir fry. I wasn’t hungry. My allergies are acting up.

Cabbage rolls, sauerkraut, fruit salad.

Garlic rosemary roast pork, rutabaga oven fries seasoned with nutmeg, salt and pepper. and a little homemade apple sauce. Will have coffee and a square of dark chocolate for dessert.

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