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Day 15 lunch and dinner
1/2 roasted turkey on rye with lettuce, tomato and mayo.
macaroni salad 1/2 cup
Long walk today
Cherries and watermelon
Fudge bar 100 calories

Skipped a meal today, tip from Beatty's post. Lost 1/2 lb.
Down one size.

Willie, it's hard to resist isn't it? I have been walking more and sometimes I justify having a goodie afterward cause I've walked. But I guess that's defeating the whole purpose of walking I guess. Dang it!

I picked up a turkey bacon club as I was passing by Tim's on my daily walk (mmmm, bacon). While I was waiting for my order I watched them making tons of delicious looking iced coffee drinks for the people in the drive through (one had whipped topping and caramel 🤤), but I was strong!

Day 15 energy level great, long walk yesterday evening.

Buckwheat pancake with light honey and blueberries.
Cup of blueberry coffee 1/4 cup

Spaghetti with chicken breasts, zucchini and yellow squash, there will be left overs because I was so hungry by the time I cooked it.

Vegetarian meatloaf, creamy roux sauce, baked potato, carrots and unsweetened apple sauce.
chocolate fudge bar 100 calories. Water.
Note: Sauce from Jenna's recipe below. Delicious and creamy. See roux recipe June 12,

Jenna, I made your sauce, it came out wonderful. It is so creamy, best I made. I will try it with spinach next time. Thanks again for taking the time.

Day 14 Feeling energized. Plan a long walk today, maybe at the park.
Bowl homemade vegetable soup, 4 small seeded crackers.
Glass of carrot juice.
Note: Feeling so much better each day, more energy, less stress feeling, body is feeling healthier, not sluggish after a meal, no bloating, clothes loose, more patient with everyone, hot flashes subsided, no stress eating.

Day 14 good energy level, lost 6 lbs. so far.
One slice avocado toast with green olives.
Cup blueberry cobbler coffee, splash light cream

Beatty, thanks for posting your weekly diet. Vegetable soup sounds good. I am going to try and skip a meal, but I might need a light snack in the afternoon. Good job for the week. Glad you felt great and will continue. Keep it up, it gets better, more energy, mood is better, losing weight slowly and craving more healthy foods. Drinking more water too.

My new lifestyle 'diet' may a random mess (I'm working on a catchy name 😄) but it IS working!

Mon : meat free
Tues : two meals only (skip dinner)
Wed : light breaky, salad or soup meals only. Had veg soup for lunch, pumpkin soup snack, salmon & veg soup for dinner.
Thurs : not sure yet... need inspiration here.
Fri : fruit. Only fruit all day. Felt great after doing this last week so will repeat.
Sat : wine & eat whatever!
Sun : two meals (skip lunch)

Exercise : Mon, Tues, Thurs yoga. Tues, Fri & Sun brisk walking. Sat off.

It's kind of obsessive but there's no room to back out if today is X so I do X.

Day 13 Lunch

Grilled turkey burger, butter lettuce on a toasted whole grain roll. Water

Day 13
Energy level good. walking every day, able to walk longer without fatigue.
Whole Grain Oatmeal with banana, raisons, cherries and almond milk 1/2 cup

Energy level is great, up at 4:30 am, not tired and feel refreshed this morning.
This morning breakfast was a treat. This works for me, 90% healthy 10% whatever I want for a day or two ( one meal, though) and within reason.

One scrambled egg, rye toast with small amount natural peanut butter, few cherries, cup of blueberry cobbler coffee with a splash of light cream.

Dinner Day 11
3 small slices of green pepper pizza, light cheese. debated, but decided to go for it. Did not enjoy the pizza as previous. More conscious of what I consume,

Hubs smoked a pork roast today,, first time we did this. He may have smoked it a bit long, but he cut it thin in the meat slicer and it is Wonderful! He took a piece down to mom, and while she took a bite and moved it tell him how wonderful it was,, Chloe stole a bite! So the whole family agrees it perfect! He makes his own rub. and watches a lot of cooking shows like barbeque cook off.. ( or whatever they are called).. LOL The first few times he smoked things I really could not eat it, it was so smokey,, but he has gotten the hang of it this past year!

Day 11

Turkey burger no roll with Dijon Mustard, Riced Cauliflower Stuffing with carrots, dried cranberries, onion and celery. Trader Joe's product. Water infused with fresh orange.

Day 11 Energy level great, small portions of food, not craving sweets or bread, want to incorporate exercise into my daily routine. No afternoon fatigue.

1/2 cup oatmeal and 1/4 sliced banana
glass of grapefruit juice

Beatty, I am finding my food intake is less and I am staying full longer. I expect it is because I am taking in high quality nutrients which sustains me longer. My energy level is amazing. I might try the yoga sometime, I would love to exercise to the oldies. Great idea. Thanks.

Earlybird, I am enjoying your updates & get inspired. I am doing yoga & lots of walking (I found 90's tracks have a nice fast beat) but still suffering with portion distortion. Maybe if I print a pic of an actual stomach to remind me 😁.

Day 10 Snack: blueberries and watermelon. Ordered body gym.
1st time for a long time feel like exercising, we shall see.

Day 10
Lunch: Energy level good
Plant-based burger, tomato and avocado on a toasted whole grain seeded roll. Water.

Day 10
Energy level is good, skin looks smoother, leg cramps gone, loose fitting clothes.

Whole grain buckwheat pancake, blueberries, small amount Vermont maple syrup
Small glad carrot juice.

earlybird: Thank you so much! I will have to try the recipe and go to Trader Joe's one day, just not today because I went to Patient First for a sinus infection. Got antibiotic. Ugh!

Day 9 Lunch

Baked salmon with lemon and ginger root, sweet potatoes, summer squash, zucchini and green peas.
Fresh fruit. Water with lemon wedge.

Day 9 Energy level good

Spinach Egg White Frittatas 70 calories, sliced tomatoes.
Fresh fruit.
Glass carrot juice

Liam, I bought it at Trader Joe's. I am going to try and copy the ingredients and make it some day, it is so good. Great when you want something quick. Look for it in the frozen section. My 97 year old mother loves it.

I make a dish you might like. Recipe from Joel Fuhrman, M. D.

Tuscan Tofu Scramble
3 whole scallions
1/2 cup finely chopped red bell pepper
1 med tomato chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced or pressed
2 cups firm tofu, drained, and crumbled
no salt seasoning blend, adjust to taste; or 1 tablespoon Dr. Fuhrman's MatoZest
1 Tablespoon nutritional yeast
5 ounces baby spinach, coarsely chopped
1 teaspoon Braggs Liquid Aminos I omit this ingredient
Freshly ground pepper to taste. I use the regular

Large skillet over medium heat, sauté scallions, red pepper, tomato, and garlic in 1/4 cup water for 5 minutes
add remaining ingredients and cook for another 5 minutes.
I serve this dish with a little ketchup on the side.

Calories 164, Protein 12g

ealybird: How do you prepare that riced califlower bowl? I pretty much could be a vegetarian as only meat I consume is lean chicken. All the rest veggies and whole wheat toast. Don't allow myself pastries.

Lunch Day 8
Riced Cauliflower Bowl with tahini sauce, marinated chickpeas, sweet potatoes, baked tofu and roasted onions. Trader Joe's product 280 calories, Fudge bar 100 calories, glass of carrot juice. More energy this afternoon,

Jenna, thank you so much for your recipe. I am going to make it very soon. It was so thoughtful of you, I appreciate your kindness.

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