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Hi all, I haven't read all the posts, but just popped in to tell everyone about my new favorite pasta sauce! One of my clients introduced me to it, and oh wow, it's awesome! I don't know if it's readily available everywhere, but it's made by Mezzetta, and they have several flavors available. The straight Marinara is delicous! I used to prefer making my own sauce and freezing or canning it, but not anymore! This stuff is like having your Italian grandmother cook for you all day. Yum!

So for dinner, it's tortellini with Mezzetta Marinara!

Home alone today for most of the day! So I was able to cook without "help", Turned leftover Costco chicken into chicken corn soup and enchiladas! Plus made a big salad.. so I am set for working the next 3 days, and hubs has food too! Mom comes home Mon, and he will cook something then

Diced chicken pasta salad with boiled egg to stretch it longer. Poached chicken breasts in the crockpot and used later...

Here you go Ali - and I'd better immediately acknowledge that I pinched this shamelessly from a website called, for some reason, thekitchn. Note: all salt is kosher, no matter what your local beth din would have you believe (and pay extra for). I think what they mean is koshering salt, which is the coarse type used for preparing meat, so I can't see why you couldn't just use sea salt or pickling salt, whatever's easiest to get your paws on.

How To Make Homemade Sauerkraut in a Mason Jar
Makes 1 to 1 1/2 quarts

What You Need
1 medium head green cabbage (about 3 pounds)
1 1/2 tablespoons kosher salt
1 tablespoon caraway seeds (optional, for flavor)
Cutting board
Chef's knife
Mixing bowl
2-quart wide-mouth canning jar (or two-quart mason jars)
Canning funnel (optional)
Smaller jelly jar that fits inside the larger mason jar
Clean stones, marbles, or other weights for weighing the jelly jar
Cloth for covering the jar
Rubber band or twine for securing the cloth
Clean everything: When fermenting anything, it's best to give the good, beneficial bacteria every chance of succeeding by starting off with as clean an environment as possible. Make sure your mason jar and jelly jar are washed and rinsed of all soap residue. You'll be using your hands to massage the salt into the cabbage, so give those a good wash, too.

Slice the cabbage: Discard the wilted, limp outer leaves of the cabbage. Cut the cabbage into quarters and trim out the core. Slice each quarter down its length, making 8 wedges. Slice each wedge crosswise into very thin ribbons.

Combine the cabbage and salt: Transfer the cabbage to a big mixing bowl and sprinkle the salt over top. Begin working the salt into the cabbage by massaging and squeezing the cabbage with your hands. At first it might not seem like enough salt, but gradually the cabbage will become watery and limp — more like coleslaw than raw cabbage. This will take 5 to 10 minutes. If you'd like to flavor your sauerkraut with caraway seeds, mix them in now.

Pack the cabbage into the jar: Grab handfuls of the cabbage and pack them into the canning jar. If you have a canning funnel, this will make the job easier. Every so often, tamp down the cabbage in the jar with your fist. Pour any liquid released by the cabbage while you were massaging it into the jar. Optional: Place one of the larger outer leaves of the cabbage over the surface of the sliced cabbage. This will help keep the cabbage submerged in its liquid.

Weigh the cabbage down: Once all the cabbage is packed into the mason jar, slip the smaller jelly jar into the mouth of the jar and weigh it down with clean stones or marbles. This will help keep the cabbage weighed down, and eventually, submerged beneath its liquid.

Cover the jar: Cover the mouth of the mason jar with a cloth and secure it with a rubber band or twine. This allows air to flow in and out of the jar, but prevents dust or insects from getting into the jar.

Press the cabbage every few hours: Over the next 24 hours, press down on the cabbage every so often with the jelly jar. As the cabbage releases its liquid, it will become more limp and compact and the liquid will rise over the top of the cabbage.

Add extra liquid, if needed: If after 24 hours, the liquid has not risen above the cabbage, dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of water and add enough to submerge the cabbage.

Ferment the cabbage for 3 to 10 days: As it's fermenting, keep the sauerkraut away from direct sunlight and at a cool room temperature — ideally 65°F to 75°F. Check it daily and press it down if the cabbage is floating above the liquid.

Because this is a small batch of sauerkraut, it will ferment more quickly than larger batches. Start tasting it after 3 days — when the sauerkraut tastes good to you, remove the weight, screw on the cap, and refrigerate. You can also allow the sauerkraut to continue fermenting for 10 days or even longer. There's no hard-and-fast rule for when the sauerkraut is "done" — go by how it tastes.

While it's fermenting, you may see bubbles coming through the cabbage, foam on the top, or white scum. These are all signs of a healthy, happy fermentation process. The scum can be skimmed off the top either during fermentation or before refrigerating. If you see any mold, skim it off immediately and make sure your cabbage is fully submerged; don't eat moldy parts close to the surface, but the rest of the sauerkraut is fine.

Store sauerkraut for several months: This sauerkraut is a fermented product so it will keep for at least two months and often longer if kept refrigerated. As long as it still tastes and smells good to eat, it will be. If you like, you can transfer the sauerkraut to a smaller container for longer storage.

I worked til 11 pm and had Raisin Bran -

I recommend poaching salmon the Norwegian way with white vinegar and making a side sauce of sour cream, mayonnaise and dill pickles

please stop eating at gas stations - lol

Does your grocery store carry bubbies pickles and sauerkraut ? Chilled near the hot dogs usually - Might be a better choice than the gas station variety - just say'n 😝

Sauerkraut only counts if it is not cooked pasteurized or canned, which is not the way 90% of it is eaten. And it is also incredibly high in sodium. (I love it anyway)

I'm thinking about ways to put more fermented food and drink in my diet, to see if the effect of the probiotics are as good as some people seem to claim, so I stopped by gas station and got a plain hotdog loaded down with sauerkraut. I don't think I'm doing this "fermented foods for health reasons" thing right. It's tasty enough but I also wouldn't be surprised if I ended up with food poisoning... which isn't very healthy.

TG, is your recipe available? We're having salmon tonight as well.

I just bought a crock pot; haven't had one since the early 80's, so need to get back in the groove!

Sounds great Tgenine! We are having salmon patties and mac and cheese... I texted daughter and she is making Salmon also... great minds think alike!

Made a lasagna and a Shepards pie last week. Cut them into individual sizes and froze them. Grab and go for the wife's lunch bag and easy quick dinners when I am not home. Used leftover garlic mashed potatoes for the pie, yum.

Crock Pot! Mexican chicken with green chili rice. So easy and smells great in the kitchen this AM. I am working late today so dinner will be ready for whom ever is around and hopefully will be some when I get home. Will be doing more crock pot diners this year. Need one for tomorrow as it will be another late night for work.

Eggplant parmigiana tonite!

Send raspberries on cottage cheese sounds good, I had canned mandarin oranges on mine.

Grab a quesadilla on the way home, buying a salad for later, I just cannot cook.
But finally went to the grocery on Friday night-there is nothing I want to prepare, I really can't even force myself. So tomorrow is raspberries on cottage cheese, and Lactaid.

Mom wanted to go to Knott's berry farm for chicken dinner - one of her favorite things to do
Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, Cabbage,rhubarb, biscuits and boysenberry jam

Taco said
Sometimes I fall apart 🌮🌮

I've been eating mostly delivery from local inexpensive "Mexican" (that's in quotes because they have all kinds of food...) restaurant just a quarter mile away from new place. I have yet to go grocery shopping and the kitchen's still mostly a mess so I don't want to make my own food here yet. Spinach salad, Greek salad, chopped salad, gyro, hot dog and fries, super nachos, al pastor tortas, gyros... That's most of what I've been eating lately. Oh, and the eggs with jalapeños, onion, tomato, with side of rice and beans. Not bad stuff. It's a little indulgent to have them making all my food lately, not too mention unnecessary calories, but it's not pricey and it's one less thing I have to do. This way, I'll get my faves picked out for future ordering, too. ;-) The Greek salad and nachos are already on the NOPE list but everything else has been pretty good.  Portions are a good size for not much money.  

Madge ~ "EAT ME" ? lol

What did the taco say?

Was happy to see chef Guy Fieri was out making comfort food for the victims of the devastating wildfires in California wine country

Most of those that lost their lives were elderly

Charles Schulz' (Snoopy) homestead was lost too

Last night a quarter pounder BLT w/o the bun, cheese, or sauce, and a order of fries. I don't have fast food often so I enjoyed it thoroughly. I have some chicken thighs marinating in lemon and olive oil so that will be dinner today.

I'm back from visiting family and even though it is still morning and dinner is a long way off I am contemplating the downside of abdicating the responsibility of hosting the holiday feast.... no leftovers :'(

To all the Canadians on this board. Happy Thanksgiving! Going for a turkey dinner tonight.


Spaghetti, green beans and garlic bread

I need some mint chip ice cream now

LOL, I'm with you guys pancakes sound good anytime. It was Vietnamese noodles tonight with spring rolls and beef. I didn't have it in me to make my beef tacos, maybe tomorrow.

Cause pancakes at IHop are always good. If you don't mind waiting I'll hop on a jet and be there in a few hours. :)

Why does pancakes at IHop sound good right now?

I want stew and dumplings reminds me off my dad :)

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