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Anything puréed I suppose.I’m running out of ideas to feed my 79-year-old father any suggestions? Are usually spend at least four hours of my day thinking about his meals and sometime around 2 AM I will probably have just figured out what I am having for dinner finally…

You are so right BoniChak! The other day I made a Stirfry with beef! I cut up lots of veggies (squash, cauliflower, onions, garlic, eggplant and used Garlic hoisin sauce, soy sauce and olive oil! Turned our delectable. I Steamed some Ramen noodles and put this over them. Thickened with a little cornstarch! Most deeeelicious!!)

Needhelpwithmom stay safe!!!

Thanks everyone. I appreciate your kind wishes.

Everywhere has natural disasters of some sort. It’s either hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires, tsunamis, flooding, etc.

We are used to the hurricanes but it does get old evacuating. At least with a hurricane there are warnings.

NeedHelpWithMom: Yes, left you a post on the On My Mind thread. Stay safe.

Wishing you and your husband safe travels. Glad you are leaving before the storm. Take care.

Need! Travel safe!! 🙏

Take care NHWM! Travel safely.

Well, I didn’t cook this evening. We had leftovers. Won’t be cooking for the next few days. We are hitting the road for a few days to escape the hurricane.

Supposed to be a category 2 storm when it hits landfall with tons of rain so we’ll get dumped on. Don’t want to be home with power outages.

It was sad to hear that several people died in the last storm, Hurricane Laura, that hit Lake Charles, Louisiana due to improper use of generators.

Many of those people are in our hotels here because the governor isn’t doing the ordinary shelters due to Covid. I feel so bad for them because Lake Charles took a big hit from Laura and now this storm is headed our way. We are leaving in the morning.


Coconut coffee?

Sounds interesting... I am so boring when it comes to coffee. I’m a purist when it comes to coffee. I like a nice strong brew with a touch of cream, no sugar.

My daughters get all of those fancy coffees. I roll my eyes when I am at a coffee house waiting in line to order a simple cafe au lait or latte, unsweetened and I am behind a person ordering a complicated coffee with all sorts of extra stuff in it. The baristas make it for them, they’re used to it!

I always say those are for people that don’t like the taste of coffee. Hahaha

My best friend makes great coffee but she always wants me to try all of those fancy creamers that she buys that are loaded with sugar. I don’t like my tea or coffee sweet. I like the clean taste of the coffee or tea.

To each his/her own. Maybe I would like the coffee flavored, but not sweet.

Actually one of my very favorite coffees is Kona. Wouldn’t you know it happens to be one of the most expensive so I only buy a pound of it every now and then to brew. Normally I drink a strong French roast, Italian espresso or a Colombian roast.

Grilled shrimp, roasted broccoli and asparagus.

NeedHelpWithMom: You're very welcome. Your story was great.

That was a great dinner Bridger and I'm sure your son was thrilled to get some of his Mom's cooking.That was really nice of you~

Grilled steaks and corn on the cob, sliced tomatoes. Lemon pound cake. Sent it home with my bachelor son. He doesn’t cook and will take all leftovers.

Small omelet on a grilled english muffin.
Coconut coffee.

Thanks Llama,

It’s good to be back. The pantries are so needed. Whenever I think of all the food that is wasted it makes me sick. Once I was in the grocery and I ordered one pound of beef, there was a small amount left and the butcher said that he was going to give me the extra because the store was about to close.

I thanked him but asked him if they donated surplus to our local food pantry. He said that it wasn’t allowed to do that. The stores can only donate non perishable items.

There is a church near me that has a community garden and they give fresh produce to the food bank so I wonder why meat can’t be donated.


Your church sounds wonderful!

NeedHelpWithMom; Several people in the community have donated to the much needed and appreciated food bank. Catholic Charities had had a long standing program at Fort George G. Meade, MD. They offer housing, food, clothing and a method for people who are in need a way to get back on their feet.
The shrimp dish sounds great. Glad to have you back!💞

Bridger: That's much needed and I'm sure appreciated.

My church has a food bank. Church members donate food and money. We distribute one morning a week. Money collected is used to purchase milk, eggs, orange juice, apples, etc. These items are given out along with donated food. Thirty families a week receive assistance. Thanksgiving and Christmas we provide items for holiday dinners. 4th of July we provide cookout supplies.

So sad, Llama. More people need to donate like you did. Our food pantry serves lots of people here.

Many churches have ministries to feed people too. Catholic Charities has a specific program for food for seniors. Some of the Lutheran and Baptist Churches has pantries on a regular basis as well.

I made shrimp etoufee and a salad.

Donated six different times to the food pantry here in Maryland. Sadly, many people are having to use it for the first time ever and they cry.

Made a half gallon of spicy Italian sauce. I then put in canning jars and pressure canned. It’s good for pizza and pasta. My DIL brought homemade pizza crusts and we put together 3 pizzas for supper along with a salad. Homemade macadamia/chocolate chip cookies and coffee for dessert.

NobodyGetsIt: Okay - good luck on getting the specialty coffee.

Broiled fresh flounder and stuffed with a homemade crab and shrimp stuffing, twice baked potatoes, green salad and cherry jello with fresh sliced peaches.


Actually, I was planning on looking at some of our coffee houses here locally and then if I can't find it, I'll try your suggestion. Thanks! :)

NobodyGetsIt: Maybe you can get the blueberry coffee online.

I love breakfast for dinner, I think any variation on that is my favourite thing.

It's been cool and wet here today so I pulled some potato soup and some pumpkin out of the freezer and combined the two with garlic and a little cayenne to balance out the sweetness of the pumpkin - not bad. Except now I really want dessert.

Breakfast for dinner. Bacon, scrambled eggs and biscuits.


Sounds like this is an East Coast "specialty" since both you and "earlybird" have it. I'm not aware of such a thing here in the desert southwest! I love blueberries but, I can't imagine Blueberry coffee. Who knows I might like it with cream!

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