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Baked haddock in bite size pieces last night for Fish tacos, didn't even know it was Taco day?

Finally over the cold! Had half an Italian sandwich for dinner, chicken and provolone cheese. It was good. But I have a craving for Mexican, so maybe it will be taco Thursday for me.

I can understand why everyone wants to live at TG's house, if I only knew his address I could be parked on his doorstep in time for dinner tomorrow...😁😁

Send, the sautéed onions and mushrooms were all around the sautéed chickpeas, so it all held together well enough. Plus it was trapped inside a rolled up tortilla.

Tgengine, love this chicken recipe. I like easy, tasty, one-dish meals.

Made chicken corn soup with leftover roasted chicken from Sunday. Big ole pot of it. Will go well in the cooler nights. Made some chicken in a white wine sauce, so easy and quick. Slice chicken breast thinly, tenderize, season flour, dredge the chicken in the flour put in a saute pan, once cooked add some butter then white wine to d-glaze and thicken, add some capers and put over rice. So fast and easy. One pan meal (2 with the rice). We added some frozen peas to it right before serving to get some veggies in it.

No dinner for me tonight as I worked late and now my stomach is growling - 1:00 am and mom's caregiver just texted that her new roomie is up packing and ready to leave 🙄

Do you mash or squish the garbonzo beans at all? Seems like they would be rolling around a bit otherwise?

Going to make 4 chocolate chip cookies from a refrigerator package, getting up after midnight is going to be productive for me. That double-double and fries was too filling for dessert earlier. Have to make some for hubs, in case I disturb him.

MsMadge, Glad you are eating well! Keep your strength up, your stress low.

4 each.

I was feeling like a tasty, hot meal, but didn't have any meat. I sautéed mushrooms, onions, and canned garbanzos/chickpeas in a skillet, then put them on a whole wheat flour tortilla with a sprinkle of feta cheese and rolled it up and ate it. It was tasty! I'd make it again. And it was super easy to make.

I'd rather have In N Out. :-( People in Chicago are calling for In N Out to get a store here lol. It would probably be packed all day and night, like some of the more desirable hot dog joints here are, too.

In ' n Out and a slice of cherry pie

Garden Artist,
Checked on the fall arrivals of your cranberry and orange relish at
trader joes.
It is coming in closer to thanksgiving, a temporary seasonal favorite-don't miss it!

Lemon water, Yes CDN! Everyone should try building their immunity for the coming flu season.

Ate the pumpkin and pecan oatmeal yesterday. Would prefer some pumpkin pie, my favorite at costco.

I'm hungry and I want something good to eat but I better go give mom that slice of pumpkin pie and whipped cream I promised her
Gotta love Sprout's $4.99 pies

Dear luckylu,

The potato and cheese dish sounds good. I need to adopt your mindset and just go with it.:-)

I've never tried beans and toast either.

Still fighting this cold so maybe some lemon water for dinner.

cwillie, Iv'e never heard of having beans on toast,but my parent's said they survived on chipped beef on toast when they first got married and they called it s#@t on a shingle.

Today I'm having beans on toast for lunch and then rushing over to the NH to check out their "Goodbye Summer Social" at 2:00, I'll have to get there right after lunch before they put mom to bed for the afternoon. It will be interesting to see if they have made any accommodations for residents like my mom.

Had chicken fajitas last night, quick and easy. Chicken, onions, green peppers and mushrooms. Made some rice. pulled dads corn out of the trash yesterday. He got mad because I took it out of the fridge (6 ears in a bag) because there was no room. Funny, I dont see a refrigeration section in many corn fields. So he threw the bag in the trash. I took it out right after he left. So I made his corn on the cob last night. Not a word of thanks or anything... that is all he ate, just 3 ears...... not the rest of the dinner I made..... He is like a child these days.........
Maybe I will make a lasagna today...

I like to "concoct" things in the kitchen and see how it turns out and I like it when we can't get out in nasty weather and I just have to go through the cupboards and see what I can pull together....sometimes.
Last night,we had a potluck dinner at the church and I was running out of time and couldn't make a trip to the grocery store for ingredients,so I looked in the frig to see if I had enough eggs to make deviled eggs,but I didn't and then I saw a big bag of red potatoes.I boiled the whole bag fast,chopped 'em up,and put 'em in a pyrex with American cheese on top but the cheese wouldn't melt,so I stole the bag of cheese out of the macaroni and cheese box,squirted it on,stirred it up and baked it at 425* fast and it worked and the church people almost ate the whole dish.

Cwillie, I agree about the fried chicken! Remember the Frydaddy and Frybaby.. They were like crockpots. That oil got nasty, and we no longer eat that way either. Our local little grocery makes the best fried chicken,, we just buy it there once in awhile.. it's one food mom will eat! Oh yeah, she will eat anything fried..

Lucky, I think I'm am a good, practical cook who can turn the cheapest items and leftovers into dinner, but since I'm not feeding a houseful of hungry young men anymore I've gotten out of practice.
I've tried fried chicken, but I've found it is a lot of fuss, and mess, for something that is easily available and usually done better in restaurants and fast food outlets. Also we're not supposed to eat that way very often, so it just isn't worth it to me to invest in a deep fryer, and what do you do with all the leftover oil?

cwillie,You sound like a great cook with a lot of experience. Do you ever make fried chicken? I never have because I hear it's tricky.
Tonight,were having breakfast for dinner.Cheap and easy and yummy....and mainly, I have all the ingredients and it's the end of the month.

Pound those chicken breasts so they are an even thickness and get them into a brine, TG. (1/4 cup salt, 1/4 cup sugar, 4 cups water, herbs&spices) If your weather is good I would do them on the bbq, along with the corn. If you add in a tossed salad and maybe baked potato (get them started in the microwave and finish on the bbq) you shouldn't need anything more. Well, maybe a nice dessert?

Made shepherds pie the other night to use up the huge amount of garlic mashed potatoes (wife made too many). Used half for my 87 yo neighbor since she does not eat well and half for us last night. Just did not feel like cooking another night. When I am in the mood I get 4 lbs of ground beef and make meatballs (freeze them for later dinners) and shepherds pie (half for freezing). Love my vacuum sealer. Dad went and got corn and dropped it on the counter expecting us to cook it. He knows I am not a fan (grew up in the middle of corn fields and my city wife OD'd me in the first year of marriage with corn every night.) So now I am supposed to cook corn on the cob tonight.
Dinner tonight............ I'm thinking chicken apparently will go with corn........... need some ideas for chicken breast........

1 large fresh lemon
1 large tablespoonful of honey, Manuka if you've got it
Brandy ad lib.

Squeeze the lemon into a mug. Stir in the honey. Top up with boiling water and stir. Add brandy to taste. Sip and gargle alternately. Stagger to bed and sleep tight.

I spoke too soon. I was hit with a cold on Monday. I did try my mom's remedy of coke and lemon but it didn't seem to do anything but keep me awake! And then I read I'm suppose to add ginger to it as well. I am trying that tonight.:-) Colds are just the worst.

LOL - I don't blame you cwillie. I hope the tea and whiskey helped and you are feeling better.

Another cooking class tonight. Its healthy cooking how to make dishes with low sodium and fats! If all else fails I am picking up a pizza.:-)

Send they have the liners at the grocery store and Wally world too, about $3 a box. In with the paper goods/ foil stuff.

Boiling the cola? Hm, I like the whiskey idea better LOL

Hope you feel better Cwillie! My mother also likes to boil some coca cola and lemon together for colds. Some people swear by it, so maybe it might help. Take care my friend.

Excellent idea, MsMadge, yum! Only it's a quarter to nine in the morning here... whiskey for medicinal purposes, maybe?

Put some whiskey in that hot tea and lemon

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