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Wow LL, your daughter hit the lottery with that steak.

20oz seems like a big steak, until you start eating that thing. Then it doesn't seem nearly as big😀.

Isthisrealyreal: My daughter may have MADE an aged pc. of beef, but once she scored a 20 oz. dry aged steak at the grocery store for $1.29. It was the only one to be had. And I did know that you were talking about prime rib.😁


How are you drying it? Maybe I can help. Are you drying it in a dark room with salt or without salt? Are you trying to age it or preserve it? Or both? Send me a pm if you want? I am sure I have a cookbook around here some where on how to preserve meat.

Has anyone ever dry aged a prime rib?

ANY tips that you wish you had while doing it?

I am trying it for the first time and nervous as can be. I don't want to ruin a large prime rib.

ANY help is appreciated, thank you!

Sounds yummy pamzi!

I was just trying to figure out what to serve with the fried chicken we are having, yep baked beans and coleslaw. Thank you for the help 😁

I have been hungry for good old fashioned barbequed chicken like my mom used to make,, legs and thigh pieces on the grill.. not air fried,, oven get it! So today I saw great lovely leg and thigh pieces on sale at the store.. yes indeed I bought 2 packs.. 3 big pieces in each pack. And even though it is hot enough outside to cook them on the driveway.. my lovely hubs is grilling them for me. We are having cole slaw and baked beans with them,, I can't wait! I normally buy skinless and boneless,, so this will be a treat .

Send: That's funny ~ your brownie potentially being in the emergency kit. I was really good about having my candy stash back in the day. Don't keep any now because I don't need the caloric content.
Btw, "Twinkies" keep *supposedly* FOREVER & you keep put them in your emergency kit.😁

Joyce Grenfell saw two waitresses cross paths, one coming from the kitchen and the other going back to it with empty plates. The one going back said to the other:

"Well, he's eaten it!"

Yes, I wanted him to have it.
But he lost his chance.
Now, he says, he wanted me to have it, after it sat there two days.

Using butter in the brownies, and the 'cake-like' recipe (two eggs) is so good!

Sharing has it's challenges, but I am not going to martyr myself
so he can hoard!

Did you see an ant crawl on that brownie?

The icing story was so very funny Bratty! Lol. The icing went wrong? I should stop now. Is there anything for dinner?

Llama, I cannot hoard or save food for later anymore. I will forget that I have it. Hubs will find it and move it. Years later, it is expired in our emergency kit. And just when one needs's not there.

Ok, going to eat it now!

Does this sound appetizing to anyone? "Go ahead and eat it, it won't hurt you." 🙄🙃😏🤤😜

Send: The hoarding of the brownie by your husband reminded me of Easter when my bro & I were kids. I used to hoard my basket and my bro would want my stash. Me ~ "Allright, you can have the last chocolate rabbit."😁😁

Sendhelp. I would eat it, and enjoy every last bite. Made a dozen of dark chocolate brownies with butter instead of oil. We ate them less that 24 hours.

Eat it Send! Don't let it get hard and stale.🤗

There sits the very last brownie. My hubs knows it is for him.
He will hoard it a long time before eating it. It will get hard and stale.
Somebody help me!

I could freeze it.

Or help myself to it.

ummmmm.....not a real problem is it?


Bring on the brownies!😀😊😊
HOT and delish.😁

Isthisrealyreal: Jasmine rice is SO sweet and delicious!☆☆☆☆

Is, Bratty suits me well enough 😂😂😂

Beatty, I am sorry I didn't check my spell check. 😣

I already burnt my fingers on the almost cool brownies.

BBBQ baby back ribs, coleslaw with dill pickle dressing and rainbow fingerling potato fries. (I can only get these delicious organic potatoes seasonally, so we eat them about 4x a week for the month I can get them.)

No dessert because we will be stuffed, but ice cream is a permanent resident at our house, so we are covered just in case😁.

Oh my, 1st cantaloupe of the season and it is so sweet and delicious. So maybe some vanilla ice cream and cantaloupe for appetizers? I mean dessert.

Bratty, that is hilarious and such a clever response.

Hmmm brownies...

My friend in cooking class once ate the entire bowl of chocolate butter icing (do you call it frosting?) She presented her plain cake to the Teacher & said 'the icing went.... wrong'. 🤣🤣🤣 I nearly fell onto the floor.

Wait for them to cool?



Brownies for dessert. Could hardly wait for them to cool.

The full moon was at 99.9%, and is now waning.

The most recent fire is almost out already after jumping the freeway. This one, I smelled the smoke as I opened the front door, so closed it right away and turned the hepa filters on full blast.

Hope others in some threatened areas are okay! Make sandwiches on those tough days you do not want to cook.

Grilled Basque chorizo, jasmine rice, nopalitos sauteed with onions and garlic, new peas and watermelon for dessert

Just finished having baked, mesquite flavored pork tenderloin, served with applesauce sprinkled with a little cinnamon on top, black olives, sliced red peppers, bbq beans, salad with shredded mozzarella cheese and sliced tomatoes along with a biscuit and pesto topping. Unfortunately, I had no dessert to serve and I have a terrible sweet tooth which I've had since I came out of the womb (even though I had no teeth)!!

We love our air fryer,, have mostly made wings in it so far ( friends raved about the wings, they make them weekly) but we are trying other things as well. Tonight will be baked asperagus and fresh tomatoes.. yummo!

Have restored Meat-Free Monday. I did cook snags (sausages) for the others but I had grilled zucchini instead. Was quite good. Feeling slimmer already 😁.

I am googling air-fryer right now!

Send: Ambrosia is delicious and my daughter makes it for special occasions.

Isthisrealyreal: Air Fryer=healthy.

earlybird: Give yourself a break 'cause anyone can slip up. Hubby was eating Pepperidge Farm chocolate chip cookies last night and I had to snag one - much less sweet than Panera!

Bring on the salmon.😁

gladimhere: Wow and feel better from the gross pizza.😁

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