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Hi earlybird,

Roux sauce (also called béchamel or white sauce) is really simple (I don't measure) but here are the measurements and instructions and this makes 1 cup:


2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour
1 1/4 cups milk, heated**
Freshly ground pepper

**I don't use milk, I use either half/half or heavy cream. I also don't warm the half/half or heavy cream. I let it get room temperature on the counter.

Melt the butter in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Remove saucepan from heat. Using a whisk I stir in the flour a little bit at a time and keep mixing. When I get the consistency I want I put the saucepan back on the heat and cook on very low stirring constantly, until the paste cooks and bubbles a bit, but don't let it brown — about 2 minutes.

Add the hot milk (or half/half), continuing to stir as the sauce thickens. Bring it to a tiny boil. Add salt and pepper to taste, lower the heat, and cook, stirring for 2 to 3 minutes more. Remove from the heat. To cool this sauce for later use, cover it with wax paper or pour a film of milk over it to prevent a skin from forming.

I use this for creamed spinach (I buy frozen chopped spinach which I defrost and don't cook but squeeze the water out using a drainer, then I add the spinach to the roux sauce. I also use this same recipe to make my turkey gravy for Thanksgiving.

Here is another version of this recipe:

I never ate tofu so I don't know if it would go together.

For my vitamin supplement I drink something that tastes disgusting (but I'm used to it) called Green Vibrance. It makes me feel really good and it's especially good for stress. Some people mix it in juice to mask the taste.

I keep it in the freezer and it lasts me about 2 months.


Day 8
Oatmeal with apples and blueberries. Notice decreased appetite this morning. Energy level fair. Difficult finishing 1/3 cup of the oatmeal.

Way to go, Beatty.

Steamed veggies for dinner.

After the HORRENDOUS worst ever couldn't even eat it so disgusting fish n chips last night I need to rebalance!

I work up & decided to become a fruitarian for the day: orange for breakfast, banana & small avo for morning tea, pear & kiwi for lunch. Black coffee & lots of water.

earlybird: Spot on about the multi vit! Makes a big difference!

sad to admit I had my teeth all pulled for dentures on Tuesday so I am on very soft food.
I thought i would lose weight, sadly I have put on two pounds. Guess the mashed potato and oatmeal diet isnt going to work. lol

Well I must admit, after all this healthy talk,, we are having a Crazy Mikes pizza! As far as frozen pizzas go, this is the best I have found, and one piece fills us up. I always keep some easy frozen meals in the stash,, some nights you just don't feel like cooking, and we all like pizza. And its been hot here the past few days.. so this in a good choice for tonight. with cole slaw and sliced tomatoes

Chicken caesar salad. No bacon, no croutons, no extra parmesan, so basically a big bowl of lettuce with dressing and a chicken breast😑.

Day 7 Dinner

Plant- Based Burger Patty with baby tomato, organic pickles, onion on living butter lettuce. 1/2 cherry pop tart , decaf tea with almond milk.

Day 7
Hummus and small whole grain seeded crackers. Cherries.
Energy level. good. Not craving simple carbs. Water.

Lunch: Day7
Angel Hair Marinara with spinach and zucchini. Green salad, cup of vegetable soup
Water infused with lemon, watermelon and orange. Fresh Bing cherries (6)
Mom had tuna salad with vegan mayo, turnip and cabbage pureed, red pepper hummus, banana avocado pudding.

MaryBee, I started talking a Woman's Daily Multivitamin and Mineral formula and a Mega Food Vitamin D3 2000IU. I notice a difference, less fatigue.

JennaRose, I know spinach is very good for you, but I never liked the taste. Cream spinach sounds good, never made it, but would like to try it. Fresh steamed vegetables are great, I put a little lemon and pepper for taste. What is a roux sauce? Wonder if I can make the recipe with ground up tofu, would that work? Your dinner sounds so good.

For Mom I made Chicken ala King (I boil chic breasts, then grind chicken in food processor). I made a roux sauce and add chicken broth to that, then when thickened I add the ground up chicken and peas and carrots. Mom loves that.

For me I barbequed hamburgers and sausages last night. Today I will steam broccoli and cauliflower for myself.

The only dinner my Mom and I both eat is when I buy fresh Salmon. I also cream spinach for Mom. Easy for her to eat and healthy.

I'm also on a diet, low carb, high protein. I plan on exercising today and everyday to get some weight off. I like Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds DVD's.

Hello MaryBee, I do the same thing. I am cutting out sweets and bread for a start. Notice my energy is improving. Feel better. I am eating more fruits and vegetables, I started making oatmeal, blueberries and little banana, raisons and flax seed in the morning and I find it gives me more energy for the entire morning as well as feeling full. I am staying away from meat, eat salmon or fish once or twice a week, or no salt foods. For a treat when I am craving ice cream, I will reach for a fudge bar 100 calories. Once a week I will eat within reason what I want. I am losing weight slowly, lost 6 lbs so far. I try walking everyday, previous got too tired and out of breath, niece notice I am walking faster and not so short of breath, told me to slow down. For an afternoon snack, avocado with small whole grain crackers, piece of fresh fruit such as blueberry, strawberries or an apple with peanut butter or celery sticks. If I can do this anyone can!

Anyone have suggestions for food that gives you energy? I know exercise or a walk will help, but what about food? I get that afternoon slump like clockwork, and reach for caffeine or sugar (definitely something carb) to give me a lift, but of course that’s short lived and the sugar spike results in a sugar dive that makes you feel worse.... up for new ideas!

Day 7 Good morning everyone. Energy level good, slept well.
Crave for the morning.
Breakfast this am

Bob's Red Mill Buckwheat Whole Grain pancake with fresh blueberries, few slices banana and cinnamon, one teaspoon Vermont maple syrup, cup blueberry coffee with one teaspoon light cream.

Send: Hubby gets cut cheese from deli - so good - I have to watch that I don't eat the entire package. Lol.

Earlybird: Good for you! Got all my work done and now eating Panera salad at midnight.

workerbeet, I hear you. I crave sweets so much, I am like a kid when it comes to sweets. I am on a diet now and slowing taken myself off them. I do not want to become a diabetic , most family members are diabetic. My A1C was 5.9 and cholesterol was a little high recently. I am a little plump. Always been 120 lbs. most of my life, now struggling with weight gain since menopause. Finding eating fresh fruits and occasional sweet dessert that I like most is helpful. I do not feel that great after consuming them, though. I felt the difference with increase in energy since I started the diet 6 days ago. Stress will suppress your appetite sometimes. I do the opposite, and eat all the wrong foods when I am stressed. I just love comfort foods. I have been walking and notice an increase in my energy, was so tired and did not feel healthy. Hope your appetite will come back and you will start feeling better.

Speaking of food, I don't seem to have much of an appetite. I make sure my husband has three squares a day but nothing appeals....UNLESS there is sweetness involved. I know that it is probably stress related. I do have oatmeal or cheerios and a banana for breakfast every day. I think about protein shakes but I don't get around to actually opening the can.

Little sleep during night, but had a lot of energy. At 4 am swept hardwoods, kitchen and bath. Cut nails and polished, pedicure. made coffee, had Skinny popcorn.
Day 6
Fresh fruit, blueberries, watermelon and 1/4 banana. Vitamins
Energy level is improving. Appetite is less

Needed some comfort food. Had Mac n' Cheese.

Golden: Sounds yummy.

Earlybird: I hear you on sleep loss. Better last night. Hope you got some sleep.

Hamburger cooked up with lots of assorted vegges - zucchini, tomato, chayote, bell peppers, seasoned with taco mix and - tada - roasted slices of eggplant drizzled with olive oil and seasoned with garlic, salt, and pepper. I think it is my favourite to date. Very tasty!!!!

Day 5 cont. Took a walk in the park, more energy this afternoon.

Lunch and dinner

Bagel olive cream cheese. Water
1/2 scoop of orange sherbet, 1 1/2 Glazed and chocolate donut, 1/4 cup coffee
Tuna salad water

note : Nice lady at Duncan's gave me a large coffee instead of a small size and
extra donut. I could not resist. Need to do better.

Day 5 Tired today, did not sleep much.

Hummus roasted red pepper, celery and cucumber. Water.

earlybird: Good for you! My energy is totally zapped.

Dinner Day 4
Snack: Avocado spread with crispy whole grain toast 190calories
Walk around block, more energy today.
Turkey breast with herb-bread stuffing and vegetables.
Organic Cherry Pomegranate Toaster Pastry 200 calories
Glass of orange infused spring water.

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