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The problem with bread is that it can make a big dough ball that is hard for her to swallow, a major choking hazard. Now at home I would just cut her sandwiches into tiny bites and avoided things like plain rolls or muffins etc, but they don't have time for common sense in an institutional setting so I asked for no bread. Honestly, they could just give her a double portion of the soup and skip the other nasty stuff!

CW, no bread or no bread products at all? What about broken up crackers? Is your mom on a gluten free diet? That doesn't add up if they're pureeing a salmon sandwich. I'm just curious.

And since NH is the one making the meals, my suggesting crackers to you isn't going to help. So they make yucky food, hm? How's your mom's current weight? I'm sure they'll monitor it.

What were the selling points of the pureed diet, why did dietician think it would be good for your mom?

(I'm just genuinely curious about the situation, if you want to share more.)

I've gotta tell somebody: the food at the NH is g*d awful and what is worse for mom, I let the dietitian talk me into a 1 week trial of pureed foods. Now, there are ways to make a pureed diet somewhat appealing, but tossing a salmon sandwich in a blender (not even pink salmon, I'm suspicious it wasn't salmon at all) and slopping it on a plate is not one of those ways. This was basically because they don't prepare a proper minced diet either and mom was having trouble... pulled pork on a bun is NOT suitable on a minced diet, especially since we specified no bread. Oh but I understand the reasoning behind that, without the bun all she would have had for lunch was meat on a plate (sigh).

Ha. You just reminded me of the El Pollo Loco coupons I used to always see while living in So Cal. They don't have that chain here. I miss it. I used to take the chicken, coleslaw, and other sides/trimmings and make burritos with them with the tortillas they give you. Should I just assume that everyone knows that's the best way to eat El Pollo Loco?

I've been wanting to cut back on my "bored eating," so I bought some Better Than Bullion mix at the store and started making a cup of "soup" when I'm not hungry but just want something savory. Problem is - it's still a huge amount of sodium, even though that brand is *only* 680 mg sodium per tsp serving compared to the 1k mg sodium in regular bullion servings. I notice I have a headache the other day and again today after drinking a couple of cups.  I use 1 tsp per about 24 oz, it's still causing headache.  I'll have to dilute it quite a bit, use a lot less... just like my "water coffee" these days that I'm making with about a tsp of ground coffee for a 6oz cup. You know you've hit a certain age when you have to stop eating/drinking things that aren't good for you or you pay the price. I'm not getting away with anything bad for me these days!

I'm all out of El
Pollo Loco coupons
Where did you get yours ?

Salads are done that way too, by adding greens to lower the cost, as hubs is part bunny.
We had " to-go" salads with a coupon last night from el polo loco, "layered avocado salads-" good!  Good enough without dressing, and plenty of avocado.

Lately hubby has been taking on more of my chores like shopping and cooking. His idea of dinner is a hamburger no sides. When I cook he always wants to know what the sides are. Lol.
To make sure Mom is getting good nutrition I have been buying prepare salads at Publix. They have beautiful salads with strawberries, salad greens, cheese, cranberries, and pecans. I add chicken and mandarin oranges and she is thrilled. They also have one with apples, chicken, feta, pecans and salad greens. I really don't have to fix this but In some instances I will add mandarin oranges. Each salad costs about $7 but by adding extra greens I can get two meals from it.

Lunch was a chicken and cheese quesadilla. At first it was so bland! Looked good also, but bland. Hubs was trying to be nice, not wanting me to get up to get the Topatio sauce for him. But, here, use the sauce, I said.

After awhile, last night's chicken flavor of lemongrass that had been simmered in came subtlety through. Better, interesting, but still.....not what I expected. Giving up cooking until the grouchiness caused by pain subsides. It will take 3 days for me to clean up the mess I made. Hubs has sinus headaches that put him in bed, needing waiting on.
Like I had described: The caregiver needs a caregiver, and visa versa. Lol.
We are quite the team!

Add grated Parmesan, you are not in Italy yet!  Lol!

CWillie, ain't nothing wrong with Chef Boy ar Dee! I quite often open a can and have it with toast. Dip your toast into it, close your eyes and pretend you are in Italy. LOL

I thought I would treat myself to a panzerotti for lunch, but though it looked good it was kind of... meh. Tonight I opted for a can of Chef Boyardee, I actually enjoyed it more LOL.

Ok, hubs wanted to say thank you for the idea, MsMadge. He loved it!
Hawaiian chicken, hawaiian sauteed carrots, pineapple, and fresh mini tomatoes, in a sauce of bone broth with ginger, and rice.

Wasn't it only yesterday, that this new fad of bone broth hitting the stores-wasn't that the same as CHICKEN BROTH?

Whatever you do, don't throw the rice in the crockpot on your way out the door, it absorbed ALL the juice/sauce, some rice was hard, mixed in with soft.

First, I heated up some clam chowder (deli section of local mkt) before going to pick up hubs, dinner was at 10 p.m.  Somehow, I pictured dinner at 9 p.m.

Cheater, I am cooking it....and winging the recipe.

No need to make it when Ono Hawaiian bbq chicken is handy - maybe I'll get some vegetable udon soup too

I'll try crabby crab next week for clam chowder but I'll skip the pound of fries

That sounds so good, MsMadge!
Oh, and I have some ginger, making that now....yes, I am!

Both. How do you make that, Hawaiian Chicken? I have fresh cut pineapple, chicken breasts frozen, some teriyaki sauce, and a wish for easy crock pot.

Hawaiian chicken or clam chowder ?

Used a fork on the noodles, but slurped the rest.  Oops, excuse me.  Burp.
Hubs was having a crepe with fresh fruit and cream cheese, and I had ice cream with fudge sauce.  The dessert came first, so we shared the soup.

I heard some restaurant was serving yellow whipped cream for Easter dessert.........kinda like eating yellow snow? Lol.

Did you slurp the noodles, Send?

Udon soup, a real tummy tamer.

I never thought I'd like veggie burgers, being kind of a meat-lover myself, but I've found that the Boca original grilled burgers are pretty darn tasty! I toss a couple on the George Foreman grill for about 15 mins right out of the freezer and top them with cheese, mustard, mayo and some sliced dill pickles for a low-carb meal with a good amount of veggie content and fiber. I mean, yes, I love a good real meat burger, but these are nice to have handy in the freezer for when I want something a little different.

I really need to get back on track. Dinner last night was a can of ginger ale, chocolate M & Ms and chips. I would love some Indian food. I love butter chicken and fresh naan. Tonight I think I might get some chicken wings.

I don't eat Indian food Send but I get what you mean.

I ate at bobs big boy in Toluca lake over the weekend - blue cheese dressing - yum

Tonight it was an orange and a bran muffin - I'm still hungry

The idea of having the food delivered by their fave indian restaurant, is that he doesn't have to eat there. He comes home for dinner.

Love the bananna and applesauce idea.
But next time, order out, something very expensive, for two.
If he is still eating with his parents, you can have leftovers.

Then, do it again. Sorry you weren't home for dinner, dear, want some of this? There is plenty, from my fave restaurant.....

Send, guess what I had for dinner. Half of a leftover premade roast beef, swiss cheese sandwich, a banana and a couple of containers of unsweetened applesauce. Hubs had indian food with Mom and Dad at their place.

Country style pork ribs, browned, then simmered many hours in crockpot.
Add fresh peeled carrots, huge potato, celery, diced tomatoes, (and for extra juice, added 1/2 c. orange juice......and simple, one crockpot cooking. Served with lots of fresh salad, bob's big boy blue cheese dressing.
Jack Spratt ate mostly vegetables, his wife ate the country spare ribs.

Leftovers tonight, adding salsa, mixed bell peppers and cayenne for Jack.

At the theatre today to see Baby Boss. Cute movie. Dinner consisted of popcorn, chocolate bar and a soft drink. I will have to get back on track for tomorrow.:-)

Since I cook for only Mom. (I do not eat at her place). I try to not make much. I have little plastic cups which are just about right for the serving size she will eat. Bear creek soup fills 6 of those!

So I actually cook once once a week...the rest of the time I just pull a couple serving cups out of the freezer. Add a side of veggies or fruit...and ta da. Dinner!

Missed dinner because of the candy!

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