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Send I hope you feel better. We had pork chops the other day with a brisket rub as seasoning. OMG. I made herb/butter rice a roni to go with. Hubs complained about rice being the gift that keeps reminding you what you had for dinner. I told him that at least it's a "regular" complaint:)

Last night was pizza ingredients on flatbread plus spinach salad, bacon bits, mozzarella, hard boiled eggs, tiny tomatoes-what a treat. C o s t c o. sells fresh, prepared.
Lasting for 2 days. Then a midnight run to Denny's for a hot fudge Sundae.
Good morning Cwillie!
Until sciatica clears, from now on I plan to choose shopping at stores with the zippiest scooters and widest aisles.  The newer scooters can turn on a dime.  Would you believe that I have to give shoppers the right of way, even backing up to go around?
One guy was so stubborn, he walked away from his shopping cart
as I waited politely for him to move ...handicapped wars?

If it were me I would avoid using the scooters because I would be afraid of making a fool of myself learning to drive one up and down the narrow aisles where everyone can see my mistakes, maybe they should offer lessons in the parking lot? And we only have to read the forum to know that all these little old ladies and gents don't "need" canes, rollators or scooters, those are for "old" people lol.

Nephew sent us all an article on the economics of retiring on a cruise ship... not sure what he was trying to tell us??

I think I want to retire to a hotel room with maid service.

Sorry Ali, did not see your post to me about Kale Salad.
I used to buy that big bunch of Kale for a salad or some stir fry. That was some intense produce handling!

Nowadays, I drive to the store, get in the little go cart for handicapped as people in their nineties still walking give me a good stare (but really, I feel like offering it to them before they collapse), ride that over to the packaged salad kits, any one with Kale in it is good, buy it, bring it home, ask hubs to open the lethal plastic packaging, mix it up-comes with it's own dressing-and send the rest with hubs to work the next waste, good salad. I found the packaged salads can lose their flavor and freshness sometimes in only two days, so hurry, hurry, eat your Kale.

Do you think a driver's license is needed to drive a cart in the market, and the 90's people lost their license?

Living in the hotel room, so went to the store and got some deli meats, romaine hearts, artichoke hearts and olives. Made a lettuce wrap with smoked meat, chicken breast and ham. with artichokes and olives in the side. Very nice. Dessert was a couple of squares of 70% chocolate and black coffee. I never seem to tire of that.

Madge, I put so much in with the chicken that I needed nothing else. It is a one-pan deal. It turned out very tasty.

CW, I like monitoring the cooking... for now... because I think I learn something about browning and cook times and when to cover or uncover, etc.  I like trying & experimenting. When my grandmother was still alive, I did use the crock pot I bought especially to make her meals, and I made some slow-cook, one-pot soft meals for her.

I read your post about your mom's current cuisine, and I also looked up pureed foods online. There's clearly a way to make decent pureed food. My grandmother would've eaten any consistency, I think, as long as it had some flavor. Dad would follow those simple guidelines, too, so do the cooks at this place just not understand cooking... are they too institutional? I served in the US military. I know what a basic chow hall meal tastes like, and it was never *that* bad. I do believe there could be worse than those military meals in elderly facilities.

If you like low and slow all in one pot meals you would probably like using a slow cooker Ali, there a millions of recipes on the web (or it seems like millions).

What did you have with the chicken, Ali

Once the sun sets I'm headed for takeout but not far for my favorite Italian place which has wonderful bread salad and rotini bolognese

My father doesn't believe in expiration dates, either, and to some degree I do agree with that. When I came here there were things like condiments that were 6 years past date, spices that expired decades ago lol. I didn't throw out the cinnamon that expired in 2011. How can cinnamon go bad? I don't see it.

I made some stove top chicken thighs today and they turned out well enough. I browned them in a 5qt pan and threw in lots of chopped onions and a can of diced tomatoes, a can of mixed greens, and a single small tub of chicken stock concentrate dissolved in about a cup of water. I cooked uncovered on low for... forever...

In general, I like the results I'm getting from this low n slow method I'm using, but I only cook that way because I don't have enough experience to cook on high heat. So far, so good. It was on the stove for a good hour-plus, though, lol.  It's not overcooked, if anything the chicken could be cooked just a tad more.  If I would've known it was going to be on the stove that long (I was just monitoring it every 10 mins as it cooked), I would've used fresh chopped kale from the fridge instead of the can.  

Send, tell me how you make your kale salad, please.  :)  

I had a science experiment growing in my fridge a while back. It's on a leash now. I use it to scare the neighbors. Muah ha ha!

Yes, I inspected the bread first, I have saved the mold and am growing it in a petrie dish for penicillin when we will need it, so I am not all that wasteful. Hubs doesn't want refrigerated bread, so it doesn't get put into the fridge by him until it has mold on it. This is designer bread he brings home from church after it has been driven around in a hot car. If I watch it carefully, the mold grows often by day two-three. We have issues, and I admit that I am hypervigilant to protect from hoarding.

Oh, coincidence, he is digging through the trash, has taken out the bread...gotta run.  For real, not joking now.

Send you are always throwing out perfectly good expired food, I'll never get over you mentioning tossing out maple syrup a while back! Now I know that some things are iffy when past date (I did recently toss out the pepperoni dated Feb - never opened, company didn't come), but as long as the bread is not mouldy it lasts forever in my fridge ;)

Had to clean out the refrigerator before finding the hot dogs I bought for times just like this. A convenient food, but without the expired bread that I had to throw out.
It's 3:00 in the morning, and I forgot to eat properly today, so I couldn't sleep.
Maybe now.....or who even cares to sleep anyway? But, maybe soon...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

I just had some cottage cheese and tortilla chips but the first crop of apricots hit the farmers market today - $4 a pound but so yummy

CWillie you sound like me. If I have any junk food in my home I'll eat it first. It's like I have to get rid of it so it will stop calling to me. LOL Eat me, eat me......I'm salty and sweet.

Jeez..........sounds obscene actually now that I've read it over. :P

Well, this afternoon I had most of a bag of potato chips and was feeling disgusted with myself, so I vowed to eat something light and healthier for supper. I settled for some leftover curried lentils wrapped in flatbread, not the best but not too bad. And then I had some ice cream for dessert. (sigh)
I think I may as well finish off the rest of the chips later so that I've removed all the temptation from my house lol.

Sounds good Sendhelp. I love spaghetti! I had a cup of grapes tonight and called it a day. Maybe tomorrow I will aim for tacos.:-)

Leftover homemade spaghetti with vegetarian chili, add grated parmesan.
Kale chopped salad.

When I used to visit Mom at the nursing home during dinner hour, there always seemed to be beets on the plate. Bleck..............:P

It took a little while to get used to the boxed soups. This last Christmas there were smaller boxes, that I used to help making a sauce or a gravy.
Go see the even smaller soups (not even needing refrigeration) now available   in the stores-especially like trader joes or sprouts. Maybe having some on hand would be convenient for you, and good to take for lunch at a new job.
Maybe microwaveable?

Yeah, I had made fun of the boxed idea....reconsidering that now..for convenience and a quick meal. Low blood sugar is a dangerous way to shop for food at the last unplanned minute. I have to guard against that.

Anybody like these soups?  Juicing celery all week....I am thinking now of liquids with flavor.

Cannot get that picture out of my head:
Blending a sandwich and calling it a pureed diet?
Isn't there a criminal law against that somewhere on the books?
There outta be a law against such ignorance. imo.

If I had a bird for a pet, the der-snitz adds would be brightly lining it's cage.

I got der wiernersnitzel ads today - no thanks

I Growl every time I see pulled pork on a bun for dinner at the hotel California which is not much better than polish sausage night

They throw most of it away - last night mom ate her dessert and not her dinner - wonder why ?

Leg and thigh Cole slaw and pinto beans with house salsa on a tortilla

Googled....saw....don't want to think about pureed.
But the pumpkin puree, squash was nice.
Luckylu fed her mom applesauce, jello, custard and pudding.

Will you be sneaking some good food in to Mom Cwillie? Lemon Merangue pie filling? Yum! MsMadge gets her Mom that, takes it to the NH/MC.

Ali, A headache following eating is bad, as you know. I did not like that product because of all the 'naturally occuring' MSG, so much unreported hidden MSG. And it is gooey, shouldn't it be refrigerated?
Just guessing here.

MsMadge, Coupons come in the mail on Tuesdays with the grocery ads.
Coupons force me to buy stuff I don't want to eat.
Can you go online to search the restaurant's website, or a coupon site?

Would rather spend   $7-12 at InNOut, than $19 with a coupon @loco.

Once long, long ago I went to school to learn how to manage an institutional kitchen, I never finished the course but I've always been interested in the subject. There are better ways to do things, if they would let me in their kitchen and gave me a knife and a cutting board I could probably put together a more balanced and appealing plate from the same ingredients.

Try googling this " 10 pictures that will change the way you think about pureed food"

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