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Go Earlybird! Dedication is paying off.

Day 4 lost 5lbs

Oatmeal with banana and blueberries

Potatoes, carrots, cabbage and turnip.
Green salad with red pepper, cucumber, radishes, blueberries, red onion, raw green cabbage, sprinkle lemon. Water with orange slice

Day 3
Took a walk today, it has been some time. Noticed a little more energy.
Boiled dinner minus the ham. Glass of lemon water

Green salad with lunch.

Day 3
Bowl blueberry oatmeal, with raisons and cinnamon. Water

Homemade vegetable soup, carrots, cabbage, broccoli and spinach
Fudge bar 100 calories


I did have fun! I also had some not so fun times...but I got to know some very fun and interesting people as well!😜

Oh but Shell, I bet you had fun! 😉

Grilled chicken and potatoes salad and grilled tomatoes.


I have had enough hangovers for you and about 4 or 5 other people. Now, all I ever drink is 1 glass of wine with dinner every now & then...drank like a fish in my 20's. Thank God those days are gone!!

Night Owl! I was too, and always wish I could vacuum, do laundry at the midnight hour. But it disturbs the other residents, and maybe the neighbors too.

Me too, if that, Gershun, Alcohol just doesn't do it for me, I enjoy a glass of some thing appropriate once in a while. I had a bottle of Bristol Cream that lasted 10 years. I take a sip, put the glass down and then forget I have it. I prefer my calories in other forms.

Re dieting, I have lost a few pounds. I have to eat low carb normally or I gain weight. Of course, I splurge sometimes (chocolate cheesecake anyone???). Depriving myself doesn't work.

I decided to eat more vegetables during the lock down and found roasted veggies are my faves. Meals, other than breakfast that work best for me are meat/fish/poultry and low carb veggies. I love a salad too but have to include protein of some kind. As we get older we need more protein, not less.

Now with all this talk of food, I am getting hungry!!!

I don't think I've ever been hung over to be honest. I think I've only gotten drunk maybe three or four times in my life. Never had a hangover that I know about. I've heard about them though. Doesn't sound fun.

I used to always make myself toast when I got home from a night of imbibing. :)

Gershun,, I always wanted tomato soup made with a can of milk when I was hung over! Good old Campbells in the can!

I always remember my older sister coming home drunk and cause I was a night owl I would still be up. We would make a pot of Kraft Dinner and eat it at 1:30am. LOL It was a regular thing we did.

Did you have to look that up Send? 😂🤪
(I'm kind of impressed you could find it)

KD in Canada:
Kraft Dinner - Notice that the product in Canada is actually called Kraft Dinner or KD for short and that is indicated on the packaging. That is because most Canadians can recognize a picture of macaroni with the trademark neon orange colouring without being told that it is macaroni and cheese.

I did very good up to now. I went out for seafood, had a delicious haddock toasted sandwich with red potato salad, slice of lemon meringue pie. I hope to do better tomorrow. It was yummy, though.

KD with a side of cottage cheese, and I'm waiting for the asparagus in my little counter-top oven to get done.
Oh yeah, there's a rhubarb pie in there too😉

Lunch day 2

Turkey burger with rosemary, fresh zucchini, yellow squash.

Thanks, Betty. It's not easy, Is It? Good luck with your diet. Have a good time at the party.

Day 2

Tuscan Tofu Scramble with red bell peppers, garlic, baby spinach, nutritional yeast, MatoZest and tomatoes and red onion. Side of blueberries. Infused water with blueberries and watermelon.

Earlybird, good on you!

My diet starts tomorrow... no really... Today is a family birthday so cake (of course), treats & a beverage (or 2).

I've set my alarm for an early walk (with the birds) tomorrow & by sheer will, I will somehow wake up a salad person too!!

earlybird: I am a salad person, too.

Chicken made in the slow cooker. Instead of adding a marinade, I poured in a can of beer. Chicken came out very tender and the house smells wonderful! Served with rolls and carrots.

Started my diet today. I am gaining too much weight, craving sweets, ice cream, pizza and bread.
Big green salad, cucumbers , tomatoes, radishes, blueberries, and red onion.
Skinny popcorn

Thank you earlybird- I will have to give it a try.

Glad to give you the recipe. Simple and delicious.

Meatless meatballs from Trader Joes. Frozen section 1pkg
1/2 medium onion chopped
Bells Seasoning to taste.
dash pepper.
Add warm water enough to make it moist and hold together. and mix together
grease loaf pan with olive oil, mold like a loaf.
Bake 350 one hour middle rack. Bake potatoes bottom rack same time

Earlybird- I would like your veggie meatloaf recipe.

They had Venison Sweedish meatballs and rice, roasted parmesean garlic brocolli, and brussel sprouts. Cherry cobbler for desert.

I had everything but the meatballs. :)

I never thought of meatballs in cream soup,, but it sounds kind of good. We are having roasted fresh baby asparagus.. finger food at its finest!

That sounds real yummy!!  I wish your BIL & SIL  have safe trip and a awesome time with there grand daughter.  Haven't decided what to have for dinner yet?
Maybe I will have a salad . getting hungry now.  LOL
You take care of yourself !!

God Bless:):):):)

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