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tomatoes with salt, and balsamic vinegar and basil and a bit of crushed garlic and pepper too :) on fresh french bread. and toast it a bit too if you want.



whem my kid was in elementary school another kid would take her apple and take one bite and throw it away... when I got wind of this...
I would cut 2 apples. I asked her to try both... I loved my apples with lemon and salt...the green apples, lemon and salt, ... yum. so I made one zip lock with plain apple, and one with special lemon and salt... I thought that would do the trick.. not too many kids like that specialty.
Apparently the kid liked it.. She finally told her dad she wanted apples salted with lemon... ??? HUH? He was taken by surprise... And the lil bully had her own little bag of apples... and SHE LIKED THEM :) Lunch was good after that.
went to Hawaii and stayed with friend's friends... True Hawaiian.. the ate their pineapples with salt... I wasn't too thrilled with that...

@ "Llamalover47," - I wonder if your grandfather used the salt so the watermelon wouldn't be so sweet.

I have never heard of ocicats but, I can see OCI/Ozzie would be easy and I still think Cleocatra is cute - I did think of Cleopatra right away. Boy, that was sad - Ozzie passing away from a stroke but, wow living over 20 years - that's amazing!

It was 118 two weeks ago when I did another "window visit" - I barely made it back to the car as I became nauseated and feared a heat stroke. We broke our record for the hottest summer - YAY! :(

polar: Interesting use of the watermelon.😁

NobodyGetsIt: 'Twas my grandfather who liked the watermelon that way.
We had two ocicats - the male we named Ozzie, which was easy. Our daughter came up with our girl's name since Cleocatra had an "Egyptian" look to her and not spots. Cleo lived only to age 12, but Ozzie passed away on June 5, 2019 from a stroke. He lived to be over 20 years old.They were half siblings.

Btw, 116° heat=HOT.

Everyone in my family likes watermelon, everyone except me. But I do use the white part of the watermelon to make kimchi,. It turns out very good, very similar to cucumber kimchi. The white part has even more of some nutrients than the red part. I also puree and add to soup, or thinly slice and stir fry with other veggies.

Salt is definitely the way to go with watermelons.

Great chicken nobodygetsit.

My husband is giving me the night off from cooking - since I had a longer than planned "window visit" with my mom standing in 116 degree weather. It's gonna be a "Raising Canes" night!

@"earlybird," - lucky you! We have a "Cheesecake Factory" less than ten minutes from us. We used to really enjoy going there prior to COVID - we've tried many a cheesecake flavor there! It was usually just a place we would go to occasionally for those special "indulgences"!

@"cwillie," - that's too bad your first time out was disappointing. How strange it must have been to see only two tables seated. Just like you, my husband and I haven't been to a restaurant since March either.

Yesterday I had lunch at our local Thai restaurant with a couple of friends - it was the first time I've eaten in at a restaurant since March and was an interesting experience, because of the tiny size of the place there were just 2 tables seated and though the menu was the same the food was....not. Tonight I attempted to improve my overly sweet, gluey leftover pad thai by adding some broth, seasoning and some veggies. Not really pad thai any more, but not bad.

When out for the day with family and stopped at the Cheesecake Factory, ordered take out, chocolate and strawberry cheesecake with a dollop of whip cream. It has been a long time since we had such an indulgence.

Meatloaf, potatoes and peas sounds so good, I make veggie meatloaf, almost taste
like my mothers own meatloaf without the meat. I will make it this week. Thanks for posting it.

Beatty, How is that diet?

As a kid, sugar on watermelon for a summer treat. Salt on sliced tomato, boiled eggs too.

Real cream (handwhipped) on bread & jam or honey for an extra special treat.

The watermelon is now gone. Plain and simple.

@"Isthisrealyreal" - now, you're no longer the last person alive who eats their tomatoes with salt, pepper and sugar - it probably sounds strange to people but, it's really good and I was a picky eater when I was young. It reminds me when ham and pineapple first became popular items on pizza - even though I liked ham with pineapple, somehow on pizza it just didn't sound good. Once I tried it, I was hooked unfortunately, my husband doesn't like fruit and meat together.

@Llamalover47," - I've never heard of anyone putting salt on watermelon. I have two pieces left for tomorrow - I'll have to try it. But when I think about it, people often like a sweet/salty combination so I bet I'll like it. Cleocatra (Cleo)- what a clever name!

Huge meatloaf, this time home made. There will be leftovers!
Baked potatoes and peas.

Llamalover, Thanks for the reminder-there is watermelon in our refrigerator. What about sugar on the watermelon, anyone?

NobodyGetsIt: You're very welcome. Aww - so cute about your Chloe. One of my ocicats was named Cleo, aka, Cleocatra.
How interesting about your user name!

Tomatoes with sugar
And watermelon with salt are 2 things that my maternal grandfather liked.

Nobodygetsit, I thought I was the last person alive that ate fresh tomatoes with salt, pepper and sugar. My grandma taught me how to eat them and I still think of her every time I enjoy them. They are delish like this!

I'm making open faced white albacore tuna melts on grilled in butter english muffins. With it we're having a cold multi-colored rotini pasta salad mixed with sliced red onions, black olives in a vinaigrette dressing, sliced tomatoes sprinkled with pepper, salt and sugar (my parents ate them that way), watermelon and hot fudge sundaes from McDonalds!

@ Countrymouse
I am positive that your comment below about the two waitresses crossing paths is hilarious and/or brilliant.

However, we may be waiting awhile until I can figure out what you meant. Thanks for your contribution though!

Tonight, we are having store bought brownie bites, the fudge recipe.

"Llamalover47" - Thank you on both fronts. We're still licking our chops and so is our little Dachshund, Chloe - she got a tiny sample of the steak and whipped cream!

My user name came from the fact whenever my husband and I would get frustrated/upset with caregiving issues - mainly related to my mom's siblings and some personal friends who faded away, my husband and I would always end up saying "no body gets it' and hence my user name was born!

NobodyGetsIt: That sounds delicious!💞 (Love your user name - And I get it).

polarbear: I hear ya. Eat light 💞

Isthisrealyreal: Yes, my daughter said someone else wanted that dry aged steak at the grocer, but it was her's! Her hubby can EAT, but never gain any # so he devoured it.

Well after feeling like I've been in a "funk" all day, I decided to make a real nice dinner for my husband and I. We had a delicious marinated and broiled Top Sirloin Steak, served with an Italian tossed salad, sliced yellow peppers and celery sticks with a Greek Yogurt Dressing, baked beans, a homemade low carb muffin with butter and pesto sauce and cubed watermelon. For dessert we have a choice of a homemade low carb mini chocolate cake with walnuts or a mini strawberry shortcake topped off with my favorite - extra creamy whipped cream and a cherry on top! Oh yeah and a small glass of Merlot - I feel better already!

Feeling heavy and sluggish...

So, I'll just have fruits and water (and hopefully enough will power) for dinner tonight.

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