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We had sauerkraut and sausages last night. I cook my kraut with caraway seeds and beer. Plenty of spicy mustard on the side. So yummy!

I used to make the coleslaw for the lodge. Shred your cabbage, add mayo, a little lemon juice and a dab of sweet relish or a pinch of sugar. Toss thoroughly. Now my BIL likes coleslaw made with apple vinegar, sugar, mustard powder and celery seed and a little salt. I Ziploc that about an hour ahead of time and flip the bag often.

Me too Captain,, I grew up in Lancaster Pa and I only like the creamy kind, homemade please! Luckily a small grocery near us makes it.

i never developed much of a taste for kraut but i could eat my weight in homemade creamy coleslaw .

Yep, put pork or brats right in the roaster with the Kraut, and bake until the meat is done. The kraut sort of flavors and tenderizes the meat. Add mashed potatoes.. yummy!!

if i had an excavator and a big dumptruck id be making my " mountain " even higher .
not that crazy about people is what im sayin ..

Cwillie, Ham hocks and black-eyed peas!

Old timers would have boiled pork hocks and kraut together till the meat fell off the bones, my favourite would be a nice pork shoulder roasted crispy and surrounded by roast potatoes, then removed from the pan to rest and replaced by the kraut to heat through. Some people put a little brown sugar with the kraut. Mmm, mm, schmecks gut!

Pammzi, What do I do with the kraut once it's rinsed off? Oh, I guess it could not be that bad, just not used to that fare. Grew up steak and potatoes; breakfast sausage and eggs, pancakes, and in n out burgers. But anything sounds good right now. Have some macaroni for mac n cheese.
And spaghetti would be good too!

Captain, maybe you will have to come down the mountain and sit in a tavern that has people and steaks, maybe play some pool-if you do that sort of thing.??

ive been eating fast food for a few days . i have even one less person to prepare stuff for now and when there were only two , leaves a big void .
those uppity fn bees are going to have to get off the waste sugar and have some spaghetti and homemade bread with me i reckon .
( the brat nazi )

Tonights fare was, corn flakes fried chicken, home made mashed taters, home made coleslaw and corn on the cob. I will do just about anything to put a few pounds on husband at this point!

OK, you've inspired me to get off my duff and put together a real meal. Leftover beef, frozen mixed veggies and a can of gravy, topped with speedy oil pastry and I have a meat pie ready for the oven. I hope it tastes as good as it looks.

Hubs is making pork, sauerkraut, and mashed potatoes for dinner! A fall meal before the temps go back into the 80s this week...

sounds yummy!!!

A couple of nights ago I was struggling with what to have for dinner and had some leftover chicken and made an awesome chicken pot pie. The recipe was very easy. Therefore, I am going to share.
The ingredients are, one can of cream of chicken soup, 1 can of cream of potato soup, half a bag of frozen mixed vegetables, two refrigerated pie crusts, 1/2 cup of milk, cut up chicken.
First follow the directions on pie crust box to make a a bottom crust, roll it out, place in deep dish pie plate and bake. While it is cooling. Cut all extra chicken into pieces, mix cans of soup vegetables, chicken and add milk until the consistency is to your liking. Fill the crust and over with rolled out crust, cut slits on top to vent. Cook according to the temp. on the box for about 20 min. After twenty minutes cover edges with tin foil and continue cooking for about 30 minutes or until filling begins to bubble out of slits or edges. Let cool for a few minutes before serving.

Send, if you all like sauerkraut put the brats in your slow cooker with a can of it. It;s wonderful that way.. as is or on a bun with mustard! Riince the kraut off if your watching your sodium!

OK, I gave hello Fresh a shout out a while back.. but this box was AWFUL!! Two of the three meals were awful, and hubs is cooking the last one right now, at least it looks and smells great. Meal one was rockfish. I am in Maryland and that is about our state fish... it was OK but not great.They even left the skin on it,,,, Last night was a Jaime special ( the last one was horrid too, so we were not too optimistic here) and it was so bad we threw it out..No lie, that bad. And we are not picky eaters! It's pricey, but we normally got 9 meals from the 6 meal box so it came out ok, and used to be wonderful.. but I will be cancelling tomorrow...

Re-naming today on Aging Scare, "Crockpot Tuesday" instead of taco tuesday.

Going to put some brats (no, not homemade) in the crockpot to be ready after picking up proud hubby from W O R K today.

Brats unlike any the Captain has ever made ( not a good cook here), but a gesture of support for Jake's Dad today.

Salad with spinach tortellinis for dinner.
Brownies for dessert.
Looking for a new t.v. or Netflix series to watch, now that I'v finished NCIS.

Tacy, I'm not a huge football fan, but I do enjoy the Michigan-Michigan State rivalry game and the Superbowl every year. Looking forward to those - we always do special snacks for them.

Did I hear that someone suggested eating worms? eeeew!

Tonight I made a meat pie starting with a mirepoix and leftover mushroom soup pork chops, covered with quick veg oil pastry and accompanied by my garden pole beans (the squirrels haven't figured out how to climb the narrow poles, ha)... success! Mom had a couple of beans and an ensure, I couldn't even tempt her with the doughnut I picked up for her at tim horton's this morning. Oh well, there's plenty left for her lunch tomorrow, but I can't guarantee the doughnut will still be here!

cwillie - Mom always called that Refrigerator Soup. Every leftover in the fridge, veggies, meat etc, got tossed into a pot with some broth. It used to turn out pretty good pretty much every time.

Happy for my husband to have this time, still standing by for when it all goes south.
I am going shopping, there is a farmers market on Sundays, free to go now.

Send would the paster feed you too? Offer to bring desert!

My Sunday dinners with my husband have just been cancelled.
He is eating at church since the pastor has started feeding him there.

Guess there are so many new opportunities and choices open to me now, but eating alone is not high on my list.

Susan, some of my favorite meals were just a reheat of every leftover in the frig, I usually added in a salad to round things out. I told the kids it was pot luck and last one there got the worst stuff lol !

Thinking tonight is going to be a hodge-podge of help-yourself. We have some awesome tuna noodle salad my daughter made, mimicking a recipe for the salad we picked up at the natural foods store/deli. It's pretty darn close to the original.

Feeling the loss of Mom very keenly lately, so eating is just not top priority for me. I'll eat if someone fixes something, but not terribly interested in doing major cooking myself.

8/26/2016 10:00 a.m. PDT

The fresh sugar snap peas are my favorite, as a snack-crispy sweet while I make the salad, or anytime. At the grocery store, in a ready-to-eat package has been all that I have tried, but going to a local farmer's market will be my next adventure.
So thank you, always for your contributions, as so many people really are exchanging their foods for fresh, natural, organic, local grown fruits and veges.

Pizza is easy, but it is something that will soon have to be only one piece or a no-no in my diet, scratch that, a no no in my food plan because I feel better eating healthier foods, eliminating breads.

Now, where's the best dark chocolate everyone? Yum.

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