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fresh green beans from the orchard,, with ham hocks and potatoes! Two big pots full so plenty for the freezer!

I think I'll skip dinner tonight. I had a late lunch. Maybe some toast later?

Tacy022 I'm coming to your house! Yum

cantaloupe wine over ice , with an occasional side of nicotine and old school dirtweed .
ill bet none of us ever foresaw the day that the weed would be too strong and it would create a specialty market for " mediocre " herb , but by god here we are ..
isnt life shifty ? ..

We are having baked cod and fries and broccoli.

One of my favorite comfort foods is lentils and spaghetti--eaten along with a nice glass of red wine to drink, of course. I think I'll cook that soon. I used to like a nice piece of crusty Italian bread with it but bread isn't what it used to be and doesn't taste as fresh and delicious unless I buy a loaf from the bakery.

A salad with goat cheese, black olives and avocado dressing...a small bowl of white fresh popped popcorn on the side.

Saw your post about half-calf, and it was funny! Then, the post disappeared!
I never knew cows came with caffeine, now I will have to cut the creamer in half also!

Is this the junk food day? When is it? Can we make it official, and regular?

I am so challenged that last time everyone talked about chips, I went out to get my own chili-flavored fritos, and guilt made me put them back!

Sharadale, We have that exact potato recipe here, along with anything else dH cuts up! Are you sure your own dH doesn't have a cognitive decline diagnosis?
Or, aspergers?

Yesterday my tummy was not feeling well so I just made my husband help with cooking because I didn't want to share germs if I am getting sick. So he made a hamburger for himself, a hot dog for Mom and then I showed him how to steam the corn on the cob in the microwave, so they both had an ear of corn, cottage cheese, potato salad and watermelon.
I felt fine today so I made fried catfish and hubby as supposed to cut potato in lengthwise wedges so I could bake them in the oven, but he sliced part of it and cut in long fries and cut in little squares. So given the hodgepodge of cut potato , I went ahead and fried the potatoes with the fish and steamed broccoli.

Not being able to stand wheat flour anymore I made a banana bread with coconut flour. I discovered it goes a long way because it was a bit dense. It toasted well for a snack with sunflower seed butter on it and also another day one slice in the bottom of a dessert dish, then layered with fresh berries and a little plain yogurt drizzled with a little maple syrup made a kind of shortcake dish.

I got out every vegetable in the refrigerator, cut it into chunks, tossed it with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, sliced in huge garlic cloves and baked it in a casserole dish for about an hour. How easy is that? Smells great and makes great leftovers. Next day I put some on top of romaine lettuce. It made a tasty big salad. It contained small Italian eggplant, beets, carrots, zuchini, onions, brussel sprouts, and pea pods. I roasted some sweet potato halves for the side dish at the same time.

Haha, Gersh!

I was looking for this thread earlier today and I couldn't find it. Glad it popped back up.

I made a super delicious soup today, that mom used to make for us back when.

She loved it! !!!

"Caldo de Frijol" = Bean Light Soup

Cooked beans
Powder garlic
Powder onion
Powder orégano
Salt to taste
Put cooked beans in blender, with plenty of their own broth

Blend beyond recognition

Put soup in a pot to heat, adding powders.

If you have store bought croutons, ok. But if you want to make it totally delicious, make your own: cut french bread, or white bread in sort of cubes, squares. Dry them -air dry - for a few days. Fry them to golden brown.

Once soup is simmering, add a drizzle of olive oil.

Serve in bowls, add croutons so that hot soup can soften them.



cwillie I have done the same thing. I figure why let healthy food get in the way of a good junk food day.

Yesterday I chomped down a whole bag of potato chips, today isn't over yet and I have eaten the whole family sized chocolate bar that was supposed to last several days (when will I learn!) I am thinking that maybe I should just commit to a total junk food diet and cut out all those extra calories from fruits and veggies and whole grains.

No one ate the corn on the cob yesterday at the BBQ, so tonight it's homemade corn chowder (or chowda, as my Dad would have said in his Boston accent).

Happy Fourth of July, 2016!
Remembering everything my mother would cook up for the holiday and all the family would show up: Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Grandparents too.
Fried Chicken, Mashed potatoes, with gravy, Peas, Potato Salad, Corn on the Cob, Coleslaw, Deviled eggs, Potato Chips and dips (quacamole, onion), a jello with whipped cream & fruit salad, all homemade with iced tea and lemonade, coffee, lemon merangue pies, pecan pie, and yes-because I forgot, parents once owned a coffeeshop! Loved the varied menu-and the only time the children had help with the dishes. But Mom must have cleaned as she went along, because the pots and pans were done. Guess we had it easy. No more family meals at my home, and not cooking today as dH is out on his bicycle, I cannot walk due to lower back pain-rare-hope it goes away soon.

Twin, Got some really good ground beef, and plan a meatloaf idea with individual portions, smaller than meatloaf, larger than meatballs, bake in our little toaster-oven. Way back as a teen, I remember putting cheese inside our hamburgers, then broiling. Don't know why I forgot, but never do it this way-maybe I will put some cheese inside my meatloaf-littles.

The first time I am making this but in the oven instead of the grill. Woven bacon wrapped cheddar meatloaf and the usual cheesy hash brown potatoes.

Homemade soup that has simmered the afternoon was always a good evening meal for mom and I, with bread, of course! I cared for my mom in the last year of her life, and was at her side as she died. Her decline was not very long, but our relationship was not good in my formative years. It required a lot of soul searching and forgiving- I felt put-upon by her and my siblings for being the "designated caregiver"- it was her choice to die in her home. We were able to get hospice involved the last 2 weeks and it was very helpful. Mom apologized for me "having to do this"- but remember all; even though it puts us out in all manner of ways, this is the ultimate gift you can give. No one has to do it alone. Check out local senior centers.. Many have day-care services. Mom spent 3 days a week there and had friends at the center. It gives you some "me" time, too. Access state funded aging- programs. Some have dementia day care... Don't allow either of you to be stuck in a home looking at each other eventually ending up hating each other and what you've become- find resources- demand other family members step up to the plate and give you some off-time. I continued working full- time until the last 2 weeks, when it became a rocky 24/7. I found great support from co-workers. No one pretends it's easy- but it will either work or not. Assisted living is an option to look into. Don't neglect your own health, mental, physical, or financial.

Today is tuesday. Anyone hear of the newer catering-tacos? Its taco tuesday, wouldn't it be nice to have them catered?

Maybe its not so new, but I never saw vans driving through town with taco catering ads before.

Ow ow ow owie, dietary indescretions, had bar-be-que from a place called dickeys -a fast food to go. Needed the protein, couldn't cook at home-the meat was so tender!
Prilosec, Digest-zen, Tums, awake late last night. My bad.


Because I have too much time on my hands I did a web search of Alhambra. Guess what, there is a lovely sounding drink called Alhambra Royale made of cognac, hot chocolate, a twist of orange peel and whipped cream. There is also a yummy sounding chocolate hazelnut sponge cake called Alhambra. I would gladly accept either one, or both, for my dinner. LOL

After I have been asked fifty times every five minutes I my standard reply is..
"roasted hockey pucks"
The the next whats for dinner i say:
"Alhambra" and she asks What the H is that..{grin}

Hi Blackdogmina! Been awhile sine I have seen you posting!

After burgers at home, there was a store-bought fresh lemon meringue pie.

The famous burgers were cooked earlier today, packed separate from the tomatoes, lettuce and onions, and sauce in packages, then a short time in the microwave, ejoyed this dinner out but in.

Jeeez....tacy LOL....I hear you.....pretty d@mn yummy......
Tonight, for me: small, really healthy salad.....followed by half a bag of cheeto's.....
Yeah....sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do....

What's for dinner? Either pasta with peso and a side salad or whole grain pancakes with Jack Daniels maple syrup and fresh strawberries on top.

Happy Gal you sure make the veggie diet look very appealing and exotic. Wish you were my neighbour Id learn a few things. Like the Cap im a meat eater never like vegetables and after so many times hearing I need to include them in my diet I try. But you make it seem very enticing!

Captain Ive been meaning to ask what is a brat. How do you make it or them. Sounds like a specialty like when my father made coon or possum? Which was a delicacy he enjoyed all by himself!!

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