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I'm with you on that one. Serve a simple meal with no apologies. It's important that you don't wear yourself out with the prep; more important that you appear rested and really glad to see them. Fresh flowers on the table are a nice touch.

Baked sole with garlic, olive oil, lime juice, scallions,salt and pepper. Roasted cinnamon opo squash. Coffee and chocolate. I munched on a raw carrot later.

Chocolate and Costco chicken sound good to me!

Daily Health Tip
Don't shy away from chocolate.
Some kinds of chocolate contain high amounts of flavonols. (White chocolate isn't one of them.) These antioxidants may help control blood pressure and fight cognitive decline. Don't go overboard, though. An ounce of dark chocolate has 155 calories.

So, I am having some more chocolate!

Costco chicken, mashed potatoes and peas.. sounds good to me!

Nightshade plant extravaganza for brunch.
Potatoes and eggplant cubed tiny, sauteed in olive oil.
Scrambled eggs on top.
Campari Tomatoes and parsley as a garnish.

pamzimmrrt: Those breads of your's sound SO yummy! It is HOT - hotter yet tomorrow.

Oh my goodness I am a cabbage lover anyway, but roasted cabbage steak with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper and a splash of lemon juice is over the top. Next time I will add some bacon and onion onto the baking sheet and serve them together.

Meat loaf with fingerling potato fries and grilled asparagus.

Needed some comfort food.

Blueberries and cherries for desert.

Pamzi, your breads sound delicious.

Well its too dang hot to go outside, but I had a big zuchinni from my garden.. so,,,
3 loaves of pina colada bread , and 2 loaves of chocolate zuchinni bread! And 4 loaves of banana bread to top it off! Freezer is filling nicely with stuff for "later"

Avocado, half egg salad sandwich, oven baked lays, blue bunny mini chocolate cone. Perfect summer dinner. 99 degrees today. Yucky!

Tacos with Cilantro.

cwillie, that sound so good, I am going to try it.

And I went with bland comfort food. My grandmother always made a meal from mixture of the first garden peas, beans, baby carrots, onions and new potatoes in a white sauce, I only had my own beans and peas and had to use store bought for the rest.

Decided to do some international cooking. Sick of the same old American foods. Need to spice it up a bit. Keep you posted/

Hebrew National dog with sauerkraut.

cwillie: Salads are great!

Independence Day Menu:
Cheeseburgers, tater tots, garden salad
homemade chocolate pudding
beer and wine

Salads sound good to me too so I'm busy making a variety to have on hand - I picked up some grapes and cabbage so I will make up some coleslaw and some kind of fruit salad. I'm also cooking some macaroni for a pasta salad.

Hi Beatty, after reading your post, I decided to have a fruit plate for lunch and a big glass of water.

Hello Beatty,
You are doing great. Love the menu look. Strawberries and raw almonds for a snack, sounds so yummy and healthy. I need to buy some. Keep up the good work, it does pay off. Go Beatty.....Have a nice July 4th.

Of course baked beans count -

Beans, beans the musical fruit.....

Fruit Friday again 😃.

Breakfast 🍊🍐
Morning snack🍌
Lunch: baked beans (close enough..)
Afternoon snack: 🍎 & handful raw almonds.
Black tea & coffee + lots of water all day.
Pre dinner 🍷🍷
Dinner will be a bit rogue but healthy(ish) steamed salmon, green beans & home made potato wedges.

I got a free chocolate chip cookie with Panera Bread "rewards." Sooo sweet - threw most of it out. Lol - good thing it cost $0.


That is not hard to do. Last week, I ate almost whole bag of Oreos watching the Invisible Man. LOL

I’m so stressed I ate a bag of Oreos 😁...never a good idea

If you don't need to be concerned about the salt, you can use a pasta or rice side dish to start the one pot meal, like cheddar broccoli, add a little extra water and some chicken with frozen broccoli spears or other vegetables and let everything cook till tender. Turn it off and stir in some shredded cheddar if you like it a bit more cheesy.

Grilled cheese is good too. My father's first off the farm job was working as a short order cook at a drug store counter so he taught me the "right" way to make a grilled cheese sandwich when I was about 10. Last week I taught the same lesson to his great-grandson.

I was trying to make a nutritionally balanced one pot meal - I went for a kind of Asian inspired rice and veggie combination - and I have failed miserably, it's awful 🤢
Maybe I'll have grilled cheese?

I had a TV dinner in the microwave tonight as my new oven won’t arrive for another week and somehow I managed to start a fire in the other one 😁...and yes I was worried my father with dementia would burn the house down... I guess there’s a first for everything. By the way, be very careful if you are cooking with parchment paper and be sure it’s not sticking out of the pan 😉

Made gazpacho, supposed to chill overnight, but had some that wouldn't fit in the container. MMMM! Love it! and had a few slices of crostini with it.

I will never understand hot meals in the heat of summer, unless you can do the hot part outside.

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