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Bridger: Pass the homemsde bread, please.😁

earlybird: Blueberry coffee. Who knew? This New England girl. Seriously LOL.
Market Basket ~ knew those stores well.

Tomato soup recipe I used beef broth, no cream and it is good. But, couldn't find fresh basil here.

Turn on your oven to about 120 degrees for 10 minutes.
Go stick your head inside and feel the blast of heat, and you won't have to imagine why no one is grilling outside anymore! Lol.

Said lovingly, without the least bit of hostility, it was a joke friends.
I don't care if CWillie is the only one that will 'get it'. 🤣

That's nice that your family came by for dinner and that they're going to see their grand-daughter. This site is a kind of support group for people who are caregivers. People come here for help and support and sometimes just to vent about their situation because no one that hasn't had to be a caregiver to an old person knows how it is. That's why when we tell it here in this community, everyone understands because they all know. Everyone here tries to help and support each other because we all know how it is because we've either lived it or are currently living it. And yes, it is depressing and exhausting and maddening, and frustrating, and sad. It is what it is.

Pie - It's not just for breakfast anymore.

92 and high humidity. Told hot for me and I stay inside with the AC. My sons are visiting and wanted pie

Bridger it's hard for me to imagine a place where it gets too hot to grill outside🤣
Three pies... I hope your sons appreciate you!!

Too hot to grill outside. Staying inside with the AC up. Have a turkey breast with stuffing in the oven, mashed potatoes and gravy, fresh green beans. I made 3 pies and baked bread. I took a loaf of bread to my parents in assisted living. Dad likes homemade bread with jelly for a snack. Plus turkey is my husband and sons favorite. Both sons are here today

OK I've been googling recipes for roasted tomato soup, do you add cream gladimhere? The canned stuff was always a pantry staple for my mom (and sister could live on the stuff) but it has never been my favourite, some of the recipes I'm finding do sound pretty good though.


Ever since I was a kid, that was my favorite combo - tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Sounds delicious!

Made roasted tomato soup, will have grilled cheese with it later. A friend has three tomato plants, giant tomato plants 6-7 feet tall. She has had more than 200 tomatoes nice ones too! I now have three quarts of soup, will take some to her.

Dinner was at midnight by microwave.
Baked potato, topped with a can of chili, and cheese.

Top Sirloin steak is my favorite with baked potatoes, sour cream and chives. So jealous that I cannot get invited over for dinner!

Llama, I get New England Coffee, Blueberry Cobbler and it actually taste like a cup of blueberries. I love it.
NobodyGetsIt, I do not make blueberry coffee, I do not have the time to roast those babies. LOL. I get New England Coffee, Blueberry Cobbler flavor.

Sliced deli turkey on a small roll, low fat chips and pickles. All from Market Basket and not homemade.

earlybird: Blueberry coffee sounds yummy!

NobodyGetsIt: That temp makes me hot thinking about it. Bring on winter. I do not own a sweater. I am boring as I don't consume vino, red meat nor pastry. The Baby was a decade ago.

Sendhelp: Almond butter for an emergency kit? That's some kit!


Sendhelp, lol, here’s your salt.

Could you please pass the salt?

Having almond butter after buying it for my emergency kit. An appetizer on celery, it did not taste as good as I expected, but hubs likes it.

Have no idea for a real dinner yet. But it's going to be late as the heat dissipates.

"cwillie," - that's exactly what I told one of our frequent waiters when I ordered pumpkin pie along with telling him "it's much healthier for me than the other pies" wink, wink. He did ask if I wanted it with whipped cream and of course I said "yes."

"earlybird," - I love blueberry waffles - those were both my dad's and my favorite kind. We have the Brummel n' Brown which is made with 10% non-fat yogurt and 35% vegetable oil - my mom got me hooked on that a very long time ago.

Blueberry coffee??? Never heard of that - is that something you just make yourself?

Ahhh, pumpkin pie - it all sounds good!

I love pumpkin pie for breakfast earlybird! (and it's a vegetable so what could be healthier 😉) Of course I only get pumpkin pie once or twice a year.

One blueberry waffle with Smart Balance, blueberry coffee with light cream. Small slice of pumpkin pie.


Pizza, strawberry shortcake and wine were all enjoyed thoroughly!

114 is brutal and I'm ready to be done with it - no monsoon for us this summer!

Your wise to have the Baby Apple - the one I get almost overflows the restaurant's large plate. I like it with their Lingonberry butter but, they have ones with cinnamon apples, maple-caramel apples, strawberries or triple berries.

NobodyGetsIt: Enjoy your pizza, strawberry shortcake and vino. Glad that you got to see your mom. 114° is brutal.

I never had the Big Apple - never got past the Baby Apple.

NobodyGetsIt's Kitchen is closed for the night!

After doing a "window visit" with my mom for 1/2 hour in 114 degree weather as I watched her get a special treat of vanilla ice cream with a still warm, fresh baked chocolate chip cookie neatly tucked into the ice cream, I'm cooked!

We will be having pizza from a different place - I always like trying different pizzas because even if we order the same toppings all the places are unique! I will serve wine and strawberry shortcake - I think I can muster up enough energy for that!

Bon Appetit :)


I like the Big Apple and I don't mean New York City! :)

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