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Thank you Pammzi!
It took this long to register what a crockpot liner would be.
Will be looking for that on Amazon.
Thanks for your excellent advice!

Cwillie, Really, hoping that you get better soon. We found Zinc to ward off the soon and coming cold/flu season. Glad that you are keeping your symptoms at home.

Have some tea with lemon.

Peanut butter, apple butter on a piece of toast?
Apricot jam on a saltine cracker?
An entire bottle of nyquil?

Is your avatar Sneezy or Grumpy? I have just the thing!
Feed a cold, starve a fever!
Or is it, starve a cold, feed a fever?
Oh, I know, Carve a chicken, feed the dwarf!

Don't you have a nice bit of sausage in the freezer you could boil?

Hi Send and Ali,

I'm with you guys the preparation and clean up is not my favorite part. Send, hope the chicken was good.

Hi Cwillie,

Hope you feel better soon.

Hi Luckylu,

Glad you are trying to make your mom's delicious recipes. I think that is a wonderful way to honor our parents.

I have no idea what to have for dinner tonight. I might have to head out and grab something.:-)

cwillie...Sorry you aren't feeling well. How about a popcicle?Smash 'em up and eat 'em with a fork.That's good.if you like slushes and want something cold and sweet or a 7-up or gingerale with saltines or some mashed potatoes or custard.You will feel better if you get Something down the hatch. I sure hope you get better SOON~
And Ali,I am going to check into those cooking classes.That would be fun to me,but in the meantime I'm still trying to whip up some of the dishes Mother cooked that we had growing up.
My brother said it is Mom's fault that he is so fat.because she made such tasty food.

Oh, and our community college has lots of cooking classes in their adult education section of the catalog.. one night classes for a reasonable price.

Send I love my crockpots ( yep,, plural) and I am a huge fan of the crockpot liners. NO mess to clean up,,, just pull and toss! I've never had any problem with them at all. Cwillie I love a grilled cheese and soup for quick comfort food. Tonight is crab cakes.. we had a big family party this weekend and picked out the leftover Md blue crabs.. made cream of crab soup and Md crab soup to freeze,, and hubs is cooking tonight! Crabs are a lot of work,, but sooo yummy!

Stovetop tuna casserole

Waaaah, I've got a nasty cold, I'm hungry but I don't want to cook, and if I have to drink any more hot fluids I'm going to explode. I'm craving some nice creamy mac & cheese, but that ain't gonna happen. Any ideas for some fast and easy comfort food?

That's my biggest complaint about some cooking -- it's too much work and cleanup! I can understand for a special occasion, but for an average night...?

When I was in high school, I worked for a "fancy" grocery store in downtown Indianapolis and they had cooking classes. It was pretty neat how the store made a classroom with all these range top stations. I'd go to an event like that. I hope you find one you can go to, Lu. Why not...? Learn a new recipe and have a fun time.

Tortured chicken again tonight.

Whole chicken in the crockpot, ready when arriving home with tired hubs in tow.
Really, that was a long 4 hour mess, two pans plus crockpot, too many utensils!
What a mess, cleanup is torture.

Hi Send and Blackhole,

I totally forgot to share what we learned tonight. We had corn and potato soup. We also had rice bowls with salmon, avocado, cucumber and seaweed. Different.:-) The dessert was mixed fruit in condense milk and whip cream poured over vanilla ice cream.

Trying to keep up the momentum. I appreciate the encouragement. Take care my friends.

Thanks Send! I hope you were able to make it to your chiro appointment on time. Good of your driver your dear husband to work.

I definitely see some classes for turkey dinner and different desserts and sides. And soups! I love a good soup. Fall and Spring are my favorite seasons so I'm looking forward to see what they have.

Hi Blackhole, I love pizza! I'm a fan of the thin crust stuff. Very hard to resist on my end.:-)

pesto pizza

Good for you, CDN, best thing you could be doing for yourself right now! imo.
Are they teaching Fall receipes?

Myself, off to drive dH to work. He wants to be late, I have a chiro appt. at the same time and cannot be late. This feels stuck because it will be my fault if he is late and loses his job. I will be needing comfort food, a good attitude, and plans for the future.
Right now, we both are going to miss lunch.
Grabbing a banana on the way out.

Last night's dinner was linguine in rose sauce with spinach and tomatoes.

Tonight I am off to another cooking class. See how it goes.

It was comfort food tonight and mac and cheese never fails.:-)

Thanks so much Luckylu. They give out the recipes during the class, but a few of the ladies also bring their own pens and notebooks to jot down their own notes. I am picking up a lot of good tips and ideas. And sometimes I just like to go for the food.:-) I am trying to force myself out of the house.:-) Thank you for all your kindness. I honestly don't know where the time is going. And already they are advertising classes for Thanksgiving and Christmas!

cdnreader...Thank you so much for telling me about the cooking classes.I'm going to check into it.I think I know a store already that might do it I'll call.
The frittata sounds good that the chef made tonight.Do people take notes?
You take care and have a good night too!

Hi Luckylu,

Thank you for saying so. I go to my cooking class at the grocery store. They want people shopping at the store so they run quick one hour classes on Tuesday nights. I've also found a cooking class at the culinary school in town, but that is more expensive. I find the grocery store cooking class to be more reasonable.

I love chips and dip and chocolate chip cookies and ice cream! Those are my favorites.

The chef at the cooking class broiled the veggies and tofu and made a spicy peanut sauce to drizzle on it. She also made a frittata with spinach, onions and Swiss cheese. I met two ladies that have been going for the last 8 years. One lady in her 70s, said its the only way she gets to socialize with people.

I'm going to do more searching tonight and see what other classes I can find.

Take care Luckylu and have a good night!

cdnreader,That's so neat that you go to a cooking class.Where in the world,do they teach them?Can anybody go?I think that would be right up my alley for something fun and creative to do.I bet you learn a lot and have a good time.
Thanks for telling me what was in your Napoli salad.It sounds yummy to me,but my dH hates tomatoes and won't eat them.It makes cooking harder for sure since there's tomatoes in so many good recipes.
Tonight,were just having soup and a sandwich,cottage cheese,chips and dip and chocolate chip cookies and ice cream.That's easy and so filling and maybe tomarrow,I'll do spaghetti.You,Black hole and Send have given me some good ideas.Thank you !

I'm off to cooking class tonight for broiled tofu and veggies with almond sauce. See how it turns out.

Hi Luckylu,

Sorry to hear things didn't turn out, but at least you tried! Its always worth trying something new. :-) About Napoli said, its mixed greens with cherry tomatoes and chick peas, shredded carrots and balsamic vinegar dressing. Its my sister's favorite.

I didn't have much luck with dinner tonight. It was a bowl of green grapes. See how tomorrow goes.

Hi Send,

I love tacos! And the variety is amazing! I should try and make some tacos this week.:-)

Yesterday beef, today is chicken and veges thrown into a taco shell.
So easy, and I don't mind repeats, but the tortillas are gone now.
Casual dining, but maybe I am still hungry.

Today's Sunday brunch was tacos, lots of veges inside.

Crock-pot beef roast with verde enchilada sauce. Will serve over rice....or maybe in taco shells? I have all day to figure it out. 🙂

Hi back cdnreader,
Sad to say,my dinner concoction didn't turn out very tasty and I'm never gonna make it again.I'd have much rather had your pizza,but what is Napoli salad?I have never heard of it.
Maybe we'll do pancakes tomarrow .That sounds good to me.

Hi Luckylu,

Please let us know how it turns out, but I like the mix of chicken and mushrooms.

Hi Send,

I love ginger, so the soup sounds good to me. I love some fruit in a salad, too.

Family came over tonight, so I ended up getting pizza and a Napoli salad. It seemed to be a hit. I might still have the pancakes later.:-)

Organic carrot/ginger and squash soup with red, orange, green and yellow chopped peppers.
Fruit plate with blueberries, raspberries, watermelon, pineapple-a little bit of each over lettuce chopped salad /kale.

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