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Husband has been in a funk all day and I too am at a loss for what to make for dinner. I'd love to make reservations but not when he's in such a mood. I've got veggies I can slow roast and some sausage meat. Perhaps this will turn into a casserole.

cdnreader,That would be good ,easy and filling and best of all(to me)sweet.
For our dinner tonight,I decided to surprise my dH with a concoction Iv'e made up.It's in the oven now and I hope it's edible.I took chicken and this alfredo sauce and put it with mushrooms and mushroom soup and a little red onion and some Italian spice stuff I found in the cabinet and mixed it with wide noodles and now I'm baking it.I have no idea why I thought of this one and I doubt I could duplicate it,if I tried to make it again.I just hope it passes,Otherwise,I'll have to head up to McDonald's I guess.

Saturday and I am at a lost about what to make for dinner. I might just go for pancakes and maple syrup.


I would fall over and faint if the hoca served anything that extravagent! Good job getting every last drop in mom's mouth 😄

Yes, you make some real comfort food
Maybe when the weather cools I'll get a little honey baked ham and make mom's old recipe for au gratin potatoes and take it to her at hoca - they were yummy and she used to joke and call them au rotten

Mom had a lovely meal of pureed veal cutlet with whipped potatoes, a dinner roll and cauliflower, with some lovely thickened apple juice and coffee. Other than the unfortunate dominance of white on her plate it really wasn't too bad. She also got pureed "pie", and I fed her every last bite of it. I didn't do any tasting tonight but I tried mom's apple pie on another night and it was yummy!

Did you taste the pie, Cwillie? It is often made with cardboard for crust. Just to help mend your heart a little! Now go buy yourself a piece!
Did your Mom get any food down lately?

Tonight dessert at the NH was pecan pie, it was heartbreaking watching them scrape all those barely touched leftovers into the trash.

Pizza and a salad from local big box store.

Eeeewwww! You ate that stuff off the internet? Was it very very old?
Or was it delivered fresh by a drone? All hot and bubbly, browned on top scalloped potatoes. Was there cheese on top?

Gotta love the internet. Whenever I have a craving....or can't figure out what to do with my grocery store bargains....boom! Ideas galore.

Waiting for my invitation.....
Scalloped potatoes and ham
Stuffed peppers

Where do you live, Blackhole? Please say you are not in Texas!

My mom was from Texas, she cooked what you cook, and I remember!

Stuffed peppers, then ham & scalloped potatoes and now roast pork, dang! I'm moving to BlackHole's house :)

Pork roast and mashed potatoes

I bought all the fixings for s'mores b4 mom fell ill earlier this month

Providing the chocolate 🍫 hasn't melted in the heatwave we're having maybe I'll enjoy one tonight

Hot dogs and 🌽- good way to end the last weekend of summer

Yummy, #2 Sister just dropped off my Favorite, Chicken Broccoli Casserole, salad and rolls! I have the best Sisters, and all 3 can really Cook! Being the 4th and youngest daughter  (I've got 2 brothers too!), I think my Mom had had enough with teaching girls how to cook, she pretty much gave up on me in that department.  

I do know how to cook, especially all the British fare,  but I really don't like to very much,  since my husband and FIL are both such picky eaters, so no spices, no food touching each other in their plates, they like very few vegetables, so therefore no Casseroles,  they are truly no fun to cook for!  

So when one of my Sissy's thinks enough of me to drop off a meal, knowing that we are so exhausted from taking care of my FIL on Hospice in our home at the moment,  Well That is Love for ya! I DO have the best sisters in the world! 

Tonight was corn on the cob and hot dogs. I saw that today is national marshmallow day - since Canada seems to be horning in on that maybe it should be international marshmallow day? But I don't have any in the house 😢

Scalloped potatoes and ham

Hi Ali,

I have to say the goat cheese was a bit too much.:-)

Glad you were able to use up some of the bread. It gives me a great idea and I would love to make some French toast today!

Alison ,no mold eh? The preservatives in that bread will kill you faster than any mold!!!!!!
I had a smoked salmon sandwich on whole grain bread.
We have a new A*** store in town and they have packages of what I call the good stuff for around $5 and I can stretch that for out four sandwiches. Delicious! I know it is about $20 a pound but it is something I can eat so I don't worry

Stuffed peppers

That steak salad sounds tasty, CDN! I don't usually make my salads very rich, and having goat cheese and steak in it would be a luxury, but it sounds delicious!

I could go for a fresh made soup right now. I had a sandwich for dinner. I'm not eating much bread at all these days but I have a loaf in the house that's been here for weeks and surprisingly no mold on it yet, so I made a sandwich just to use up some stuff here at the house.

Hi Ali,

Sorry to hear the hot and sour was a disappointment. Its also one of my favorites.

Send, I will have to try the Tom Yum soup, it sounds delicious. I'm sorry to hear about the earthquake. I know that can be nerve wracking. About the veggie burger, I love adding tomatoes, pickles, red onions on top!

Tonight it will be steak salad with avocado and goat cheese.

The Get Well soups are great. The thai restaurants have a Tom Yum Soup with chicken
and lemon grass that heals.

When egg prices shot up a couple years back, Panda Express took hot n sour soup off the menu which is my go to food when I have a cold - lately some of the stores are bringing it back though

Still miss their potstickers though

Breaded chicken, mashed potatoes and corn in the cob.

I had a head cold/sinus infection the past few days. It's mostly all over now, thankfully, but I went out yesterday and picked up my favorite sick food: hot and sour soup. Except, this hot and sour soup is gross! It's so bad, I didn't eat any of it. I'm debating taking it back but I suppose I'll just throw it out and go on with my life. It's such a disappointment to not have my favorite sick food when I'm sick, I just want to TELL them how disappointed I am! lol...

Well, the shrimp lo mein is tasty enough lol. I suppose I'll suck it up and just throw the soup away. :-(

Cdn,  Black beans have been a healthy new addition to menus here lately-I don't know why I resisted eating them for so long!  Do you out lots of tomatoes on that?

Except for a minor earthquake 3.5 just after noon, Sunday is a quiet time to enjoy a meal together. dH was not home yet.....but he was home in time for tortellinis later. With P.T.S.D. one never knows when an EQ will trigger stress. This one did, but not too nervous now, or still, or whatever. I think. Maybe.  "Nothing bad is happening now".  

Glad you enjoyed the tacos Send. Its a quiet Sunday. I think it might be black bean veggie burger and some fries for tonight.

Fell asleep after eating only two, but they were very good! So I did have tacos!

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