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Happy birthday to your mom, Pam. So nice that. She still can go out and enjoy a meal. Nice that your aunt and cousin could attend too.

Happy Birthday to Pamzi's Mom! 🍰

Today was moms 90th birthday, and she loves a local restaurants cream of crab soup. So off we went, and luckily they had it! My cousin brought my Aunt down so she could go to the shore with us, and they met us for lunch and then be brought Aunt back to our house. So off to the shore tomorrow! TTY when I get back!

I really am not one of the best cooks.

But experienced bbq-ing a whole 'spatch-cocked' turkey once.
It was great, fully done.

When you cook on high, golden brown the top side, then turn it over to the rib side to finish. BBQ whole.

No fancy seasonings allowed, but if you use Seasoning Salt it makes a sort-of browned glazing effect on any meat/poultry. imo.

oops, it's boneless. BBQ gently, then when heat is lower, cook until done using a meat thermometer. Baste with butter.


Great idea! Do we put in on whole or slice it in half? Suggestions for seasonings?

Bar-be-que that Turkey Breast!

I bought a small boneless turkey breast to cook. It’s just hubby and I. I always do a roasted turkey but I feel like something different.

I could look on Pinterest but I would love to hear of any tried and true recipes from the forum. There are great cooks on this site!

Thanks in advance 😊.

Wild blueberry pie, pumpkin coffee for breakfast.

Veggie soup and salad.

Oh thank you so very much Pamzi! Already drooling!

Tilapia toasted with kalamata olives, tomatoes, capers and onions. Rice and steamed escarole and radicchio. Misfits Market is keeping me supplied with veggies.

ITRR,, here is the famous Pimento cheese recipe.. You will need a meat grinder, that appears to be the secret.. LOL ! And buy the "real stuff" no low fat per my hubs,, this is a treat after all. 1/2 lb sharp cheddar,, run it through the meat grinder. Mix with 8 oz cream cheese and 1/2 of a 4 oz jar diced pimentos with juice. Then add remaining pimentos and blend,, not pulverize! Serve with Waverly crackers and drool! The meat grinder makes the cheddar all soft and creamy, so it blends well.

Tonight Indian food here in Italy: chicken curry with coconut milk and basmati rice.

Baked steak with mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes, roasted Brussel sprouts, green salad, graham cracker pie with blueberries.

Thank you Pamzi🤗

Be safe!

ITRR.. I am working the next 3, but I will after that!

I love the way a roast smells as it’s baking! 😋 Yummy, send.

Good on ya Send!

We had real sirloin roast beef sandwiches, cooked it myself last night. It has been a very long time since I cooked a roast.

I forgot to salt it, on purpose. And remembering the olden days, when pushing a piece of garlic into the hole I made. As I sliced it, I saw this white thing, and said, "What is this, a tumor in the meat?"
Ha ha ha, I am so forgetful lately. Then I immediately realized it was the garlic. Lol.

And that is the last time I will admit my mental status! It was a whole lot of work, cooking that roast!

That's what we did this week. I'm starting to look like a meatball.

I never feel like cooking anymore but when I do I try to make enough for several days. Tonight I made a big pot of spaghetti and meatballs. Will have again tomorrow night and maybe day after that.

I made a big salad with the last of my garden tomatoes, big juicy Hillbillies. Plus fresh sweet corn, olives, and prosciutto. Yum! And I indulged in a bag of potato chips, a weekend indulgence.

We had ordered cans of salmon and we received the same size can of sardines. I combined both cans added dill relish, three eggs, onions and spices, bread crumbs. I made fish patties with homemade slaw. Surprisingly good and good for health. Made enough to fix second meal.


Pamzi, pimento cheese makes me smile. My grandmother served it to me as a little girl and I absolutely loved it. It was our special treat.

Would you share your family recipe?

Hubs made short ribs and mashed potatoes, the bite I tasted so far is wonderful! He also made about 6 lbs of pimento cheese,, whooza!! His cousin is the only one in the whole family who still makes the "family recipe",, and we got to talking about what would happen if he stopped.. so hubs decided to get the recipe and give it a try,, oh yes!! We are going to take some on vacation, and give some away and freeze some,, should be OK? But it wasn't to hard to do, so we're good!

I decided to treat myself to a take out pumpkin spice latte but when I took my first sip I discovered it was barely lukewarm, and reheating it in the microwave is just not the same. I've looked up how to make my own at home and was aghast to see almost all of the recipes added actual pumpkin puree - I like pumpkin pie but not stirred into my coffee thanks.

Food Safety alert:
"The original ingredients should not be over 3-5 days old."
Another source:
"Are leftovers good after 7 days?
How long do leftovers last? According to the FDA Food Code, all perishable foods that are opened or prepared should be thrown out after 7 days, maximum. No leftovers should survive in your fridge for longer than that. Some foods should be even be thrown away before the 7 day mark."

Another take on this is called a Perpetual Stew:
A perpetual stew, also known as hunter's pot, or hunter's stew, is a pot into which whatever one can find is placed and cooked. The pot is never or rarely emptied all the way, and ingredients and liquid are replenished as necessary. The concept is often a common element in descriptions of medieval inns. Foods prepared in a perpetual stew have been described as being flavorful due to the manner in which the foodstuffs blend together, in which the flavor may improve with age.

Wow, Cwillie! That sounds like what you've got going!

Sendhelp: DH is making that for me right now. Tummy upset.


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