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It is sad. People are getting health issues at younger ages. Diabetes complicates everything. What do you think? There is a lot of research going on in the field. Do you think we are close to a cure for diabetes?

I have not trie Stevia or Splenda. My daughter uses it. I think she uses Agave. Is that a sweetener? I hear her talk about that too. I got used to no sweetener in coffee and tea. I use sweetener in oatmeal. I put a tablespoon of maple syrup.

I use splenda and stevia to sweeten my tea and coffee since diabetes runs in our family too. I know there are some health concerns over the use of artificial sweeteners but it's difficult to come up with possible repercussions greater than the impact of diabetes so I have chosen to use the sweeteners. One younger cousin who didn't believe in using artificial sweeteners developed diabetes in his 30s.

I used to add sugar. I stopped drinking sugar and now I like the clean taste of the tea or coffee without sugar.

My dad had diabetes and I guess I started thinking about not consuming a lot of sugar.

Need: Iced tea is so good. It is very southern. I prefer mine with sugar.


Love iced tea. It’s extremely southern! But I don’t like ‘sweet’ tea. I don’t put sugar in it.

Need: My husband and I are big iced tea drinkers. Well, him more than me. I never actually finish any liquid in a 24 hour period! Green tea IS good!


I am a huge coffee drinker but I like tea in the evening to unwind with. So, I drink herbal tea in the evening.

If I drink tea in the daytime I will drink a caffeinated black tea, all kinds. I frequently buy Twinnings. I do like green tea once in awhile too.

I don’t ever use sugar in tea or coffee. Every now and then I will put honey in tea.

Thanks for your suggestions. I will try them.

We had meatloaf, steamed broccoli, salad, and garlic bread. In answer to the tea question from about 25 minutes ago: I'm also a tea drinker, mostly herbal teas. I haven't had Celestial Seasonings in a while. Twinnings is a good tea and has some great flavors. Harney & Sons Pure Wild Honeybush and African Autumn are my current favorites.

Hamburgers with sauteed onions and homemade fries.


I'm with your neighbor; I need to get my hair done. It is driving me crazy, but for now, I just clip it up on my head so I don't have to deal with it. My hair is long and has dead ends and the gray is showing, which is making me look order then what I am! 😡

What other teas are soothing and relaxing in the evening besides Celestial Seasons, Sleepytime? I like Sleepytime but want to try something new.

Anyone else like the packaging of Celestial Seasons tea? It’s so pretty! I saw their story once in a documentary. Interesting company. Good tea and marketing, right?

I made spinach lasagna. I don’t eat a meat everyday. I always alternate with a few veggie options during the week.

I actually like spinach lasagna, eggplant lasagna, mixed vegetables lasagna or a seafood lasagna as much as one made with meat.

I treat myself occasionally when dining out. Not doing any of that now. It’s all about our ‘stay at home’ regulations now. I am missing going to my favorite coffee shop to meet friends. Oh well...that is a small thing. We have to focus on the big picture now.

I find lots of people find themselves thinking about the little things. That’s what they seem to miss the most. Hahaha, one of my neighbors called me to say that she can’t wait to go to the hair salon and get her hair colored and cut. She says she doesn’t want to look like an old hag with long stringy hair.

Geeeeez, I told her to pin her hair up. This woman is a bit vain. She also wants to get her manicure and pedicure.

I need a haircut too but it can wait. Not trying to cut it myself because I am not good at that. I couldn’t even trim my kids bangs without getting them crooked!

Making a big pot of homemade Italian wedding soup

Freezing is the best way to deal with a large batch of anything.

I do that intentionally when I make sauces or roast chilis, that way I can pull out in the am and have for dinner or stick in the fridge for tomorrow.

I have prepared and planned dinner only to serve something else.

Bolognese sauce sounds yummy!

The problem with making a big batch of something is that now you are stuck with it. I made a big pot of bolognese sauce for spaghetti that I figured could be easily transformed into
1/minestrone soup (add veggies and beef broth)
2/chili (add beans and adjust seasoning)
but now I find myself not wanting any of that. Oh well, I guess I could always freeze it.

Thank you Llama! Avatars are fun, and I like to change them frequently.

NHWM, Yes I have a juicer, but I hate to clean it that often. There is always this nagging feeling I get to thinking, shouldn't I be using all that fiber to make something. Like carrot cake? Then, if I have a nice supply of organic celery, I am always stealing it for tuna sandwiches or macaroni salad. The celery juice is for first thing in the morning, but I want my coffee first thing. If only all our problems were this small, yeah, right? The Panasonic juicer is actually easy to clean.

I do use a piece of apple in the carrot juice. Tastes good.


Yummy soup! Thanks for being a wonderful nurse in this difficult time 💗.


Celery, apple and carrot together is yummy. I get this at my organic health food restaurant near me. Great drink! I forgot about juicing celery. I do not own a juicer. Do you? I order it out.

Smoked pork loin, smoked burgers, hotdogs and brats.

Working all week means I do the menu on the weekend or do take out. I prefer to prepare meat and then I can put a meal on the table in 15 minutes for lunch and dinner all week. Yea!

Thank you smeshque for the smoked hotdogs idea, they are really delicious and I am thinking pretty versatile.

sendhelp: Great new Avatar! So cute and perfect for these times!😐😄

Gpickles: Your soup sounds so wonderful - a real comfort food and God bless you for aiding in your father's dental health like that. God bless him, too!

Bridger: Yum! Sounds so good.

Pork roast, sauerkraut, baked apples.

Homemade cream of potato, broccoli, spinach and cheese soup. Very hearty and healthy. I used frozen vegetables. My Father has only a few teeth left and I usually grind or chop up his food. This was a yummy dinner. I am a caregiver at home and I am a nurse overseeing a total of 60 residents in assisted living. Home and work and that is it. Take care all.

Myownlife: Spaetzle noodles are SO yummy!

Last night, a pork chop baked in Shake N Bake and some Spatzles (German noodles) with butter and salt, and of course a glass of wine!

Lime juice could be a good addition if anyone is juicing celery to detox.
The taste of pure organic celery juice is ok, sometimes good to me.
I do not do that often, but when I did, I lost 5 lbs. in a week because I wasn't even hungry until 2 p.m.
Juicing an entire bunch of celery gets one maybe 8 oz. ?
I could never drink the recommended 16 oz. first thing in the morning. I am just not that into extreme health fads, but I did try it.

My last post on celery - I promise!!!🥬 😁

I just added a splash of lime juice and it balanced out the flavours well. Mushrooms would work with the bok choy and celery, I think, but I would leave out the ginger for that combo.

This is a propos my, can't call it a resolution, but at least a serious intention, to eat more veggies during this covid crisis, and, hopefully afterwards, They are good for the immune system. and other things.

Thanks, Boni. Your recipe sounds wonderful. Since my husband stopped eating (actually eating a meal, as he is on hospice, cannot walk and is on O2), I don't eat either. Your post brought this to my attention. At best, I will eat a baked potato. I just cannot see cooking any meats, because I do not eat very much anyway. He will eat an egg on toast, given that I feed it to him; some soup or a sandwich.
I will not throw away any more food. Everything I order on line is not good, I don't care what it is or where I buy it from.
Thank you for posting.

whiz - so glad you are tech savvy. Not many seniors your age can use computers.
BIL is brother in law
SIL can be either son in law or sister in law
MIL, FIL = mother and father in law
SO - significant other
DD- dear daughter
DS - dear son

Younger person. Senior Senior here . Who or what are BIL and SIL

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