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Poached red salmon with fresh lemon, roasted fingerling potatoes with rosemary and olive oil, carrots and peas. Homemade banana bread.

Need: You're welcome!

Our daughter scored a 22 ounce aged steak at the grocery store for $1.29! There was only one to be had!

A $16.00 rib eye steak, yes just one, and an artichoke, tomatoes.

At least the steak was big enough there are probably a couple of lunches too.

Tuna ceasar salad and artichokes.

95° degrees, so something cold was needed.

Barb, your meal sounds delish.

From scratch minestrone, macaroni with cheese and pesto; danish blue on bread for those of us who like that sort of thing.

Grilled Chicken and salad!

I am a sucker for a roast! 😋

God Bless You both Glad, NHWM!

We are having Pot Roast, with carrots and baby potatoes. It smells wonderful! Must be a roast kind of night.. Its been rainy and gray here all day.

Roast, mashed potatoes, carrots, turnip and cabbage. No dessert today.


Yeah, they are young. They are active. My daughter is very social. You’re right. They are feeling like a fish out of water right now.

Thanks, I feel better making the masks. It’s only a small help but it’s something. I feel so badly for our doctors, nurses, law enforcement, etc. They are worn out. They work so hard.

Bless you for the mask making. My daughter's job interview was cancelled too. Your daughter is not alone having her life on hold, although it must feel that way. Especially for normally very social young people.

A friend's son was struggling with this 'iso life'. He joined some international chat line where anyone can call up to have a chat if bored, lonely etc. He is really enjoying chatting to all sorts of people, ages, jobs, nationalities.

Spinach enchiladas sound yummy!

Thanks, Llama. Dinner was quick tonight! Hahaha I am making my masks out of high count cotton as suggested and fun prints.

My youngest daughter is such a diva! She asked for extra masks for her friends. So, I made them.

I already made my daughter two mask. She is now saying she wants a couple more of them. She knows how long I have been sewing for others who need them.

I think she just wants to get mail to feel a connection. So, I will mail a couple more to her. She said she misses us. She misses going to her classes. She misses her friends, her job and activities. She’s upset because her flight was canceled to Denver for job interviews after graduation.

She called the other day, upset and crying about all of this. She is used to being in the thick of things. She’s having a tough time quarantining.

I wasn’t sure how to handle it. I tried to comfort her. I think it’s upsetting her more than I realized.

She made a telehealth appointment with a therapist to try and talk it out.

Glad and Need: God bless you both for sewing masks! Glad, love Amy's products! Need, your dinner sounds yummy!

Just heard a bit on the news, now an elastic shortage. I am sewing masks too and fortunate I have about 13 yards of 1/8" elastic, from who knows what, years ago.

Amy's frozen spinach enchilada dinner. Pretty good.

I have been sewing masks all day! Every time I think I am done I get another text or call asking for more. I’m taking a break! Will get back to it tomorrow.

Anyway, I was tired so I cooked something easy for dinner, mushroom omelette, toast with raspberry preserves.


Bread pudding is definitely one of our favorite desserts.

I will try to post it as closely as I can. It’s a combination of my grandma, mom’s and mother in law’s recipe. LOL. You know how we become dump and pour cooks and no longer need recipes once we learn to cook.

It was hard getting a recipe from grandma and mom when I was learning to cook. I had to watch closely and ask them to measure ingredients as they went along.

I never get upset if someone tweaks my recipes but I love if they share it with me so I can try it too!

I took what I liked from each of them and combined them for my bread pudding. My daughters and hubby say that I tweaked it to perfection!

That’s the fun part of cooking, making something your own. Eh, I am a purist with certain things but not everything. I love to see how everyone cooks. I love to follow other people’s ideas but also add my own magic at times!

I am sewing masks at the moment. But as soon as I can I will.

NeedHelpWithMom, Can you post the recipe for New Orleans bread pudding. It sounds so yummy. I just love bread pudding. Thanks!

U r welcome Shell. So glad that you enjoyed them.

What a wonderful dinner Shell~steak with mushrooms,Yum!
We're having pork chops and applesauce here at our house.
Wish I could trade ya~

Grilled stuff NY Strip (stuff w/mushrooms) with tomato jam and baked potatoes and roasted cauliflower.

Thank you Isthisrealyreal! We loved your Roasted Cauliflower. My SO would not stop eating it! He wants me to make more! LOL💜

ITRR - I love Pho noodle soup.

Homemade Pho'.

Green onions
Purple onion
Bean sprouts
Beef broth
Oh yea, a squeeze of lime

Finished off with chili oil, soy sauce and a bit of hoisin.

Pizza with green pepper, garden salad with homemade thousand Island dressing, homemade chocolate pudding with lite whip cream.

We had most of a Costco chicken ( hubs went 2 days ago,, first time in 2 months) and tonight he is making a chicken and stuffing casserole. It smells wonderful! He has taken over most of the cooking since he retired.. and he is good at it! I do the baking..


Sorry that I am now just answering your question!

As you know you can not use BV in Cole Slaw, but you can use it in a Slaw! I don't know what kind of BV my chef friends use and I don't think it matters, what does matter is the veggies you use.

To make a Slaw and it dressing here is one of my favorites...

Your going to make a basic Vinaigrette:
Mix together EVOO, BV, one clove of Garlic diced (optional) 1tsp Dijon Mustard (more or less depending on your taste) and a half of a orange (optional) and Sea Salt (to taste). You can add black pepper, but Arugula has a pepper taste therefore I don't add pepper.

Now veggies: cut your veggies the way you would for Cole Slaw.

Cabbage (red or green) I like green!
Green apple

You can add carrots and any other leafy veggie you want.

I must warn you I never measure anything! I just eyeball and taste it as I go!

I hope this helps!😜


I'm sorry that you can't get Chinese food...that sucks!😯

No idea what that was that I cooked last night. It looked so very good! Hubs made the rice for it.
We do not salt our food as much as is possible now, but it was without the flavor to match, and we both ate it all! Too much!

I wanted Chinese take out, but all of them in our area have been closed since the end of March.

Since last night's snack was an entire bag of potato chips (I was having a bad day, alright?) tonight's dinner will be lean cuisine chicken parmesan with a side of veggies.

Chinese take out

Thanks Golden,

That sounds really good.

I do a similar dish only with green beans and potatoes. Great way to use the left over mashed potatoes.

I will have to try yours over rice.

We eats loads of rice, just not in dishes. I usually use noodles when I am doing an all in one dish. We love goulash and that tends to be what I default to when making a simple, large dish.

Trying really hard to mix things up.

We did a tuna caesar salad for lunch. I think we have been missing out.

So much good coming from the need to make do and use it up.

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