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Even with your edit, sea salt is not table salt.

Sea salt is not table salt.

We make table salt in salt pans just north of Adelaide by evaporating sea water, straight from Antarctica, probably cleaner than 'Celtic' off Brittany. You can buy it in different crystal sizes, plain or iodised, which we choose as our soil and its produce is low in iodine. It isn’t stripped of anything - I don't know how or why anyone would try. Salt is sodium chloride. I would imagine that most salt these days is evaporated from sea water, except the pink Himalayan variety evaporated from saline lakes. Salt mines are pretty rare now.

Just for interest, Himalayan salt was a brilliant marketing exercise that started a decade ago when the Nepalese government started providing cheap iodised salt. This was to counter the significant local goitre/ thyroid problem caused by iodine deficiency. The Nepalese salt merchants were desperate, hence the very clever marketing campaign. They probably learned how to do it from the Celtic/ French mob.

I live in the desert southwest and I don't eat processed food, so I need more salt for sure.

The problem is the garbage salt sold as table salt that has been stripped of its nutrients that is so widely used. Good salt is vital for our overall health.

I think having a little salt sparingly should be fine. Same goes for sugar.

Like we need more salt in our diets. Just sayin'.

Don't forget the grilled peaches, served with chicken, oh yeah!

Watermelon with flavored salt is all the rage. Smoked salt, merlot salt, charcoal salt. Any othe flavors you can think of.

Personally we enjoy Celtic sea salt the most.

Shell: That's cool about the grilled watermelon - and plums, too.

NobodyGetsIt: LOL on the watermelon. Btw, I just sold my grill. That's true about animals, but I knew immediately that Ozzie has suffered a medical event. Good for you on the 2 trips to Alaska. We've always wanted to go there.

Tonight it was cheeseburgers. I seasoned them with kosher salt and fresh ground peppercorns and broiled them. My husband had provolone cheese and I had cheddar on onion buns with sandwich spread - it's a little similar to the special sauce on a Big Mac along with thinly sliced roma tomatoes. My husband is very particular about the buns, so I always wrap them in a slightly damp napkin and warm them in the microwave so they will be nice and soft. We had pork and beans which I like to add a little ketchup and dry mustard to spruce them up a bit, pringles potato chips, bread and butter pickle chips, sliced red peppers and watermelon. Only thing missing was dessert - we're all out but, I will be having a piece of dark chocolate with whipped cream on top to satisfy my sweet tooth!

@ "Llamalover47" - I finally got a chance to try the watermelon with salt. Unfortunately, I didn't have my reading glasses on so I didn't see that I put too much on. There was just one spot that had a hint of salt on it and it tasted better so I think I'll have to give it another whirl when I buy some more watermelon.


That does sound good, but that is a lot of fat. I think I'll look up a recipe on it and try it. Can't hurt!🌽🌽

I've had people rave to me about the recipe where you roast the niblets with butter and cream (there are lots of variations if you google), but I could never bring myself to try something with so much extra fat & calories.

I normally grill my corn on the grill too. But in this instance, I will be roasting it in the oven. I have done this method before and it turns out great. I just never froze or canned it before.

Sorry, I should have been more clear!☺

Llama, Grilled watermelon is really good and so are grilled plums! Just remember grilling watermelon has to be done quickly or you will have nothing left. Make sure the grill isn't to hot!

Sunday's is always my day off from cooking so we had ordered from one of our local Mexican Food Restaurants. Cheese Crisp, bean tostadas and shredded beef tacos along with a bag of chips and their bean dip and salsa.

@ "Llamalover47," - I've never heard of grilled watermelon. If you try it, you'll have to let us know how it was.

I've heard that animals don't always want to be around their owners when they aren't feeling well or dying. Kind of like how some people are when it's their time. God spared you from having to witness it.

Lucky you, I've always wanted to see New England. Guess that will never happen but saw plenty of snow on my two trips to Alaska back in 1995 and 1996. Gorgeous!

I just thought of an interesting way to "roast" watermelon that I saw on social media. A person had put one on the grill. Yep, grilled watermelon!

NobodyGetsIt: I am so glad that you got to see the domestic Ocicat! Yes, sometimes they are referred to as akin to the wild Ocelot. Actually we knew Ozzie wouldn't live forever (he was 20 years, 5 months and 5 days old) so we were dreading his demise. On the day he suffered the stroke, God intervened in a way ~ Ozzie had gone to our lower level where we never sit. He died 7 hours later. Thank you for your kind words.
We don't get much snow here, but I hail from New England. That's funny about people going to see the rare event of it in your area or close by/higher elevation.

Ok Shell I think that you and I call two different cooking methods the same thing.

When I say roast I mean in the husk on the BBQ. Is that what you are talking about? If yes, how do you get butter and water on it?

Fried up a burger. Bought rib eye patties. Can't even remember the last time I cooked a burger. It has been, no kidding, YEARS. it was quite tasty with cottage cheese.


LOL! I am roasting the corn in butter, salt, and a little water. I'll freeze it with some juice, plus I'm not going to cook it all the way done.

Thank you for your help! 😋

Earlybird, mmmmmmmm!

Shell, freeze it. Sorry, I guess I just assumed that was the plan. Derrrherr🤪🤪

Roasting it might cook it too much. Then it dries out, just be mindful of the time. I love roasted corn, just about the only way we eat it.

Cwilly & Isthisrealyreal,

The whole freezing the cod sounds great but I don't have the space.

I thought about roasting it then take it off the cod, but then what do I do with it...freeze it or canned it?😵

I was wondering how your roast turned out Isthisrealyreal. I'm glad that it worked out for you.

Roast beef, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and carrots pureed with a hint of cinnamon.
Strawberry Shortcake with light whip cream.

Shell, we blanche the corn and then cut it off the cob. It doesn't get as chewy when you do it that way. Leaving it on the cob takes up a lot of freezer space.

My dry aged roast was delish. Rich and moist, we cooked it on a mesquite wood fire. Thanks for your input.

I know some people just freeze the whole cob husk and all, you can't get any easier than that. And I do tomatoes the same way, just toss them whole in a big bag - the skins slip right off as they start to thaw and they can be chopped, pureed in the food processor or tossed as is into any recipe.

Just spent a week freezing tomatoes...I don't want to see a tomato for awhile! LOL!

Does anyone know how to can or freeze corn easily? Looking for ideas!😜

We just had our Italian sausage and black olive pizza and for dessert I made low carb chocolate chip cookies - I know it's funny, I'll just say they cancel each other out and call it a night!

@"Llamalover47," - oh my gosh, I just saw images of the Oci breed of cat - wow, they look like mini leopards to me. That must have been strange to have Ozzie die of a stroke after having lost your mother and grandmother to strokes. I've never thought of an animal having a stroke. Very sad for all of them!

We don't get snow except in the high country or occasionally in the outlying areas. We did get some a couple of years ago in the outlying areas and everyone came out in droves to park along the roads to take pictures (my husband and I included). Even people from out of state that get snow all the time - it was just because it's rare here.

golden: Interesting allergy.

NobodyGetsIt: Ocis are a breed of cat. Who knows - my granddad just liked the watermelon that way. Thank you for your words about Ozzie's stroke. As my mother and her mother both passed away of strokes, I recognized it right away to be a medical emergency. I would pass out from 118° for sure. Bring on snow! ♡

For an unusual combination try strawberries with pepper. The pepper brings out the strawberry flavour.

polar - I can't eat watermelon. Actually I am allergic to it and have only met one other person the same. It gives me major digestive issues. Even the thought of eating it makes me shudder. Other melons -no prob.

Last night's supper - nothing. I wasn't hungry - really strange for me.

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