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Chicken enchilada.

Grilled ham, cowboy potatoes and roasted brussel sprouts.


I am sure that your dad appreciates being with you and enjoyed your cake. He might like visiting your home for a change in routine.

He will grieve. It’s normal. I am glad that he has you to share his grief with.

In my case my dad died first. I think if mom had died first he would have wanted to die to be with her.

Mom grieved for him but she was always a rock in the family. I don’t think she feels emotions as deeply as my dad did.

Both mom and dad were of the generational era of ‘pulling up your bootstraps’ and moving on. Their generation wasn’t as open to therapy.

We have evolved. Now there are grief support groups. Of course, Covid put a halt to many things. It’s a tough time all around, isn’t it?

I hope your dad starts feeling better soon. Hugs and prayers for your family.


I'm still thinking about your dad and family. I can certainly understand him not wanting to eat but, I think that's a great idea to bring him to your house so he won't be alone so much. I hope he'll agree to come!

Husband took me out for dinner. I made a blueberry pound cake. I took my dad a piece. He’s eating very little since Mom passed. I’m thinking about bringing him to my house. He’ll still be grieving, but not spending so much time alone.


That sounds so good right now - my sweet tooth is starving because I don't have anything sweet to eat around the house. I love eating the pudding when it's still slightly warm!

Homemade chocolate pudding with whipped cream.

Homemade red chili tamales, cheese flautas with homemade salsa, cabbage, onion, lettuce and cilantro.

Grilled shrimp, grilled vegetable skewers. Quick and easy.

Baked Haddock, mashed potatoes, butternut squash, salad with lemon herb dressing.


Ahhhh, music! New Orleans is a great city for music. COVID has changed everything. I am used to live performances in our city.

We have some of the best piano players in the world here. We actually have an annual concert every year dedicated just to piano players and it is awesome!

Music is food for the soul, isn’t it?

Glad your chili turned out well. I love eating a bowl of chili!

High temp was in the mid-50's today. Fall is definitely in the air. Woke up, thought I would get groceries for chili. Off to the store I went. Got a few things done watched some YouTube videos from a mall in England, I think. A piano player playing boogie woogie, fun videos. Then didn't feel like making chili anymore. Did some laundry and rather than freezing ground beef decided to make chili after all. Glad I did. First chili of the season with three containers in the freezer, one in the fridge. I am very happy I did. YUMMY! Now I don't have to make it for a couple of months.🍜🍜🍞🍞

Boogie woogie in case you are interested. Wish I could play piano like that!

We grilled fish, salad and veggies.

I make veggie lasagna but I do add cheese, so it’s not vegan. That sounds interesting, Sala. So, what is used instead of cheese?

I don’t eat meat with every meal. I love cheese though! I like the byproducts, eggs, milk, cheese, so not sure that I could commit to becoming a vegan. I do think we consume too much meat and dairy.

Do you get most of your protein from legumes? It’s a matter of learning how to eat differently, isn’t it?

Do you buy supplements to replace certain nutrients?

Made the best vegan lasagna and ate too much😆

Ham and beans, southern spicy collard greens and sweet corn bread. Served with sweet onions and Tabasco pepper vinegar.

So comforting, just like a hug from grandma. Wishing I had some pickled okra to go with.

Hi "earlybird,"

Save some for me! I missed your meal from yesterday but, I would have liked that too - I like your "dollop" of whipped cream description! :)

Roast beef with gravy, mashed potatoes, carrots, yellow beans, corn on the cob, lemon cake with strawberries and cream

Sirloin burger with grilled onions and peppers on a toaster roll, pickles, fresh corn on the cob, lemonade, lemon pound cake with strawberries sweetened with pure maple syrup and dollop whip cream.

A special Happy Birthday to your dear mom.

Pamzi, I missed the post yesterday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR MOM!!!!

Pamzi: Happy 90th Birthday to your mom!💞

Good Send!

Tweety and I are eating together, you are right Gershun! Except, he is eating his spinach and seeds.

Send, invite Tweety to eat with you.🐤🐥

Cold Pork Roast with tuna noodle salad. Eating alone in my bedroom.

It could have been mashed potatoes, roasted carrots, corn on the cob, and warm pork roast at the dining room table.

However, there was a hostile takeover of my kitchen by hubs.
He was standing at the sink cleaning a pan so I could not rinse the carrots and cook them in a clean pan, nor start the potatoes. A timing delay. Then he takes everything and dumps what I am cooking, so he can change the cooking method to steaming the carrots, potatoes, and corn. That's okay, in an hour he will be able to eat by himself.

Submission is the right not to be offended, or angry, or hurt by his actions.

Smoked turkey with potato salad from a local outdoor truck stop down the street. Delicious and convenient. First time I tried it and liked it very much.

Roasted chicken with lime and garlic, red kale, roasted carrots and black rice.


That's great your mom celebrated her 90th birthday today with you and other family members! So glad she was able to enjoy her favorite soup at the local restaurant - sounds like you all had a wonderful time together.

My loved one did not quite make it to his 90th birthday this year, but I will celebrate his lovely life on his day in October by having a lemon meringue pie. 🍋

Sounds good, Send. My neighbor smokes his Thanksgiving turkey. I don’t get people deep frying it. I’m a southern gal but I don’t eat a lot of fried food.

I have to admit that my mom made the absolutely BEST fried chicken when I was a kid. I don’t have the knack for frying. I suppose because I haven’t done it often.

I like roasted or grilled meats better. I do make stews and soups too. A lot of soups that I make I don’t even add meat. I do put beef in my veggie soup.

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