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I am fascinated that you have a nearby butcher, from start to finish so to speak. I once had a really good butcher at a really good store cooperate with my idea. A leg of lamb was less per pound so I bought the whole thing, and he cut it up to my specifications. Once done, (ha ha, deboned) the meat was weighed without the bone, at the lesser per pound price. Cook some, freeze's what for dinner in summer! You like lamb?

Ah, I was thinking boneless steaks, but even bone in that is pretty cheap! As far as I can tell we are talking about the same cut of meat though.

My ribs were....OK. I think I like my low and slow in the oven better, but who wants to turn on the oven in the summer?

Deli-made sweet wheat sounds good. I don't eat bread regularly, either, but it is a nice treat sometimes!

CW, is strip loin the same cut as bone-in strip steaks? That's what I can get at the discount grocer for $4.99/lb.

I miss my my mother's zucchini bread! She has a few things she makes very well, that's one of them. Cornucopia salad sounds delicious. I've never had it.

I'm using Worcestershire sauce in just about everything I cook these days. It's a nice boost of flavor. I put a little on my eggs, chicken, steak. I think Worcestershire and Vidalia onions make any dish taste delicious. :)

No longer eating a lot of bread, got a half-loaf of sweet wheat at an Italian deli. It was dark brown, and so very good. Craving that taste, it was so very good with poached eggs.

My cooking mistakes turn out better than if I really try to follow a recipe. My quick meal skills have ceased when I stopped buying expensive steaks. Tonight's chicken casserole had ok tender slices of chicken but the pasta was ruined when substituting gravy at the last minute for cream of mushroom soup.
Was so sure we got the soup last night when hubs walked away to get it. He says they were out of stock, but did not tell me until I asked for it.

My grocer often has manager's specials on organic grass fed beef and I'll stock up the freezer. It's hard to imagine living without my slow cooker. It's exceptionally good for low and slow cooking of cheap cuts of meat. I throw a little mustard, and/or wine, Worcestershire (always have to look that spelling up), tomato paste, onions, mushrooms, fresh herbs, and parsley and it tastes like I channeled Julia Child and cooked all day.

I had to look up cornucopia salad, it sounded good until I got to the avocado AND blue cheese, ick ick ewww. LOL

Today I am putting some spare ribs in the slow cooker, I've never tried doing them like this before so we'll just hafta see how it goes.

Ali, holy smoke, strip loin for $4/lb??? I am only tempted to splurge if it drops to $9/lb here.

Cornucopia salad and zucchini bread

Shrimp skewers and salad. On the porch. Summer food, summer style.

I buy my steaks in "family packages" at the local discount large-grocery chain. I can get the strip steak for as little as $3.99/lb, which is a ridiculously good deal. I had purchased several in the past and they were good, I was pleasantly surprised. Recently they had them on sale again for $4.99/lb and I bought some more. These are not so great. They're edible, but not much more than that. Too bad. I guess it's hit and miss with the discount steaks, which makes sense.

I made a simple strip steak and lightly steamed whole green beans (from frozen) for dinner. It turned out well enough.

I bought a bag of extra large size Vidalia onions at the store a couple of weeks ago and now I'm chopping them up and putting them into everything. I sliced up two of the onions and put with two chicken thighs on the stovetop, added some dissolved chicken stock and let it stew. It turned out nicely. The onions are so sweet, so the whole dish was mildly sweet in flavor. It was interesting and tasty.

I'm getting more and more "wins" then flops these days and I'm still winging all of it. I think I actually learned something about cooking in the past 6-12 months. It's been a long time coming, but... I GET IT. lol Mostly, I get it. I am now a maker of cooked food. ;-)

I put everything in the toaster oven tonight... burned asparagus, an overdone pork chop and a baked potato (the sour cream looked a little iffy but I ate it anyway). Tums for dessert?

Spinach artichoke cubed steak with rice/quinoa salad and stroganoff noodles. Yum!

Cottage cheese and avocado

And, the last of the cherry Garcia

I just burned 2000 calories!

That's the last time I put the brownies in the oven before a nap.

Pork chops and macaroni-and-cheese last night.    Delicious!

No dessert tonight, I have been bad. Off to bed.

Gershun must use the Kale with chocolate sauce recipe and add goji berries to that, yum!

Thrifty ice cream and hot fudge

That's not my idea of something fun for dinner - ha ha

Having had a few green smoothies, I think I will not get over my aversion to it.

I do tolerate the green of celery juice, because it is helping me, and the organic celery in season is naturally sweet.

But it is not what's for dinner.

That was a salad with salmon and garbanzo beans on top.

Kale added to a smoothie is good. Cause everything else in the smoothie blocks out the taste............LOL.

I have juiced kale and blended with other juices and drank it. That's not bad. And the kale salad at my local grocery deli is scrumptious. Next time I buy it, I'm going to ask them if they make it in house, and if so HOW do they turn kale into this yummy salad?? I can take a forkful of it and deconstruct it, figure out what all is in there. It's mostly well-chopped kale and red vinegar dressing, but there are grapes, seeds, other things. It's so good. I could eat it several times a week but I don't know how they do it! Magic...

Send, you beat me to it - I was thinking the same thing. Saw that posted on FB recently and laughed - I will only eat the smallest bit of Kale if it's chopped up and in a salad - I'm not eating Kale chips, or Kale anything else.

Boy do I hate kale

Add a little coconut oil to your Kale when cooking. It makes it easier to slide into the trash.

LOL. This is for those who are on the other side of healthy cooking.


Ali, There are some videos online that describe cutting up Kale. Wash the huge leaf, remove the stem, cut in two where the stem goes up the leaf. Pile the two together, roll lengthwise (same way the stem goes) into a cigar-like tube.
Hold it tight as you chop it like you would shred cabbage.
Cut the longer pieces by chopping overall - quickly now, not perfect. Chop smaller if you like. Find the type of Kale best suited for your salad, the big, tough leaves are not for salad. imo.

Thank you Guest, I am feeling better! I can go to the store now, and although I walk as much as I am able, dH brings the cart out to the car now. That one change has decreased the amount of painful sciatica episodes (spasms) so that I can endure the shopping. Being able to buy the fresh food also makes both of us feel better.

Your hubs may be sensitive to the msg in rice-a-roni...MSG being a neurotoxin, I cannot eat it, and would avoid serving it to my dH hubs with aspergers due to behavior problems, but also because of the gut connection.

Send, that's how I get my current kale salad, too -- buying the prepared kale salad at local deli in the grocery store. It's so good, and I can't picture how the uninspired, tough kale in my refrigerator turns into that yummy salad, but somehow it does. I'm going to find out how. I can't cook all that well but I've always had a knack for salads and salad dressings.

I love a good spinach salad, Send, with bacon and shaved red onions.

Brisket rub sounds good. Garlic sausage sounds surprisingly good (I'm not a sausage person), especially fresh from a butcher shop.

One thing the town with mom's NH has is a real honest to g*d butcher shop, the kind where they do it all from slaughter to smoking and curing. I kinda felt bad going in and only buying 2 links of garlic sausage (I didn't have the nerve to ask for only one)!

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