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Wow. All this talk of pizza makes me want to run out and get a slice of Sicilian style NY pie covered in mushrooms or a slice of tasty pizza margherita--from the pizzeria, of course.

My favorite pizza has sausage, mushroom, olives.

To help my dH, and save money on a one topping pizza, I didn't get the sausage.
One medium had black olives, one had mushrooms-he puts these two pieces together like a sandwich-now it is a two-topping pizza-he is happy there is no meat.

Mushroom and yellow pepper Sicilian style pie from the pizzeria down the block. Best of both fast and food.

Oh, contraire. The best fast food is sausage & mushroom pizza from the Hut.

The best fast food is fresh food!

Imagine how difficult it is now for our local small farmers with all the drought and weather related problems. Let's make a point to buy something from your local farmer's market, or locally grown produce stand. I ate the best corn and sweet yellow grape tomatoes tonight!

Since I've had to go wheat free I have been playing with Kasha, which is really a seed. Sorba noodles are made from Kasha. I found them in an Asian store.
Coming home hungry I put together a yummy meal in about 10 minutes. Boiled the sorba for about 3 minutes, rinsed, and drained it. Took out frozen shrimp from freezer and set aside. Lined a simple steamer basket with fresh kale, and two other vegetables I had: a half of zucchini, sliced, and a handful of snowpeas, but you could use whatever fresh or even frozen vegetables you like. Got the steaming pot boiling with the veggies while sorba was boiling gently. Tossed in a handful of shrimp in the last two minutes. (If you buy raw shrimp it needs to cook for about 5 minutes). Took a jar of Brushetta from Trader Joe's and emptied it in a large bowl. I tossed the noodles, veggies, shrimp, and Brushetta all together and ate the whole thing. This was enough for one very hungry person.
Brushetta is a small jar of chopped tomatoes, cilantro, onions, garlic and so on.

This dish was inspired by a visit to a Vietnamese restaurant: huge bowl of noodles with lots of vegetables and a little chicken, then topped with fresh basil sprigs and fresh sprouts. I prefer the healthier Sorba noodles than the pretty white noodles. White rice, white noodles, white potatoes, white flour all lead to diabetes and other diseases.

I need to lose 20 pounds and to feel great every day: read Dr. Hyman's book The Blood Sugar Solutions and was inspired to deal with the total body and how it's all related. I'll let you all know how I do. Exercise is also on the menu!

Quick microwave dinner was lightly sauced sliced carrots, sugar snap peas, black beans, and edame steamers; second box broccoli folorets, julienne carrots, yellow sweet pepper strips, in a garlic-herb infused virgin olive oil seasoning, also steamers, with flaked albacore tuna over a bed of spinach, baby greens, and lettuce., ten minutes total compliments of the jolly, yo ho ho-a favorite vegetable brand my entire life. So happy to have frozen vegetables to heat up, placed over everything else that was cold.

i love to cook! Thank you... and I will eat anything once.... And I like blood pudding myself when I am "over there",, and even Haggis! I am lucky I live in Maryland where the seafood is fresh and plentiful! Mom only likes fried fish.. we are trying to convert her,, as it;s better for my diet too!

Pamz, you sound like an amazing cook, and I love that you utilize your garden, and cook fresh veg every day! You go Girl! And that Lobster bisque soup and dip sound just Scrummy!

Tacy, now Write This Down! Everywhere you go6in the UK, they have Fabulous Bakeries, and the best thing to try, besides the Sausage Rolls, as they are to Die For, but are more of a breakfast or Linch thing, is their VANILLA SLICES, or some call them, CUSTARD SLICES!!! They are amazing, and some bakeries may be better than others, so you have to try several different places, and that's just part of the FUN! IMO, and because I was raised in a British household, the food is Fab, but rich, especially if you like comfort food, as the things Veronica listed, yummy! Dinners often consist of Roast with gravy, and you must order a FULL ENGLISH BREAKFAST, at least once! You might want to skip on the black pudding, which is a type of sausage (blood sausage), and IS Made of blood, but maybe just a taste, if you are brave, Lol! I actually like it. Lot's of Pub type places have meat pies, of varying ingredients, and don't miss out on a good Shepherd's Pie, Yumm! My parents immigrated from Wales, UK in 1950, and Mom and Dad raised 6 kids on a single salary, so Mom could make amazing food in a tight budget! Loads if pastries, oh, don't miss out in a CORN BEEF PASTY, either! I hope you are a FOODIE, Love to try everything and DO! I didn't get to visit the UK, until both of my parents had already passed away, but I thoroughly enjoyed spending a good chunk of my little inheritance, visiting their homeland, and I felt that I should have been born there, it was so enjoyable and comfortable to me. I traveled for 3 weeks, with my 3 sisters, and stayed with my Auntie and Uncle, and my cousins, and after hearing many stories from my parents and many other family members who also immigrated over the years, it felt like home to me. Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy your trip, I am so jealous! I'll go back, just as soon as our caregiving days are over, and Hopefully sooner, this time with mu husband! Don't forget to ask Pheonix, as she of course lives there, and could tell you all the best places to go! Cherrio!

Tacy do NOT,, I repeat NOT drink Scrumpy.... And you probably want "still "bottled water, not fizzy...

Tacy bangers and mash, steak and kidney pudding, pork pie, trifle. I know you like to tipple but stay away from the beer and cider. If in doubt PM CM or Phoenix.
Don't forget the fish and chips. Have a good time.

You are going to get alot of fried tomatoes and potatoes! Also see this in Ireland and Scotland.. but I think their food is generally better... and the fish was awesome everywhere!

Here is a "link" (sort of) I found for you Tacy....we are not foodies dot com/english-and-american-english-food-terms/

I got mom a big can of lobster bisque for Chirstmas,, today we made half the can into bisque, and half into lobster dip with added lobster I chopped and sauted, plus french bread. She is loving it! And I will say it;s pretty yummy

I made fresh salsa from we are having tacos. Mom swears she had never had them..but she loved the salsa so we shall see!

Tonight is a hodge-podge of leftovers. Daughter made a big pot of unstuffed cabbage rolls and then a neighbor brought over a big batch of homemade pulled pork, so we have plenty to eat.

Went to the church today to finalize funeral arrangements for Mom, so I'm not really caring what we eat right now, as long as it's quick and easy and doesn't heat the house up.

Thank you Stacy! I'll eat it next time! I also love vinegar on my fries.. like at the beach or carnival! And I like to dip mine in barbque sauce!

book here that leaf is seaweed, and it helps hold the filling in so the rice can be rolled around it. I only eat the kind with no raw fish,, but I love the crab! I work in neurology and the raw fish thing freaks me out! But I hear it is wonderful

Emotional eater, bored, stressed eater. I'm expanding quite quickly in my midsection. Goal is to eat healthier. So lunch at Wendy's, I had a small chili and a small side garden salad, under $4. I scooped the chili into the salad spoonful at a time.

Dinner was ... Chili with mixed veggies. Opened the fridge and found 4 long rolls of freshly made sushi! There's a Korean woman who saw our carabao and Haden mango trees. Instead of asking for mangoes, she offered a trade. Homemade sushi in exchange. I missed the 1st exchange last Saturday, my nieces ate all of it without saving any for me. When I saw the sushi, all that goal to limit my eating just flew out the door.

4 different sushi. I couldn't eat the shrimp sushi since I'm allergic to shrimp. She not only gave us the long roll, she cut it finely like a professional does. It was sooooo delicious! I'm not really a sushi eater but the flavor was unique! Every bite had flavor. I've never known that one can put leaf (????) in sushi. Reminds me of eating a salad sushi with fresh tuna (not the can tuna, the Real tuna not cooked through).

Fave niece kept asking me to go with her to a sushi restaurant. Because I'm used to the store's sushi, I never cared for sushi. I'm telling you, if you eat a sushi made by an expert- OMG!!!

The fresh sweet corn is out so we arr having that tonight, along with a grilled chop.

Mmmmm! Brown Sauce is A1 over here in the states, or HP in the UK or Canada. Once and a while, I see HP sauce (brown sauce, and thicker than A1) here at the Cost Plus import store, and I'll pick up a few bottles, but not all the time. I know that in Canada, they often serve gravy over their potato fries, but here its mostly ketchup. I know my sisters and I always order a side of Ranch dressing to dip our Fries in, plus I like mine saturated in vinegar, to each their own! I'll have to try the melted cheese trick, on top of my beans on toast next time! Another thing that we cannot get in the states, or at least in Seattle, is Cross and Blackwells gravy browning. I know that a lot of you probably don't eat a lot of gravy, but being British, it was a staple in our home. Now I try to pick up a bottle or 2 when I go to Canada, but now my Passport gas just expired, so I need to get that sorted. I still have a bottle and a half, as that stuff never seems to expire, or rather it probably does, but heck, I'm still working on the same bottle now for at least 4 years now, as it only takes a couple of drops to make your gravy a rich dark brown! Don't quote me, as I might drop dead of Ptomaine Fever the next time I use it! ☺

Oh you two.. what is "brown sauce"? It was on packets on all the tables in Ireland and Scotland like we have Ketchup here? I didn;t know what to put it on? I'll try anything once,, but I like to know what i'm getting into here.

Oh yes Phoenix we have that.. but mom is hooked on bacon and it;s greasy byproduct! She grew up on a farm. I use the spray when I cook,,, And your beans on toast with A1 sounds great.. I could put Al on my fingers and eat it!

Mmmm beans on toast - serious comfort food for me especially if you grate cheese on top and grill it and add a dollop of A1 sauce yum yum

DO you have the one calorie frying spray over in the US? We have a buttery flavoured one as well as chilli and garlic and I think a herb one too and they make frying tomatoes a sensible option you can also make french fries using it to if you peel and par boil the potatoes then put them on an oven tray and spray them and finish them off in the oven - NO they are real french fries but they aren't bad and if you like potato chips then you can make healthy one of them too Google syn free crisps and you will find the recipe

stacey the only complaint I have about the yummy fried tomatoes is... Mom came back from Aunts full of praise of cousin who is on a diet and lost about 60 lbs, and yes I am thrilled for her! BUT.. Mom said I should go on it because she worries I carry my weight around my middle (like grandma) and it;s bad for the heart...So,, tomatoes fried in Bacon grease??? Does she even realize that her cooking and tastes have not helped this situation...LOL ?
As for the beans and toast... I have a friend who grew up eating beans only with chips to scoop them up with! This was a new one for the rest of us who were planning a cookout! And she could not believe we never did this.. It all depends on where you grew up! And yes, the beans and chips were not bad!

Pamz, yummm! When I was growing up, my Mom always used to make us fried red tomatoes on buttered toast, and I still make that all the time, I just Love it! I also like brown (Heinz) beans on toast, I think it's a British thing! Plus a cheap meal, when you're pinching pennies with 6 kids! Lol! Still Love it though!

Mom is making fried green tomatoes as we "speak"

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