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I love tomato sandwiches.

Tonight we are having tomato sandwiches and fresh Colorado peaches for dessert

I'll check it out, thank you!

The zucchini-strawberry jam is downright awesome. The texture is different because of the zucchini, but to be honest, if someone didn't tell you what it was, you'd never know.

If you go to Cooks dot com and look for zucchini-strawberry jam, it should come up. It uses a pack of strawberry jello, no pectin needed. And even with our haphazard canning system (no big canner pot, not enough jars, and multiple bowls in use at the same time to mix everything), it worked out great.

We alway cook too much,, I love leftovers and take them for my lunch when I work. Come on over!!

I think I need to move close to Pamz and invite myself over for dinner!

Tonight I prepped stuffed peppers with the first big peppers from our plants. It will be dinner tomorrow for G and Mom,, she comes home tomorrow and she likes this,,, if she's eating (eye roll)

One year my friend had an overproducing apple tree in her yard, and I had several bushels of apples,, I made bread, cake, applesauce. I was in heaven and my kitchen looked like a comercial bakery

57 you may have to send me some! And Susan, let me know how it is? I will gather extras from my neighbors,, I usually freeze about 15 loaves! We eat it all winter.. Its great for breakfast and full of fiber!

My daughter made zucchini-strawberry jam tonight....we'll find out tomorrow how
It is.

Pam I have 26 zucchini plants as I grow the zucchini for the zucchini bread at work!

Our zuchinni plants bit the dust while we were gone,, but today I made the last one into 4 loaves of chocolat chip raison bread, to freeze. And chicken dip and italian bread for a nibble type dinner. It;s hot here!

Salmon quiche

Taking some of baked chicken and cheese (individual portions made up to freeze in little baggies per Phoenix Daughter's advice) to make a quesadilla (white flour huge tortilla), will add grilled zucchini slices for the token vegetable.

Oh crap, I had a banana chocolate chip muffin and some generic "crunchy cheese flavoured snacks". Oh, and some hummus and pita. Mom enjoyed a smoothie blended with ensure, banana, strawberries and chia. Anything so I don't have to cook.

Tonight is beef enchiladas with a green chile cheese sauce

Copy that, Jessebelle! Means I bookmarked it as I was having my Boston Cream
Pie. A greek yogurt, 100 calories, brand name sounds a bit like 'you play.'
Now, that was good! How do they do that? It was all white, just yogurt color-but the chocolate icing flavor was even there, along with the creme, and cake flavorings. Yumm! This I can recommend.

Okay, I mustered some inspiration. It is in Europe. I don't know if the UK will still be involved after Brexit. That threw a scientific research wrench in things. The article is from last January, but I just read about the trials starting. They may have already begun?

I read that they are starting trials on a new vaccine. I forget which country. Maybe someone else will know. I'm uninspired to look at the moment.

Ronald Reagan had alzheimers, everyone knows that. Wondering now which came first, the love of ice cream or? Maybe it was those jelly beans.

Leave it to the caregivers to find the cause and cure someday. Now that would be a miracle.

The ice cream was invented by a man named Dan Gorham.

Oh boy,, wine cream sounds wonderful!! Who makes that??

I'd like to try some WineCream but it's only available in Maryland right now, so I will settle for Rum Raisin Ice cream.

Day, and MONTH.

Today is National ice cream day, part of Ronald Reagan's declarations as president to support the dairy industry. He also declared July as National Ice Cream day. I will have CHOCOLATE please.

brats simmered in beer then browned, and someting called crunchy pea salad I got at the deli,, everyone says its wonderful... hope so! And I had sushi for lunch,, never get that when mom is home!

Gershun, Only moments away from Welsh Rarebit, just add cheese to your toast!

Oh well, who stole my recipe?

Fisher lady - a woman after my own heart.

boil water, add in pre made store bought stuffed pasta, ie cheese ravioli, tortelloni, you get the idea. cook 10 minutes, drain add a 1/2 jar of sauce any flavor and walla.. dinner.

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