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the chili has been good but i brought home a package of sirloin steaks tonight and im going to have one of them as sure as it browns up .
im making the " huge wad of coronary causing beef stuffed into your aorta till your heart stops " plate . i think its romanian but i dont relly care .

Spinach and cheese tortellini topped with just a little melted butter and grated parmesan cheese; romaine salad with heirloom garden tomatoes (from neighbor); and brownies for dessert.

Cwillie, the salmon oil is on the walls of the sink drain and garbage disposal, on the can lid in the trash, and anything used to wipe up. Hot soapy water, scrub, and feel perfectly okay when you tell the caregiver: Salmon cans are banned from now on.

i dont " get " salmon either . i like mackerel moreso .
brandywine , yea , spaghetti dont have to be tomato based . ive made great spaghetti in white sauce with turkey . the WHOLE turkey . his name was sid and he was a butthole . i put up with his theatrics until the day he came inside my garage talkin that ghetto s*it while i was trying to change a transmission . he was skinned and in the freezer in minutes . he became christmas spaghetti for probably 20 people .

I made spaghetti with spinach and shrimp. It was pretty good but a little bland until I put some spices on it.

Caregiver brought a can of salmon today to make herself a sandwich. All I can smell is salmon, I have searched high and low for the source. Did I mention I hate canned salmon?

ahh , the power of suggestion . now im going to listen to an hour or so of " rage " ..

in the words of the german rock group " rage " -- ill race you from the cradle to the grave ..
its almost brat makin time again . this time i have sauteed , chipped morels to twist in there .
got everything in , just waiting for the rain day .
might grind some beef with them . been reading about curry wurst . very popular and very beef ..

Yum! To all!

Slow smoked pork ribs,grilled corn on the cob with butter, baked beans with lots of bacon/onion/maple syrup and a dash of ketchup, potato salad, coleslaw and if that was not enough, homemade pecan pie. Sorry, you missed it.

I'm going to Tacy's!!!

I had a big bowl of homemade lentil soup from the freezer and some delicious mixed fruit, mango, kiwi, banana and grapefruit. In case I OD on healthy I saved a big doughnut for later. But after reading Tacy's post I want all of that too, time to go rummage around and see what else I can find.

i decided last night that only a dumb*ss would heat up chili then wait for it to cool back to room temp to eat it . so i had a bowl of cold chili . cold rice , beef , tomato, red beans and mushroom bits . it was surprisingly good .
93 degrees isnt chili weather is what im gettin at .

Geez. If you only knew what you REALLY ate!

Easy dinner: creamy zucchini soup made with onions, fennel, buzzed with a hand blender with added plain goat yogurt. Garnished with fresh cilantro. Eaten with a rice wrap of Trader Joe's garbanzo-garlic spread, beet hummus, a big handful of mixed mesclun greens, feta cheese slices, and a tomato. One incredible mango, whole and all to myself for dessert.

happygal ,
id agree with you in principle but in my version you feed ALL the vegs to a couple of hogs then when the belly growls you drag one of em out under the fence and stick a knife in his aorta .
im going to heat up some more chili after my legs stop howling . put in a long day today and will probly be back to laying stone tomorrow .
after about 2 pm i feel 15 yrs older by the hour . at 5 ; 30 today i took my 103 yr old @$# HOME ..

I'm so grateful that I live alone and go out to eat or eat home and eat as clean and healthy as my determination is good for. My rule is look at vegetables the way a kid looks at candy. Omit the restaurant MSG, use fresh lemon instead. 99% soysauce is crap. tamari is good but you don't find it in restaurants. Cut the sugar, white flour, even wheat flour. Cut down on white potatoes, fried foods, and drinking soda and fruit juice. It doesn't have to be boring. It's attitude. I can't wait to see my waist again and not to feel I am busting out of my shirts. Veggies rock. And it's very fast and easy to make for dinner.

I got a spiralizer at Saver's for $5. Made cucumber salad on one day, another day I spiralized raw sweet potatoes and baked them gently. I am discovering how to use parchment paper when baking instead of greasing the dishes with oils. You should NEVER use vegetable oil by now! Only coconut oil or olive oil.

If you want to "beat the system" say no to our drug culture of vulture medicine that does NOT help you, and try to eat the healthiest you can.

My recent discovery: Dr. Axe. He has easy and wonderful recipes and tons of fun things to read on how to take care of yourself and others. I also love Dr. Fuhrman. So much online info. No excuse anymore for being a slug and handing over your life to your poor adult children and demand they dump their life for yours.

Really, isn't that's what is happening? Sure seems like it.

For several years since I inherited the job of chief-cook-and-dishwasher I have been preparing meals for my ADW. I now cook using a microwave oven and a counter top electric steamer. The diet is based on fish, sea scollops, chicken, vegies and tofu. All with a hearty base of Chinese eggplant in garlic sauce.I guess 90% of our meals are steamed. This permits food to be from mush to tender. The best thing is the microwave and steamer shut themselves off and eliminate stove top concerns.
One can throw meals-on-wheels into the steamer and cook and cook and cook...and cook
We also eat casseroles, hamburger pie, mac n cheese, fruit, tuna salad, boiled raisin cake and apple blueberry pie. All manner of frozen foods can be heated and cooked in the steamer. I have been known to place package frozen dinners un-opened in the steamer and cook them with the steam
The microwave drawback is it dries things our.

Taco night! Really good. Tomorrow I think we will make chimichangas.

i brought home one of the beef roasts tonight , ground it up and made chili . i know this isnt chili weather but it just sounded like a good change .
think ill let it cool way down before having some of it . its about 85 degrees today in indiana , maybe 93 tomorrow .
i dont care . i hate the cold weather so much that i refuse to fuss about the other extreme .

i think the guy who owns the farm i work at wants me to take about 60 lbs of good beef thats in his freezer . i think him and his wife have changed their diets to exclude beef . ill can it all up if i end up with it .
beef gets fork tender in the pressure canner . makes a right quick meal with the addition of egg noodles or canned potatoes .
im trying not to get carried away with the prepper mentality but i cant see the downside to having a few hundred quarts of preserved food . some people save back money for the uncertain future -- my strategy has always been to find ways to live cheaply .
i cant predict the future but i can safely speculate that im not going to be panic buying food at the first sign of a snow blizzard .
the rain water tank is topped off . im not far from plumbing my clothes washer back up .

Pancakes and eggs, syrup, half-calf coffee, dessert later. Using plain Greek yoghurt in the mix, and vanilla. Breakfast for dinner!

We have a vacuum sealer with the container.. it is the BOMB!

It's not how fast you mow Capt it's how well you mow fast.
If you ever get that vacuum sealer there are a couple of plastic containers with lids you can get. The bigger square one of ideal for marinating those tough Save me nothing steaks. Put the meat in the container,add your favorite marinade and seal on the lid and they are tender enough for an old man with no teeth.

cwillie I brought some sweet and sour sauce and it sounds like your stir fry. I like the Heinz but it has suddenly vanished. So home made it is again.

the chops would actually make pretty good brats since brats need about 30 % fat .
i got my " fake binoculars " 16 ounce flask at the post office this morning . it isnt the dumbest 12 dollar purchase ive ever made . that title is already taken by the 2 ea 11 . 00 beers i bought at my last concert . i think ill have more fun out of them pretending to gaze and drool at shirley manson than what thrill ill get from the rotgut booze i plan to smuggle in .
i think ill get my son carry to the binoculars in . im not assertive enough . he , on the other hand would elbow your head right off your shoulders if you impede his scheme in any way . hes kinda street smart and im kinda " logging path " slow in the head by comparison .

Cap, sounds like that pork should be destined for pulled pork in the slow cooker.

i dont trust many storebought sauces ( or sauce mixes ) . red pepper , sugar , vineagar and jelly would have produced a more predictable sweet / sour .
im just chewing on a couple of fried pork chops tonight . they clearly came from an 8 year old brood sow . sav a lot should be forced to furnish heart defibrilators with this low grade meat .

Having crab meat quiche that I made.

I made a huge stir fry with some store bought stir fry sauce, planning for leftovers. OMG it's horrible! Maybe I should just say sc%& it and toss some onion rings and fries in the toaster over?

i received my 300 wine corks in the mail today . just for kicks i had to try out the wine cork press . incredible . you soak the corks in water to soften and lubricate them then with just a twist of two levers you slam a 1 inch cork into a 3/4 inch bottle neck . ive been mr wrong way jones for so many decades that i dont know who the hell im supposed to be now .

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