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I've been planning to include more vegan meals so for lunch I made a passable vegan corn chowder (the recipe could use some tweaking) but I'm drawing a blank when I think about supper tonight.

Tiredreader, I'm sorry to hear about your cholesterol. I'm with you, those meds for cholesterol are not fun.

I had New England calm chowder today and a chicken salad sandwich. This thread is inspiring me to try new things if I can for dinner.

The chicken salad had celery and green apples in the mix! Its has a nice crunch.

Small portion of gnocchi. My cholesterol results back. Ughhhhh so I'm back on a low carb, low cholesterol diet. Dr threatened me with statin meds. No way I'm taking those. They scare me.

Grandma literally ate 2 gnocchi. Said she was full but I got her cottage cheese and she ate that too.

Went to a fundraiser and had lasagna, Caesar salad and white bun and a little chocolate cake for dessert. The lasagna was surprisingly delicious. Noodles were soft, not too much sauce and a little bit of sausage in the meat.

Don't blame Grandma I only like Boost too.
Anything else has to go in my j tube or it does not go anywhere.
I had bowl of tropical fruit salad and some butter pecan Ice Cream. looking forward to an over night feed of 2HN!!!!!!!!

Can I borrow a laxative?

I wish grandma would drink ensure. I could get it for free but she only will drink boost because that's what they served in rehab. It has become routine.

Mom had an ensure, a banana and a fistful of pills, most of which are laxatives. She only ate half the banana and drank half the ensure, now she is working on a glass of (thickened) water before I allow her to go to bed :(

I had chorizo con huevos and a norco. Quick dinner. Grandma had a potato. 

I've been getting ingredients together to make chicken parmigiana over polenta and I decided I could use up that bottle of red wine left over from Christmas in the tomato sauce. I figured I'd better taste it first to make sure it was still OK... oops. Well, there is a little bit of white wine left too.... ;)

That sounds good, Send. I like the sound of a mix of a little bit of natural sweet pineapple with the savory and salty of searing and soy sauce. I'll try it and report back. :)

Sharadale, I'd be looking for the "low carb crockpot recipes."  I'd bet there are countless of that category out there, too.  I use Pinterest for only one area of personal interest in particular, but stockpiling crockpot recipes is a good use of that site, imo.  

Forgot....What made the chicken breast, pineapple, soy sauce unique was that the chef brushed mustard on the chicken, then wrapped each individual piece in foil.  He would also have browned it first.  Since I was a guest, he didn't tell all.

I have a Pinterest page of crockpot recipes. There are thousands out there. Cinnamon roll casserole, chicken, bacon and cheese, whole dinners including corn on the cob! I love mine but we always have too much left over and my husband just will not eat all the leftovers.
Tonight was wicked crazy, so hubby took care of himself and I picked something up on the way home.

The crockpot will do the same thing as the low oven and a Dutch oven. If you want to brown anything you have to do that separately. I would try it. You can make things like spaghetti sauce in the crock pot, definitely soups, stews and pot roasts. I believe it uses less electricity than the oven and you don't have to clean the oven - many benefits!

Golden, we are thinking alike. I wanted to brine these I made tonight, forgot and started to prep, so then decided to just wing it and make them without brining. Everything I read said that chops will come out more tender if you do a brine soak first. :-)

I have a friend who uses his Dutch Oven regularly. He puts in whatever he wants for dinner before he goes to work, much like a crock pot, puts his oven on low and the turn out is very good. The low heat and cooking environment of DO makes for tender and juicy dishes. I'll put some effort into trying crockpot recipes first before I convince myself I "need" more cookware. :)

Smear pork chops with mustard, brown them, - put in oven proof dish with cinnamon, raisins (and dates, if you like) and thick slices of apples with skin on. Add a little apple juice. Cover with lid or tin foil sprayed with pam. Bake in moderate oven til done. There are other versions that can be done on the stove top. Make a sauce if you like.

For very tender pork chops for any dish, brine them first - basically marinate them in a brine - lots of recipes on the internet.

I have't used as dutch oven in a long time. The crock pot served that purpose for me and now my new XL Power Pressure cooker. Love it! The crockpot will do soups and stews at low heat well and keeps your kitchen cooler. The XLPP cooker does all of those too. - and in a fraction of the time. Pot roast is next on my list of things to try. It will be done in 1/2 hour.

That sounds tasty and easy, Send. I have about 12 more pork chops in freezer. I'll try a batch with a marinated/sauce crockpot prep. I want to use my crockpot more but haven't developed the habit. The idea of coming home from work to a made dinner because the crockpot was on low setting all day... mmm!

On my wish list: a proper Dutch Oven to do meats and stews on low heat in the oven. A well made Dutch Oven pot is relatively expensive, though... plus I'm in the downsizing business these days, and not wanting to add another piece of cookware... although a Dutch Oven could arguably be an essential of any kitchen.  Hm.   

The chicken breast in tin foil:  sounds like what my long-deceased uncle used to call "hobo dinners" when we were kids.  He showed me, my bros, and cousin how to take meat and veggies and seasoning, put it in foil, and place over a charcoal heat source.  Good memories.  :-)  I suppose it makes sense:  you create a "mini Dutch Oven" with the tin foil with all your ingredients inside, and heat until cooked.   Simple but effective and tasty.  

I knew an old-timer chef who would put a chicken breast, soy sauce, and a slice of pineapple wrapped in foil, bake it-easy! Same could be done with pork chops.

Brown the chops, place in the crockpot with a little sauce, watered down,
or cream of mushroom soup.

I was shopping on Amazon in the kitchen on my laptop! lol! I thought the silicone baking sheets looked cool. I hadn't seen those before.

The chops came out really well. I'm very pleased. They're tasty, and w/o meat thermometer, I checked the center juices on the thickest one and then put them back in for 6 mins to finish the cooking. Checked again, looked good. Thanks for the tips. :-) 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷

You were supposed to be watching your chops, not shopping on amazon! LOL
Hope they turned out OK :)

Ali, I recently acquired two silicone baking sheets (for cookies and bread so far) and they are absolutely fabulous. I brought the Real Simple brand on Amazon, although I see that Costco has them as well.

While I'm looking up "meat thermometer" on Amazon, I came across silicone baking sheets.  What is this?  You can bake on silicone, non stick sheets that you can reuse??  Cool.  I'd probably stick with lining things with foil or parchment for my purposes (I don't bake pastry stuff), but it's a neat product.  

Thanks, CW. Yeah, 275. I did low on purpose because I figured I can always cook longer but can't un-cook if I overdo it. Everything I read online said at least 350º F for baking at 30 mins. I'll turn up to 425 and check it in 10 mins. 

They're white on outside so they are cooking, I think, even at 275 for 15 mins so far... I will buy or order meat thermometer asap. That's one thing I def should have to be "trying" things like this. 0_0  

Did you mean to write 275? That is a low and very slow temp, I'm not sure if they would even be warm in 30 minutes!
I'm assuming you have lean chops so you don't want to over cook, but I would think 425 for about 15 - 20 minutes... set a timer and don't leave the kitchen!

Trying something new, flying by seat of my pants, please let me know what you experienced cooks think about this:

I had 4 pork chops defrosted and needed to cook them. I thought to broil them, because I thought it would be most simple prep, then decided I didn't have enough experience with broiling to know cook times and decided to bake. (And a previous experience with setting truffle oil-spritzed asparagus on fire - which then shot flames out of the wall oven - played through my mind, as I had already seasoned with some olive oil on these pork chops...  I'm willing to take chances on bad turnout.  I'm not willing to set things on fire.)  

The chops are on medium thickness, maybe 3/4 inch each. I seasoned both sides with olive oil, salt & pepper, chopped garlic, Worcestershire sauce and I'm baking on a broiling rack at 275 F for 30 minutes. I don't think I have a meat thermometer. I thought I'd check at 30 mins and see how they look, see if juices run clear.

Any thoughts? I don't identify as a "good cook," and I'm only hoping for a safe and edible turnout. ;) Thanks!

That was a very nice gesture Sharadale I hope it was appreciated. My hubby did the same thing when I was sick. the only thing he would buy from the hospital cafeteria was a personal pizza

Since last night was Valentines Day and hubby has been subsisting on pizza since Mom has been in the hospital, I decided to make his favorite Chicken Parmasean! I must say that it was delish!

Truly? Where I live parchment paper is $5 a roll, I can pick up foil on sale for $1. I ration my precious parchment paper as if it were gold!

Aluminum foil is overkill. Parchment paper is cheaper.

Everything old is new again. Back in the day we did the same thing with good old aluminum foil :)

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