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Sounds yummy, Golden. Roasting vegetables brings out a wonderful flavor.

The last of the pork loin roast with homemade apple cinnamon slices. A few fresh raspberries and a little mint chocolate for dessert.

It's the after dinner which is daunting this evening. I had groceries delivered and ended up with a sink full of bell peppers and zucchini. Last time it was celery. I know the best thing to do with the peppers is to cut them in strips and freeze them for use later when cooking. I suppose that would work for the zucchini too, chunks, or slices. I'll bake the spaghetti squash, pull out the flesh and freeze it for later use, and roast the cauliflower tomorrow, maybe with the asparagus. That leaves salad makings and mushrooms. Should work!!!

A mystery dinner is being prepared by very bored vegetarian daughter.


Do you make soups? I love making soups. Comforting to me.


I love Cream of Broccoli soup. It is one of my favorites. Now, I want some.

It’s Good Friday so we will be eating very little. Fasting from meat.

Probably a vegetable soup or hummus and pita bread.

Chicken noodle soup with vegetables, cucumber/tomato salad Made own soup stock since we can't readily go to the store. Last week made chicken/veg soup and thought I'd be adventuresome by adding a jar of Alfredo Sauce. I used fresh cauliflower, cabbage, carrots. celery. That would be the 5C soup if you count the Alfredo Sauce as cheese. My husband couldn't get enough - something different and yet good with the few cool days left of Spring.

Turkey Pot Pie, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, homemade chocolate chip oatmeal cookies with walnuts.

Cream of broccoli soup. Yummy! There's something so soothing about cooking a pot of soup.

Shell: I want a piece of that yummy blueberry pie.💞 Sounds so good.

Panera salad rapid pickup. Contactless - they use a tray to bring it to your auto window.

Grilled rib eye with roasted peppers, grilled asparagus with onion and garlic and roasted potatoes.

Sirloin steak with sauteed onions & mushrooms and pasta. And a piece of blueberry pie.

Lentil soup.

I think that should be fruit spring rolls. 😉

Bridger, what is rools fruit salad please?

Crockpot roast with carrots. Mashed potatoes and gravy Homemade Rools Fruit salad for dessert.

We ordered take out from dinosaur BBQ. We had bbq ribs for dinner.

We did a super easy dinner tonight. Eggs and toast.

Boiled chicken dinner with baby carrots and new potatoes:(

I want what earlybird had!!

My stomach growled when I read that earybird. Yum indeed.

Roast beef, with creamy pan gravy, mashed potatoes and sweet carrots. Homemade old fashioned banana bread with walnuts. Yum!

Stuffed Gulf shrimp with blue crab meat. Salad


I love Kevin! He does have a fun personality. Hahaha, he is not health conscious but he is a sweetheart.

NHWM- I recently found a New Orleans chef show on TV and YouTube. His name is Kevin Belton, a really funny guy. All his dishes look really good, although not the most healthy dishes. Have you heard of him? Love his shows.

Grilled shrimp and a salad.

It is really important for everyone to read ingredients on labels because the packaging can be very deceiving. It’s all about marketing and sales!

My kids used to complain about it taking longer to shop because I read the labels. We have to. We have to stay on top of ingredients used.

Thanks TN for sharing about Agave. Always something new to learn.

I always think about how our grandparents and generations before ate. They ate ‘real’ food, not all this processed food or fast food.

Everything was from scratch. I prefer cooking from scratch. It taste better and is healthier for us. As far as cost goes, buy less of better quality ingredients. Americans overeat!

Look at our restaurant portions. They are huge. My husband and I frequently share a meal.

If I order a meal for myself I can usually eat on it for three days!

TN: Wow - I recall seeing Agave syrup in Panera Bread next to the iced tea huge containers. Never knew it wasn't good for people. Thanks for sharing about it.

Chicken cordon bleu with boiled potatoes and roasted celery!

Thanks Golden for your roasted celery! Yummy 😋

Agave is one of the controversial natural sweeteners. It tastes sweeter than cane sugar (so you can use less) but also has a high fructose level. Many people recommend honey over agave as a natural sweetener. Stevia is also a natural sweetener, but it is non-caloric and doesn't produce sugar alcohols. Splenda is more processed. I like to use honey for a natural sweetener because it also helps with allergies.

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